Original Papers

  1. A. Yoshikawa, K. Aoki, K. Kamada, F. Saito, M. Itoh, T. Katagiri, D. Iri, and M. Fujita
    Excitation Energy Transfer in CeF3 Single Crystals Doped With Sr2+
    IEEE. Nucl. Trans. Sci. 55(3) (2008) 1138-1141
  2. A. Yoshikawa, K. Kamada, F. Saito, H. Ogino, M. Itoh, T. Katagiri, D. Iri, and M. Fujita
    Energy Transfer to Pr3+ Ions in Pr:Lu3Al5O12 (LuAG) Single Crystals
    IEEE. Nucl. Trans. Sci. 55(3) (2008) 1372-1375
  3. A. Yoshikawa, K. J. Kim, K. Aoki, K. Kamada, F. Saito, J. Pejchal, N. Solovieva, and M. Nikl
    Single Crystal Growth and Luminescence Properties of CeF3-CaF2 Solid Solution Grown by the Micro-Pulling-Down Method
    IEEE. Nucl. Trans. Sci. 55(3) (2008) 1484-1487
  4. M. Nikl, E. Mihokova, J. Pejchal, A. Vedda, M. Fasoli, I. Fontana, V. V. Laguta, V. Babin, K. Nejezchleb, A. Yoshikawa, H. Ogino, and G. Ren
    Scintillator Materials-Achievements, Opportunities, and Puzzles
    IEEE. Nucl. Trans. Sci. 55(3) (2008) 1035-1041
  5. H. Ogino, K. Kamada, A. Yoshikawa, F. Saito, J. Pejchal, J. A. Mares, Ma. Nikl, A. Vedda, J. Shimoyama, and K. Kishio
    Suppression of Host Luminescence in the Pr:LuAG Scintillator
    IEEE. Nucl. Trans. Sci. 55(3) (2008) 1197-1200
  6. M. Zhuravleva, A. Novoselov, E. Mihokova, J. A. Mares, A. Vedda, M. Nikl, and A. Yoshikawa
    Crystal Growth and Scintillating Properties of Zr/Si-Codoped YAlO3 : Pr3+
    IEEE. Nucl. Trans. Sci. 55(3) (2008) 1476-1479
  7. K. Kamada, K. Tsutsumi, Y. Usuki, H. Ogino, T. Yanagida, and A. Yoshikawa
    Crystal Growth and Scintillation Properties of 2-Inch-Diameter Pr : Lu3Al5O12 (Pr:LuAG) Single Crystal
    IEEE. Nucl. Trans. Sci. 55(3) (2008) 1488-1491
  8. R. Simura, V. V. Kochurikhin, A. Yoshikawa, S. Uda
    Growth of stable shaped single crystals by the micro-pulling-down method with automatic power control system
    Journal of Crystal Growth, 310(7-9) (2008) 2148-2151
  9. T. Chaneliere, J. Ruggiero, J.-L. Le Gouet, W. Tittel, J.-H. Mun, A. Jouini, A. Yoshikawa, G. Boulon, Y. Le Du, Ph. Goldner, F. Beaudoux, J. Vincent, E. Antic-Fidancev, and O. Guillot-Noel
    Tm3+:Y2O3investigated for a quantum light storage application
    Phys. Rev. B 77, (2008) 245127
  10. M. Cadatal, Y. Furukawa, Y.-S. Seo, S. Ono, E. Estacio, H. Murakami, Y. Fujimoto, N. Sarukura, M. Nakatsuka, K. Fukuda, R. Simura, T. Suyama, A. Yoshikawa, and F. Saito
    Vacuum ultraviolet optical properties of a micro-pulling-down-method grown Nd3+:(La0.9,Ba0.1)F2.9
    J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 25(7), (2008) B27
  11. S. Zhang, A. Yoshikawa, K. Kamada, E. Frantz, R. Xia, D. W. Snyder, T. Fukuda, T. R. Shrout
    Growth and characterization of high temperature La3Nb0.5Ga5.3Al0.2O14 (LNGA) and La3Ta0.5Ga5.3Al0.2O14 (LTGA) piezoelectric single crystals
    Solid State Communications, 148 (2008) 213-216
  12. W. Drozdowski; P. Dorenbos; J.T.M. de Haas; R. Drozdowska; A. Owens; K. Kamada; K. Tsutsumi; Y.;Usuki, T. Yanagida; A. Yoshikawa
    Scintillation properties of praseodymium activated Lu Al 5O12 single crystals
    IEEE. Nucl. Trans. Sci. 55(4) (2008) 2420-2424
  13. M. Zhuravleva, V. I. Chani, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa
    The micro-pulling-down growth of Bi4Si3O12 (BSO) and Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO) fiber crystals and their scintillation efficiency
    Journal of Crystal Growth, 310(7-9) (2008) 2152-2156
  14. A. Jouini, A. Brenier, Y. Guyo, G. Boulon, H. Sato, A. Yoshikawa, K. Fukuda, T. Fukuda
    Spectroscopic and Laser Properties of the Near-Infrared Tunable Laser Material Yb3+-Doped CaF2 Crystal
    Cryst Growth Des, 8(3) (2008) 808-811
  15. D. Drobot, E. Nikishina, E. Lebedeva, A. Novoselov A, A. Yoshikawa
    Synthesis of complex oxide phases by using of low hydrated niobium and tantalum hydroxides
    Materials Research Bulletin, 43(5) (2008) 1232-1238
  16. Y. Ohgi, H. Kagi, H. Arima, A. Ohta, K. Kamada, A. Yoshikawa and K. Sugiyama
    Crystal growth and structural characterizations of Ce-doped Gd9.33(SiO4)6O2 single crystals
    J. Cryst. Growth, 311(3) (2009) 526-529
  17. M. Zhuravleva, A. Novoselov, M. Nikl, J. Pejchal, H. Ogino and A. Yoshikawa
    Crystal growth and scintillation properties of YAlO3:Pr co-doped with Mo3+ and Ga3+ ions
    J. Cryst. Growth, 311(3) (2009) 537-540
  18. H. Ogino, A. Yoshikawa, J.A. Mares, M. Nikl, J. Shimoyama and K. Kishio
    Growth and optical properties of Lu3(Ga,Al)5O12 single crystals for scintillator application
    J. Cryst. Growth, 311(3) (2009) 908-911
  19. J Pejchal, M Nikl, E Mihokova, J A Mares, A Yoshikawa, H Ogino, K M Schillemat, A Krasnikov, A Vedda, K Nejezchleb and V Mucka
    Pr3+-doped complex oxide single crystal scintillators
    J. Phys. D, 42(5) (2009) 055117
  20. P. Lombard, B. Boizot, N. Ollier, A. Jouini and A. Yoshikawa
    Spectroscopic studies of Ti3+ ions speciation inside MgAl2O4 spinels
    J. Cryst. Growth (In press)
  21. K. Tabata, T. Tamakoshi, Y. Masukawa, Y. Kuwana, Y. Ichikawa, S. Ono, K. Fukuda, T. Suyama, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa and F. Saito
    Ultraviolet Photoconductive detector using Cerium Fluoride Thin Film Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition
    Mater. Res. Soc. (accepted)
  22. A.Yoshikawa, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, F. Nara, Y. Fujimoto, J. Pejchal, N. Kawaguchi, S. Ishizu, K. Fukuda; T. Suyama and M. Nikl
    Crystal growth and VUV luminescence properties of Er doped and Tm doped LiCaAlF6
    J. Cryst. Growth (submitted)
  23. Kei Kamada , Takayuki Yanagida,Yoshiyuki Usuki and Akira Yoshikawa
    Detection of scintillation light from Pr:Lu3Al5O12(LuAG) by Gallium nitride photodiode
    IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.(submitted)
  24. K. Kamada , T. Yanagida, K. Tsutsumi, Y. Usuki, M. Sato, H. Ogino, A. Yoshikawa, M. Kobayashi, S. Sugimoto and F. Saito
    “Scintillation properties of 2-inch-diameter Pr: Lu3Al5O12(LuAG) single crystal”
    IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.(submitted)
  25. L. Swiderski, M. Moszyński, A. Nassalski, A. Syntfeld-Kazuch, T. Szczesniak, K. Kamada, K. Tsutsumi, Y. Usuki, T. Yanagida and A. Yoshikawa
    Light Yield Non-proportionality and Energy Resolution of Praseodymium Doped LuAG Scintillator
    IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.(submitted)
  26. A. Vedda, M. Fasoli, M. Nikl, V.V. Laguta, E. Mihokova, J. Pejchal, A. Yoshikawa and M. Zhuravleva
    The shaping of trap-centre recombination processes by rare earth activators in YAlO3 single crystal host
    Phys. Res. B (submitted)

Proceedings Papers

Review and books

  1. 荻野拓、渡邉匡人
    日本結晶成長学会誌 35(2) (2008) 1
  2. 荻野拓、吉川彰、Martin Nikl
    日本結晶成長学会誌 35(2), (2008) 81-88
  3. 吉川彰、柳田健之、横田有為、荻野拓
    日本結晶成長学会誌 35(2), (2008) 89-95
  4. 薄善行、鎌田圭、堤浩輔、鈴木千里、小林智治、吉川彰、荻野拓、Martin Nikl、小林正明、杉本章二郎
    日本結晶成長学会誌 35(2), (2008) 104-110
  5. 吉川彰
    ANNALS 13, (2009) 9-12
  6. A. Yoshikawa and V. Chani
    Growth of Optical Crystals by Micro-Pulling-Down Method
    MRS Bulletin (In press)
  7. R. Fornari, M. Roth and G. Editors
    “Recent Advances in Bulk Crystal Growth”
    MRS Bulletin (In press)


  1. P. Lombard, B. Boizot, N. Ollier, A. Jouini, A. Yoshikawa
    Spectroscopic studies of Ti3+ ions speciation inside MgAl2O4 spinels
    161 award, The 4th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (May 24th, 2006)
  2. 吉川 彰、柳田 健之、鎌田 圭、薄 善行
    第22回独創性を拓く 先端技術大賞 経済産業大臣賞 (2008年6月11日)
  3. 横田 有為
    多元物質科学研究奨励賞 (2008年12月11日)
  4. 吉川 彰、柳田健之、横田有為
    「Development of inorganic scintillators for medical, security and industrial applications」
    German Innovation Award: The 1st Gottfried Wagener Prize (Mar. 6th, 2009)
  5. 横田 有為
    応用物理学会 講演奨励賞 (2009年3月30日)
  6. 荻野 拓
    応用物理学会 講演奨励賞 (2009年3月30日)
  7. 吉川 彰
    「陽電子断層撮影装置 (PET) 用シンチレータの開発および実用化」
    平成20年度 工藤学術財団褒賞 (2009年3月31日)


  1. M. Zhuravleva, A. Novoselov, J. Pejchal, M. Nikl, A. Beitlerova and A. Yoshikawa
    “The micro-pulling-down grown (Pr, Mo)-codoped YAlOfor scintillator application”
    The 4th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT-4), May 21-24, 2008, Tohoku University, Japan.
  2. H. Konno, K. J. Kim, A. Yoshikawa and K. Sugiyama
    “Crystal growth of fluoride garnet Na3Al2Li3F12 by micro pulling down method”
    The 4th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT-4), May 21-24, 2008, Tohoku University, Japan.
  3. J. Pejchal, M. Nikl, A. Novoselov and A. Yoshikawa
    “Luminescence and decay kinetics of Pb2+ center in LiCaAlF6 single crystral growth”
    The 4th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT-4), May 21-24, 2008, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
  4. P. Lombard, B. Boizot, N. Ollier, A. Jouini and A. Yoshikawa
    “Spectroscopic studies of Ti3+ ions sepeciation inside MgAl2O4 spinels”
    The 4th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT-4), May 21-24, 2008, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
  5. H. Ogino, A. Yoshikawa, M. Nikl, A. Vedda, J. Shimoyama and K. Kishio
    “Growth and optical properties of Lu3(Ga, Al)5O12 single crystals for scintillator application”
    The 4th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT-4), May 21-24, 2008, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
  6. Y. Ohgi, H. Kagi, K. Kamada, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa and K. Sugiyama
    “Crystal growth structural and optical characterizations of Ce-doped Gd9.33(SiO4)6O2 single crystals”
    The 4th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT-4), May 21-24, 2008, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
  7. K. K. Kim, T. Yanagida, K. Kamada, K. Aoki, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa and F. Saito
    “Gamma-ray responsed of Ce3+-doped CaF2 single crystals grown by the micro-pulling down method”
    The 4th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT-4), May 21-24, 2008, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
  8. M. M. Cadatal, Y, Furukawa, Y. S. Seo, S. ono, E. Estacio, H. Murakami, Y. Fujimoto, N. Sarukura, M. Nakatsuka, L. Fukuda, R. Simura, T. Suyama and A. Yoshikawa
    “Micro-pulling down method growth and characterization of Nd3+: (La0.9, Ba0.1)F2.9 as potential vaccum ultraviolet laser material and scintillator”
    The 4th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT-4), May 21-24, 2008, Tohoku University, Japan.
  9. K. Kamada, T. Yanagida, Y. Usuki and A. Yoshikawa
    “Detection of scintillation light from Pr:Lu3Al5O12(LuAG) by gallium nitride photodiode”
    5th International Conference on New Developments In Photodetection 2008, June 15-20, 2008. Palais des Congrès, Aix-les-Bains, France.
  10. A. Yoshikawa, A. Jouini, K. Kamada, G. Boulon, M. Nikl, F. Saito
    “Phase transition control, melt growth of (Gd,RE)F3 single crystal and their luminescent properties
    The 15th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL’8)”
    (Invited talk)
  11. M. Zhuravleva, M. Nikl, J. Pejchal, J. Mares and A. Yoshikawa
    “Crystal growth and scintillating properties of Pr:YAP and Pr:LuYAP”
    The 15th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL’8), July 7-11, 2008, Lyon, France
  12. J. Pejchal, M. Nikl, E. Mihokova, A. Novoselov, A. Yoshikawa and R.T.Williams
    “Temperature dependence of the Pr3+ luminescence in LSO and YSO hosts”
    The 15th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL’8), July 7-11, 2008, Lyon, France.
  13. M. Nikl, A. Vedda, E. Mihokova, M. Fasoli, A. Yoshikawa, G. Ren and K. Nejezchled
    ICDIM2008, Aug 24-29, 2008, Aracaju, Brazil.
  14. A. Vedda, M. Nikl, M. Fasoli, V.V. Laguta, A. Yoshikawa and M. Zhuraleva
    “The shaping of trap-center recombination process by rare earth activators in YAlO3 single crystal host”
    International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM), Aug. 24-29. 2008, Aracaju, SE, Brazil
  15. A. Yoshikawa, T. Yanagida, N. Andrey, K. J. Kim, N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, T. Suyama, M. Nikl
    “Crystal growth, optical properties and neutron responses of Ce3+6 single crystal”
    Oct. 19-25. 2008, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE NSS/MIC) 2008, Dresden, Germany
  16. M. Zhuravleva, M. Nikl, J. Pejchal, J.A. Mares, A. Yoshikawa
    “Crystal growth and scintillation properties of YAP:Pr co-doped with tetravalent and trivalent ions”
    Oct. 19-25. 2008, IEEE NSS MIC 2008, Dresden, Germany
  17. T. Yanagida, K. J. Kim, K. Kamada, K. Aoki, N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, A. Yoshikawa
    “Measurement of Light Yield of Ce3+ Perturbed Emission of CaF2 Scintillator Coupled with APD”
    Oct. 19-25. 2008, IEEE NSS MIC 2008, Dresden, Germany
  18. T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa, A. Ikesue, K. Kamada
    “Basic Properties of Ceramic Pr:LuAG Scintillator”
    Oct. 19-25. 2008, IEEE NSS MIC 2008, Dresden, Germany
  19. Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, K. J. Kim, A. Yoshikawa, N. Kawaguchi, S. Ishizu, K. Fukuda, M. Nikl, M. Miyake and M. Baba
    “Growth, Optical Properties and Neutron Responses of Ce3+ Doped LiYF4 Single Crystals”
    Oct. 19-25. 2008, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE NSS/MIC) 2008, Dresden, Germany
  20. M. Sato, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa
    “Physics of valance photodiode and its application as a redout detector of scintillators”
    Oct. 19-25. 2008, IEEE NSS MIC 2008, Dresden, Germany
  21. K. Fukuda, N. Kawaguchi, T. Suyama, T.i Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa, M. Nikl
    “Crystal growth and scintillation property of Nd3+ -doped LaF3 single crystal”
    Oct. 19-25. 2008, IEEE NSS MIC 2008, Dresden, Germany
  22. N. Kawaguchi, T. Yanagida, A. Novoselov, K. J. Kim, K. Fukuda, A. Yoshikawa
    “Neutron responses of Eu2+ activated LiCaAlF3 scintillator”
    Oct. 19-25. 2008, IEEE NSS MIC 2008, Dresden, Germany
  23. A. Yoshikawa, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, F. Nara, Y. Fujimoto, K. Kamada, F. Saito
    “Study on Pr: LuAG scintillator, arraying procedure, assembling with photo detector and 2-dimensional imaging”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
    (Invited presentation)
  24. J. Pejchal, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa, E. Mihokova, J. A. Mares, A. Vedda, A. Novoselov, H. Ogino, K. Nejezchleb, F. Saito
    “Luminescence and scintillation properties of Pr-doped orthosilicates and aluminum garnets”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
  25. M. Zhuravleva, A. Yoshikawa, J. Pejchal, M. Kimura, J. A. Mares, M. Nikl, F. Saito
    “Crystal growth and scintillation properties of Pr:YAP and Pr:LuYAP”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First 2007Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
    2007 (Poster)
  26. K. Kamada, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa, and F. Saito
    “Large size single crystal growth of Pr:Lu3Al5O12 and their uniformity of scintillation properties.”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
  27. T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa, H. Ogino, K. Kamada, M. Sato, M. Miyake, M. Baba, M. Itoh, S. Yamamoto, and F. Saito
    “Development of Positron Emission Mammography (PEM)”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
  28. A. Yoshikawa, M. Kimura, C. Kamada, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, F. Saito
    “Single Crystal Growth and Optical Properties of Pr-doped K(Y,Lu)3F10
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
  29. H. Ogino, A. Yoshikawa, M. Nikl, J. Shimoyama, K. Kishio
    “Improvement of Ce doped LuAG scintillator by suppression of defect related luminescence”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
  30. T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa, K. Kamada, A. Ikesui, and F. Saito
    “Fundamental Evaluation of Pr3+ Activated Lu3Al5O12 ceramic scintillator”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
  31. A. Fukabori, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa, T. Ikegami, F. Saito
    “Scintillation properties of Y2O3 transparent ceramics”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
  32. Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa, N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, M. Nikl, M. Miyake, M. Baba, F. Saito
    “The Ce3+ ion substitution level dependence of optical properties and neutron response for Ce doped LiYF4 single crystals.”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
  33. N. Kawaguchi, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, F. Nara, K. Fukuda, A. Yoshikawa, M. Miyake, M. Baba, F. Saito
    “Divalent europium ion doped LiCaAlF6 scintillator for thermal neutron detector”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
  34. T. Yanagida, K. J. Kim, K. Kamada, K. Aoki, N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, A. Yoshikawa, F. Saito
    “Absolute Light Yield of Ce3+ Perturbed Emission in Calcium Fluoride Scintillator”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
  35. N. Abe, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, N. Kawaguti, F. Nara, A. Yoshikawa, F. Saito
    “Crystal Growth and Scintillation Properties of Tm: BaF2 Single Crystals”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
  36. T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa, K. Toguchi, K. Saito, Y. Yokota, V. I. Chani, F. Saito
    “Development and evaluation of Bi4Ge3O12 single crystalline fiber scintillator for High Resolution Radiography”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
  37. M. Sato, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa, and F. Saito
    “New Methodology to Evaluate Intrinsic Resolution of Scintillators”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
  38. A. Yoshikawa, T. Yanagida, and F. Saito
    “Temperature Effect on Thermal and Ionized Quenching of GSO(Ce) scintillator”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
  39. Y. Fujimoto, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, F. Nara, A. Yoshikawa, F. Saito
    “Crystal growth and optical properties of transition metals doped Lu3Al5O12 single crystals”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
  40. K. Fukuda, N. Kawaguchi, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa, M. Nikl, F. Saito
    “Crystal growth and scintillation property of Nd:LaF3 single crystal”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
  41. F. W. Nara, S. Ishizu, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, R. Shimura, A. Yoshikawa, F. Saito
    “Crystal growth and scintillation properties of Nd:YLF”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
  42. M. Sato, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa, and F. Saito
    “The First Experimental Approach for Hole Multiplication Process in an Avalanche Photodiode”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France
  43. M. Sato, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa, and F. Saito
    “Temperature Dependence of Ionization Coefficient in a Reverse Type Avalanche Photodiode”
    Japanese-French Joint Workshop, First Workshop Tohoku University- EMAC- INSA
    Ecole des Mines, Albi & INSA,Toulouse,
    Dec. 1-2. 2008, Albi, France


  1. 吉川 彰
    レーザー研シンポジウム2008 2008年4月17日~18日、吹田、大阪大学 (招待講演)
  2. 吉川 彰
    東北大学若手研究者萌芽研究育成プログラム(ERYS)及び飛躍・発展支援プログラム研究成果発表会 2008年7月16日、仙台、東北大学
  3. 吉川 彰
    “Pr:LuAG シンチレータ結晶と応用”
    “次世代PET 研究会“
    2008 年7 月28 日、千葉、放射線医学総合研究所(招待講演)
  4. 鎌田 圭、薄 善行、柳田 健之、片岡 淳、吉川 彰、高橋 浩之
    次世代PET 研究会
    2008 年7 月28 日、千葉、放射線医学総合研究所(招待講演)
  5. 吉川 彰
  6. 中川裕梨,河原林 順,渡辺賢一,富田英生,豊川弘之,鎌田 圭,柳田健之,吉川 彰,井口哲夫
  7. 吉川 彰
    第69回応用物理学関係連合講演会 (秋季大会)
  8. 柳田健之,横田有為,鎌田 圭,河口範明,福田健太郎,吉川 彰
    第69回応用物理学関係連合講演会 (秋季大会)(シンポジウム;招待講演)
  9. 鎌田 圭,柳田健之,堤 浩輔,鈴木千里,薄 善行,吉川 彰
    第69回応用物理学関係連合講演会 (秋季大会)(シンポジウム;招待講演)
  10. 横田有為,柳田健之,河口範明,金 敬鎭,奈良郁子,阿部直人,吉川 彰,三宅正泰,馬場 護
    第69回応用物理学関係連合講演会 (秋季大会)
  11. 河口範明,柳田健之,石津澄人,福田健太郎,須山敏尚,Kim Kyoung Jin,横田有為,吉川 彰,三宅正泰,馬場 護
    第69回応用物理学関係連合講演会 (秋季大会)
  12. 中里智治,古川裕介,Marilou Cadatal,清水俊彦,猿倉信彦,柳田健之,福田健太郎,須山敏尚,吉川 彰,斎藤文良
    第69回応用物理学関係連合講演会 (秋季大会)
  13. 桑名祐希,市川 洋,小野晋吾,猿倉信彦,福田健太郎,石津澄人,須山敏尚,柳田健之,吉川 彰,齋藤文良
    第69回応用物理学関係連合講演会 (秋季大会)
  14. 阿部直人,横田有為,柳田健之,金 敬鎭,河口範明,奈良郁子,吉川 彰
    第69回応用物理学関係連合講演会 (秋季大会)
  15. 荻野 拓,横田有為,吉川 彰,マーチン ニクル,下山淳一,岸尾光二
    第69回応用物理学関係連合講演会 (秋季大会)
  16. 志村玲子,吉川 彰,宇田 聡
    “マイクロ引下げ法で育成した結晶における添加剤の断面分布~YAG の例~”
    第69回応用物理学関係連合講演会 (秋季大会)
  17. 中川裕梨,河原林 順,渡辺賢一,富田英生,井口哲夫,豊川弘之,鎌田 圭,柳田健之,吉川 彰
    “高エネルギーX 線を用いた大型貨物検査用シンチレータ積層型一次元検出器の開発”
  18. 志村玲子、吉川彰、宇田聡
    “マイクロ引き下げ法によって育成したYAG 結晶内の添加剤(Yb, Nd, Ce, Cr)の面内分布と結晶育成中の融液の流れ”
  19. 柳田健之,横田有為、池末明生、鎌田 圭,吉川 彰
    2008年 物理学会秋季大会 
    2008年9月19日~ 9月23日、山形、山形大学
  20. 扇嘉史, 鍵裕之, 有馬寛, 太田充恒, 鎌田圭, 吉川彰, 杉山和正
    2008年9月20日~ 9月22日、秋田、秋田大学
  21. 横田有為、柳田健之、河口範明、金敬鎭、奈良郁子、阿部直人、吉川彰、三宅正泰、馬場護
  22. M. Zhuravleva, J. Pejchal, M. Nikl, J.A. Mares, A. Yoshikawa
    “Crystal growth and scintillation properties of YAP:Pr co-doped with tetravalent and trivalent ions”
  23. 藤本 裕、柳田 健之、横田 有為、奈良 郁子、吉川 彰、齋藤 文良
  24. 奈良郁子、石津澄人、柳田健之、横田有為、河口範明、福田健太郎、志村玲子、吉川彰
  25. 志村玲子、吉川彰、宇田聡
    “マイクロ引下げ法育成結晶内の添加剤分布 ~(RE,Y)3(TM,Al)5O12~”
  26. 荻野拓,横田有為,吉川彰, M. Nikl, 下山淳一, 岸尾光二
  27. 河口範明,柳田健之,石津澄人,福田健太郎,須山敏尚,Kyoung Jin KIM,横田有為,吉川彰,三宅正泰,馬場護
  28. 鎌田 圭,柳田健之,薄 善行,吉川 彰
    “Pr: Lu3Al5O12(LuAG) シンチレータ結晶の開発と応用展開”
    2008 年11 月26~28日 日 東京ビックサイト(招待講演)
  29. 髙橋徹也,鈴木吉朗,大庭裕範,荻野拓,吉川彰,福田承生
    “ESR およびXPS によるSrAl2O4:Eu, Dy の残光機構の検討”
    第63 回応用物理学会東北支部学術講演会
    2008 年12 月4 日(木)~ 5 日(金)、 東北大学工学部青葉記念会館
  30. 柳田健之, 河口範明, 横田有為, 石津澄人, 福田健太郎, 藤本裕, 阿部直人, 吉川彰
    “Ce3+およびPr3+添加YLiF4、BaLiF3、LiCaAlF6 結晶の放射線励起時における発光特性評価”
    第19回 光物性研究会
    2008 年12 月5、6 日、 大阪市立大学
  31. 横田有為、柳田健之、河口範明、阿部直人、藤本裕、吉川彰
    第19回 光物性研究会
    2008 年12 月5、6 日、 大阪市立大学
  32. 藤本 裕、柳田 健之、横田 有為、吉川 彰
    第19回 光物性研究会
    2008 年12 月5、6 日、 大阪市立大学
  33. 伊藤繁記、三宅正泰 、熊谷和明、R. Santos、佐々木雄久、伊藤正敏、馬場護、山崎浩道、山本誠一、吉川 彰 、薄善行、大内憲明、武田元博、石井慶造、松山成男、菊池洋平
    “PET mammography (PEM)の開発”
    日本原子力学会・東北支部会 第32回研究交流会
  34. 鈴木 満、鈴木 吉朗、荻野 拓 、吉川 彰 、福田 承生
    “残光性蛍光体SrAl2O4:Eu,Dy の光学変化”
    第14 回高専シンポジウムin 高知
    2009年1 月24 日、高知、 高知市文化プラザ(かるぽーと)
  35. 横田有為、柳田健之、河口範明、阿部直人、藤本裕、深堀明博、吉川彰
    2009年3月30日~4月2日、筑波、筑波大学 (講演奨励賞受賞記念講演)
  36. 荻野拓、横田有為、吉川彰、Martin Nikl、下山淳一、岸尾光二
  37. 深堀明博、柳田健之、横田有為、齋藤文良、池上隆康、吉川彰
  38. 柳田健之、吉川彰、横田有為、池末明生、鎌田圭
    “透明セラミックスPr:LuAG シンチレータの開発“
  39. 田端一善、益川陽平、玉越友人、市川洋、小野晋吾、福田健太郎、須山敏尚、横田有為、柳田健之、吉川彰、斉藤文良
  40. 藤本裕、横田有為、柳田健之、吉川彰