Original Papers

  1. T. Yanagida, M. Sato, K. Kamadaa, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa, V. Chani
    “Optical properties and gamma-ray response of Czochralski grown Pr:Lu3Al5O12 scintillating garnet crystals with different Pr content”
    Opt. Mater., 33(3), 413-418 (2010)
  2. T. Yanagida, K. Kamada, Y. Fujimoto, M. Sugiyama, Y. Furuya, A. Yamaji, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa
    “Growth and scintillation properties of Pr doped YAP with different Pr concentrations”
    Nucl. Instr. Meth-A, 623(3), 1020-1023(2010)
  3. T. Yanagida, A. Fukabori, Y. Fujimoto, A. Ikesue, K. Kamada, J. Kataoka, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa, V. Chani
    “Scintillation properties of transparent Lu3Al5O12 (LuAG) ceramics doped with different concentrations of Pr3+”
    Phys. Status. Solidi (c), accepted (2010)
  4. T. Yanagida, N. Kawaguchi, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, M. Miyamoto, H. Sekiwa, J. Kobayashi, T. Tokutake, A. Yoshikawa
    “Development of ZnO Based Radiation Monitor for Processing Facility”
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys, 50 (2010) 01BG06
  5. T. Yanagida, K. Kamada, N. Kawaguchi, Y. Yokota, V. Chani, A. Yoshikawa
    “Basic study of single crystal fiber Pr:LuAG scintillator for gamma-ray imaging applications”
    Nucl. Instr. Meth-A, 652, 256-259 (2010)
  6. T. Yanagida, Y. Fujimoto, N. Kawaguchi, Y. Yokota, K. Kamada, S. Hatamoto, D. Totsuka, A. Yoshikawa
    “Scintillation properties of Ce doped LuLiF4 and LuScBO3”
    Nucl. Instr. Meth-A, 652, 251-255(2010)
  7. T. Yanagida, N. Kawaguchi, Y. Fujimoto, M. Sugiyama, Y. Furuya, Y. Yokota, K. Kamada, A. Yoshikawa,V. Chani
    “Growth and scintillation properties of BaMgF4”
    Nucl. Instr. Meth-A, 621, 473-477 (2010)
  8. H. Tanaka, Y. Furuya, N. Kawaguchi, N. Abe, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, Martin Nikl, A. Yoshikawa, Y. Kawazoe
    “Crystal growth and scintillation properties of Nd doped CaF2 single crystal”
    Opt. Mater., 33(3), 284-287 (2010)
  9. K. Fukuda, N. kawaguchi, S. Ishizu, T. Nagami, T. Suyama, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Crystal growth and scintillation characteristics of the Nd3+ doped LiLuF4 single crystals”
    Opt. Mater., 33(6) 924-927 (2010)
  10. K. Fukuda, S. Ishizu, N. kawaguchi, T. Nagami, T. Suyama, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Crystal growth and optical properties of the Nd3+ doped LuF3 single crystals”
    Opt. Mater., 33(8) 1143-1146 (2010)
  11. Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, J. Pejchal, N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, D. Totsuka, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Optical and Scintillation properties of Pr3+-doped Ca3(BO3)2 single crystals”
    Phys. Status. Solidi (c), 248(2), 444-447 (2010)
  12. Y. Furuya, H. Tanaka, K. Fukuda, N. Kawaguchi, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida,K. Kamada, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Scintillation properties of Nd:(Na0.5-x Lu0.5+x) F2+2x and its Comparison with Nd:CaF2 and NdF3”
    Phys. Status. Solidi (c), accepted (2010)
  13. Y. Fujimoto, T. Yanagida, H. Sekiwa, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa
    “Scintillation Characteristic of In, Ga doped ZnO Thin Films with Different Dopant Concentrations”
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 50 (2010) 01BG04
  14. Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, J. Pejchal, N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, D. Totsuka, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Scintillation and optical properties of Pb-doped YCa4O(BO3)3 crystals”
    Nucl. Instr. Meth-A., 652, 238-241 (2010)
  15. Takayuki Yanagida, Akihiro Fukabori, Yutaka Fujimoto, Akio Ikesue, Kei Kamada, Jun Kataoka, Yuui Yokota, Valery Chani, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Scintillation properties of transparent ceramic Pr doped LuAG with different concentrations of Pr3+”
    Phys. Status Solidi (c), accepted (2010)
  16. Valery I. Chani, Georges Boulon, Wei Zhao, Takayuki Yanagida, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Correlation between Segregation of Rare Earth Dopants in Melt Crystal Growth and Ceramic Processing for Optical Applications”
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 49 (2010) 075601
  17. Akira Yoshikawa, Takayuki Yanagida, Yuui Yokota, Akihiro Yamaji, Yutaka Fujimoto, Jan Pejchal, Valery I. Chani, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Sumito Ishizu, Kentaro Fukuda, Toshihisa Suyama, Martin Nikl
    “Crystal growth and VUV luminescence properties of Er3+- and Tm3+-doped LiCaAlF6 for detectors”
    Optical Materials 32 (2010) 845-849 (Invited Paper)
  18. E. Mihokova, A. Vedda, M. Fasoli, F. Moretti, A.-L. Bulin, M. Nikl, M. Bettinelli, A. Speghini, H. Ogino, A. Yoshikawa
    “Defect states in Lu3GaxAl5-xO12 crystals and powders”
    Optical Materials, 32(10), 1298-1301(2010)
  19. Noriaki Kawaguchi, Takayuki Yanagida, Yoshisuke Futami, Kentaro Fukuda, Toshihisa Suyama,Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Nd concentration dependence on the optical and scintillation properties of Nd doped BaF2”
    Optical Materials, 32(10), 1325-1328 (2010)
  20. Yuki Furuya, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Naoto Abe, Yuui Yokota, Takayuki Yanagida, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Crystal growth and scintillation properties of NdF3 single crystal “
    Optical Materials, 32(9), 878-881 (2010)
  21. J. Martincik, M. Nikl, S. Ishizu, K. Fukuda, T. Suyama, A. Beitlerova, K. Polak, V. Babin, A. Yoshikawa
    “VUV-UV-visible luminescence of Nd3+, Er3+ and Tm3+ in LiLuF4 single crystal host”
    Radiation Measurements, Volume 45, Issues 3-6, March-July 2010, Pages 403-405 (2010)
  22. M. Fasoli, A. Vedda, F. Moretti, A.C. Chenus, I. Veronese, M.C. Cantone, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa, A. Novoselov
    “Effect of Eu and Pb doping on the dosimetric properties of LiCAF”
    Radiation Measurements, Volume 45, Issues 3-6, March-July 2010, Pages 556-558 (2010)
  23. Naoto Abe, Takayuki Yanagida, Yuui Yokota, Shuji Maeo, Jan Pejchal, Yutaka Fujimoto, Yuuki Furuya, Hidehiko Tanaka, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Kentaro Fukuda, Valery Chani, Kei Kamada, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Crystal growth and scintillation properties of Tm:K2NaLuF6”
    Optical Materials, Volume 32, Issue 5, March 2010, Pages 589-594 (2010)
  24. Kentaro Fukuda, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Sumito Ishizu, Takayuki Yanagida, Toshihisa Suyama, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Crystal growth and scintillation characteristics of the Nd3+ doped LaF3 single crystal”
    Optical Materials, Volume 32, Issue 9, July 2010, Pages 1142-1145 (2010)
  25. Akira Yoshikawa, Takayuki Yanagida, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Jan Pejchal, Akihiro Yamaji, Yoshiyuki Usuki, Seiichi Yamamoto, Masayasu Miyake, Kazuaki Kumagai, Katsuhisa Sasaki, T. R. dos Santos, Mamoru Baba, Masatoshi Ito, Motohiro Takeda, Noriaki Ohuchi, Martin Nikl
    “Positron emission mammography using Pr:LuAG scintillator – Fusion of optical material study and systems engineering”
    Opt. Mater.,Volume 32, Issue 10, August 2010, Pages 1294-1297(2010)
  26. T. Yanagida, Y. Fujimoto, A. Yoshikawa, Y. Yokota, K. Kamada, J. Pejchal, V. Chani, N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, K. Uchiyama, K. Mori, K. Kitano, M. Nikl
    “Development and performance test of picosecond pulse X-ray excited streak camera system for scintillator characterization”
    Appl. Phys. Express, 3(5) (2010) 056202
  27. Jan Pejchal, Martin Nikl, Kentaro Fukuda, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Takayuki Yanagida, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa, Vladimir Babin
    “Doubly doped BaY2F8:Er,Nd VUV scintillator”
    Rad. Meas., 45 (3-6) (2010) 265-267
  28. Takayuki Yanagida, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Yuui Yokota, Sumito Ishidu, Kentaro Fukuda, Akira Yoshikawa, Jan Pejchal, Martin Nikl, Vladimir Babin, Hiroyuki Sekiya, Kei Kamada
    “Study of VUV emission and g-ray responses of Nd:BaF2 scintillaotor”
    Rad. Meas., Volume 45, Issues 3-6, March-July 2010, Pages 422-425
  29. Yuui Yokota, Takayuki Yanagida, Yutaka Fujimoto, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Growth And Luminescent Properties Of The Ce, Pr Doped Nacl Single Crystals Grown By The Modified Micro-Pulling-Down Method Reference”
    Rad. Meas., 45 (2010) 472-474
  30. T. Murata, S. Fujino, H. Yoshida, Y. Arikawa, T. Nakazato, T. Shimizu, N. Sarukura, H. Azechi, K. Kamada, Y. Usuki, T. Suyama, A. Yoshikawa, N. Sato, H. Kan
    “Custom-Designed Fast-Response Praseodymium-Doped Lithium 6 Fluoro-Oxide Glass Scintillator With Enhanced Cross-Section for Scattered Neutron Originated From Inertial Confinement Fusion”
    IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 57 (2010) 1426-1429
  31. Y. Arikawa, K. Yamanoi, T. Nakazato, E. S. Estacio, T. Shimizu, N. Sarukura, M. Nakai, T. Norimatsu, Y. Hironaka, H. Azechi, T. Murata, S. Fujino, H. Yoshida, K. Kamada, Y. Usuki, T. Suyama, A. Yoshikawa, N. Satoh, H. Kan
    “Custom-designed scintillator for laser fusion diagnostics – Pr3+-doped fluoro-phosphate lithium glass scintillator”
    Optical Materials, 32(10), 1393-1396 (2010)
  32. K. Kamada, T. Yanagida, M. Nikl, A. Fukabori, A. Yoshikawa, K. Aoki
    “Crystal growth and luminescent properties of Pr-doped K(Y,Lu)(3)F-10 single crystal for scintillator application”
    J. Cryst. Growth, 312(19) (2010) 2795-2798
  33. M. Nikl, JA. Mares, A. Vedda, M. Fasoli, V. Laguta, E. Mihokova, J. Pejchal, M. Zhuravleva, A. Yoshikawa, K. Nejezchleb
    “Can Pr-Doped YAP Scintillator Perform Better?”
    IEEE. Nucl. Trans. Sci. 57(3) (2010) 1168-1174
  34. J. Pejchal, M. Nikl, K. Fukuda, N. Kawaguchi, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa, V. Babin
    “Luminescence Mechanism in Doubly Doped LaF3:Er,Nd VUV Scintillator”
    IEEE. Nucl. Trans. Sci. 57(3) (2010) 1196-1199
  35. Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, N. Abe, N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Ce Concentration Dependence of Optical and Scintillation Properties for Ce Doped LiYF4 Single Crystals”
    IEEE. Nucl. Trans. Sci. 57(3) (2010) 1241-1244
  36. Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, J. Pejchal, H. Konno, K. Sugiyama, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Crystal Growth and Characterization of Sr3Y(BO3)(3)”
    IEEE. Nucl. Trans. Sci. 57(3) (2010) 1264-1267
  37. N. Abe, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, N. Kawaguchi, J. Pejchal, M. Nikl, K. Fukuda, A. Yoshikawa
    “Crystal Growth and Scintillation Properties of Tm, Nd Codoped LaF3 Single Crystals”
    IEEE. Nucl. Trans. Sci. 57(3) (2010) 1278-1281
  38. N. Abe, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, J. Pejchal, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Crystal Growth and Characterization of Rare Earth Doped K3LuF6”
    IEEE. Nucl. Trans. Sci. 57(3) (2010) 1320-1324
  39. N. Abe, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, J. Pejchal, F. Nara, N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Crystal Growth and Luminescence Properties of Tm:BaF2 Single Crystals”
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 49 (2) (2010) 022601
  40. S. Hraiech, A. Jouini, K. J. Kim, Y. Guyot, A. Yoshikawa, G. Boulon
    “Role of monovalent alkali ions in the Yb3+ centers of CaF2 laser crystals”
    Rad. Meas. 45 (3-6) (2010)323-327
  41. W. Zhao, C. Mancini, D. Amans, G. Boulon, T. Epicier, Y. Min, H. Yagi, T. Yanagitani, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa
    “Evidence of the Inhomogeneous Ce3+ Distribution across Grain Boundaries in Transparent Polycrystalline Ce3+-Doped (Gd,Y)(3)Al5O12 Garnet Optical Ceramics”
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 49 (2) (2010)022602
  42. Y. Fujimoto, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, N. Kawaguti, K. Fukuda, D. Totsuka, K. Watanabe, A. Yamazaki, A. Yoshikawa
    “Growth and Characterization of Ce-doped Ca3(BO3)2 crystals for Neutron Scintillator”
    J. Cryst. Growth (2010)(accepted)
  43. T. Shimizu, M. Cadatal-Raduban, K. Yamanoi, S. Takatori, M. Kouno, M. Pham, E. Estacio, T. Nakazato, N. Sarukura, N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, Y. Suyama, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa, F. Saito
    “Er:LiCAF as Potential Vacuum Ultraviolet Laser Material at 163 nm”
    IEEE. Nucl. Trans. Sci. 57(3) (2010) 1204-1207
  44. T. Nakazato, M. Cadatal-Raduban, K. Yamanoi, M. Tsuboi, Y. Furukawa, M. Pham, E. Estacio, T. Shimizu, N. Sarukura, K. Fukuda, T. Suyama, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa, F. Saito
    “Nd3+:LaF3 as a Step-Wise Excited Scintillator for Femtosecond Ultraviolet Pulses “
    IEEE. Nucl. Trans. Sci. 57(3) (2010) 1208-1210
  45. T. Yanagida, K. J. Kim, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, S. Maeo, A. Yoshikawa, N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, N. Sarukura, V. Chani
    “Growth, Optical Properties, and Scintillation Light Yield of CaF2:Ce Crystals with Different Ce Concentration”
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 49(3) (2010) 032601
  46. Y. Miyamoto, K. Kinoshita, H. Kobayashi, A. Fujiwara, S. Koyama, Y. Takei, H. Nanto, T. Yamamoto, T. Kurobori, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsumas, K. Miura, K. Hirao
    “Ionizing Radiation Sensor Utilizing Radiophotoluminescence in Ag+-Activated Phosphate Glass and Its Application to Environmental Radiation Monitoring”
    SENSORS AND MATERIALS. 22(5) (2010) 235-245
  47. A. Fukabori, T. Yanagida, F. Moretti, Y. Yokota, R. Shimura, S. Maeo, J. Pejchal, K. Kamada, A. Yoshikawa
    “Study on the single crystal growth of concentration gradient Ce:YAP rod and the dopant concentration dependence on the scintillation properties”
    Rad. Meas. 45 (3-6) (2010)453-456
  48. Yuui Yokota, Valery Chani, Masato Sato, Kazushige Tota, Ko Onodera, Takayuki Yanagida, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Growth and crystallinity of shaped and multiple sapphire crystals by a micro-pulling-down method”
    J. Cryst. Growth. (2010) (accepted)
  49. Yuui Yokota, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Kentaro Fukuda, Takayuki Yanagida, Akira Yoshikawa, Martin Nikl
    “Development of modified micro-pulling-down method for bromide and chloride single crystals”
    J. Cryst. Growth. (2010) (accepted)
  50. Yuki Furuya, Hidehiko Tanaka, Kentaro Fukuda, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Yuui Yokota, Takayuki Yanagida, Valery Chani, Martin Nikl and Akira Yoshikawa
    “Crystal growth, Nd distribution and luminescence properties of (Na0.425+xLu0.575-x-yNdy)F2.15-2x single crystals”
    J. Cryst. Growth., 318, 823-827 (2010)
  51. Yuki Furuya, Hidehiko Tanaka, Kentaro Fukuda, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Yuui Yokota, Takayuki Yanagida, Valery Chani and Akira Yoshikawa
    “Growth and luminescence properties of Eu-doped (Na0.425-xLu0.575+x)F2.15+2x single crystals”
    J. Cryst. Growth. (2010) (accepted)
  52. Yuki Furuya,Takayuki Yanagida, Yutaka Fujimoto, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Sumito Ishizu, Koro Uchiyama, Kuniyoshi Mori, Ken Kitano , Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Time and wavelength-resolved luminescence evaluation of several types of scintillators using streak camera system equipped with pulsed X-ray source “
    Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research., 634(1), 59-63 (2011)
  53. Yuki Furuya, Hidehiko Tanaka, Kentaro Fukuda, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Yuui Yokota, Takayuki Yanagida, Jan Pejchal, Valery Chani, Martin Nikl and Akira Yoshikawa
    “Scintillation properties of (Na0.425Lu0.575-xNdx)F2.15 and its comparison with (Ca1-xNdx)F2+x and NdF3”
    Physica status solidi. (2010) (accepted)
  54. Jan Pejchal, Yutaka Fujimoto, Valery Chani, Federico Moretti, Takayuki Yanagida, Martin Nikl, Yuui Yokota, Alena Beitlerova, Anna Vedda, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Crystal growth and luminescence properties of Ti-doped LiAlO2 for neutron scintillator”
    J. Cryst. Growth., 318, 828-832 (accepted)
  55. V. Chani, G. Boulon, W. Zhao, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa
    “Grain Boundary Segregation of Dopants in Transparent Optical Ceramics “
    Jpn.J,Appl.Phys. (in press)
  56. Akihiro Fukabori, Takayuki Yanagida, Jan Pejchal, Shuji Maeo, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa, Takayasu Ikegami, Federico Moretti, Kei Kamada
    “Optical and scintillation characteristics of Y2O3 transparent ceramic “
    J. Appl. Phys. 107, 073501, (2010)
  57. Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, V. V. Kochurikhin, A. Yoshikawa
    “Comparison study about optical, scintillation characterizations of YVO4, (Y, Lu)VO4, and LuVO4 single crystals “
    Nucl. Instrum. Meth-A, in press (2011)
  58. Y. Furuya, H. Tanaka, N. Kawaguchi, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, A. Yamazaki, K. Watanabe and A. Yoshikawa
    “Crystal growth and thermal neutron scintillation response of Ce doped K6LiYF5 “
    Optical Materials, accepted for publication (2011)
  59. Toetsu Shishido, Kunio Yubuta, Shigeyuki Seki, Akiko Nomura, Akira Yoshikawa, Koichi Hayashi, Koichi Haga
    “Organic-Inorganic Conversion Process for Material Creation ―Formation and Function of Characteristic Nanostructures― “
    Surface Science and Nanotechnology, accepted for publication (2011)

Proceedings Papers

  1. Y Arikawa, T Murata, S Fujino, H Yoshida, K Yamanoi, T Nakazato, T Shimizu, N Sarukura, M Nakai, T Norimatsu, H Azechi, K Kamada,Y Usuki, T Suyama, A Yoshikawa, N Satoh and H Kan
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 244 (2010) 032041
  2. M. Nikl, A. Vedda, G.P. Pazzi, E. Mihokova, M. Fasoli, J. Pejchal, P. Bohacek, A. Yoshikawa, G. Ren, K. Nejezchleb
    “Tunnelling processes-driven radiative recombination in complex oxide scintillators”
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 249 (2010) 012018
  3. Y. Yokota, H. Tanaka, M. Sato V. Chani, K. Tota, K. Onodera, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa
    “Growth and Characterization of Shape-Controlled Single Crystals by a Micro-pulling-down Method.”
    Materials Research Society 2010 Fall Meeting, 1309-EE06-29 (2010)
  4. Yuki Furuya, Takayuki Yanagida, Yutaka Fujimoto, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Sumito Ishizu, Koro Uchiyama, Kuniyoshi Mori, Ken Kitano, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Time and Wavelength-resolved Luminescence Evaluation of Several Types of Scintillators using Streak Camera System Equipped with Pulsed X-ray Source.”
    29th International Congress on High-Speed Imaging and Photonics (ICHSIP-29), 9/20-24, Morioka, Japan (2010)
  5. [1] Y. Furuya, N. Abe, H. Tanaka, K. Fukuda, S. Ishizu, N. Kawaguchi, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, H. Kubo, T. Tanimori, H. Sekiya, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Development of new efficient VUV scintillators.”
    The 6th International Workshop on Individual Monitoring of Ionizing Radiation, (2010)
  6. Y. Furuya, H.. Tanaka, N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, K. Sugiyama, A. Yoshikawa
    “Crystal growth and scintillation properties of KLiYF5, KLiLuF5, and Nd doped KLiLuF5 single crystals in VUV wavelength region.”
    Proceedings of the 21th Symposium of Association for Condensed Matter Photophysics, Japan, 54-57 (2010)
  7. Y. Furuya, H. Tanaka, Y. Fujimoto, N. Kawaguchi,, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, A. Yamazaki, K. Watanabe, A. Yoshikawa
    “Crystal Growth and Scintillation Properties of Ce Doped Lithium Potassium Yttrium Complex Fluoride.”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, Conference record, in press (2010)
  8. Y. Furuya, H. Tanaka, N. Kawaguchi, N. Abe, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, K. Kamada, Martin Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Optical properties and radiation responses of NdF3 scingle crystal.”
    Proceedings of the 20th Symposium of Association for Condensed Matter Photophysics, Japan, 313-316 (2009)
  9. Y. Furuya, H. Tanaka, N. Kawaguchi, N. Abe, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, K. Kamada, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Crystal Growth and Scintillation Properties of NdF3 Single Crystal.”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2008, CR, 1501-1504 (2009)
  10. T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, S. Maeo, J. Pejchal, V. Chani, Y. Fujimoto, N. Abe, Y. Furuya, H. Tanaka, A. Fukabori, A. Yoshikawa
    “Development and applications of scintillators.”
    The 5th International Workshop on Individual Monitoring of Ionizing Radiation, p297 (2010)
  11. T. Yanagida, Y. Fujimoto, A. Yoshikawa, N. Kawaguchi, Y. Yokota, S. Maeo, S. Ishizu, K. Fukuda, Jan Pejchal, K. Kamada, N. Abe, H. Tanaka, Y. Furuya, A. Fukabori, K. Uchiyama, K. Mori, K. Kitano
    “Development of Pulse X-ray excitation Streak System for Evaluation for Scintillators.”
    Proceedings of the 20th Symposium of Association for Condensed Matter Photophysics, Japan, 301-305 (2009)
  12. H. Tanaka, Y. Furuya, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa, Y. Kawazoe
    “Crystal Growth and Scintillation Properties of Ce Doped KLu2F7 Single Crystal.”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, Conference record, in press (2010)
  13. H. Tanaka, Y. Furuya, N. Kawaguchi, N. Abe, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, Martin Nikl, A. Yoshikawa, Y. Kawazoe
    “Crystal growth and scintillation properties of Nd doped CaF2 single crystal.”
    Proceedings of the 20th Symposium of Association for Condensed Matter Photophysics, Japan, 37-40 (2009)
  14. H. Tanaka, Y. Furuya, N. Kawaguchi, N. Abe, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, Martin Nikl, A. Yoshikawa, Y. Kawazoe
    “Crystal Growth and Scintillation Properties of Nd Doped CaF2 Single Crystal.”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2008, CR, 1505-1508 (2009)

Review and books


  1. 河口 範明
  2. “高時間分解能X線・ガンマ線検出器用シンチレーター結晶の開発”
  3. 日本電子材料技術協会 第47回秋期講演大会 優秀賞 (2010年11年19日) 


  1. Yuki Furuya, Takayuki Yanagida, Yutaka Fujimoto, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Sumito Ishizu, Koro Uchiyama, Kuniyoshi Mori, Ken Kitano, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Time and Wavelength-resolved Luminescence Evaluation of Several Types of Scintillators using Streak Camera System Equipped with Pulsed X-ray Source.”
    29th International Congress on High-Speed Imaging and Photonics (ICHSIP-29), 9/20-24, Morioka, Japan (2010)
  2. Takayuki Yanagida, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Yutaka Fujimoto, Yuui Yokota, Miyuki Miyamoto, Hideyuki Sekiwa, Jun Kobayashi, Taichi Tokutake, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Performance Test of ZnO Based alpha-ray imager.”
    The 6th International Workshop on Indivisual Monitoring of Ionizing Radiation, 2010.11.29-12.1, Oarai, Japan (Invited)(2010)
  3. Y. Furuya, N. Abe, H. Tanaka, K. Fukuda, S. Ishizu, N. Kawaguchi, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, H. Kubo, T. Tanimori, H. Sekiya, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Development of new efficient VUV Scintillators.”
    The 6th International Workshop on Indivisual Monitoring of Ionizing Radiation, 2010.11.29-12.1, Oarai, Japan (Invited)(2010)
  4. Akira Yoshikawa, Takayuki Yanagida, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Yoshiyuki Usuki, Seiichi Yamamoto, Masayasu Miyake, Kazuaki Kumagai, Katsuhisa Sasaki, Mamoru Baba, Masatoshi Ito
    “Positron Emission Mammography using Pr:LuAG single crystalline scintillator .”
    The 6th International Workshop on Indivisual Monitoring of Ionizing Radiation, 2010.11.29-12.1, Oarai, Japan (Invited)(2010)
  5. Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, J. Pejchal,Yuki Furuya,M. Sugiyama, N. Kawaguti, K. Fukuda, D. Totsuka, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Development of new scintillaors for thermal neutron detection.”
    The 6th International Workshop on Indivisual Monitoring of Ionizing Radiation, 2010.11.29-12.1, Oarai, Japan (Invited)(2010)
  6. M. Sugiyama, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, A. Ito, L. An, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Furuya, T. Goto, A. Yoshikawa
    “Optical and scintillation properties of garnet transparent ceramics.”
    The 6th International Workshop on Indivisual Monitoring of Ionizing Radiation, 2010.11.29-12.1, Oarai, Japan (Invited)(2010)
  7. M. Sugiyama, Y. Fujimoto, T. Yanagida, D. Totsuka, Y. Furuya, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa
    “Scintillation properties of rare-earth doped Lu3Al5O12 single crystals.”
    The 6th International Workshop on Indivisual Monitoring of Ionizing Radiation, 2010.11.29-12.1, Oarai, Japan (Invited)(2010)
  8. T. Yanagida, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, K. Kamada, A. Yoshikawa, H. Yagi, T. Yanagitani
    “Scintillation Properties Of Transparent Ceramic Ce Doped LuAG With Different Ce Concentrations.”
    16th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry, 9/19-24, Sydney, Australia (2010)
  9. T. Yanagida, N. Kawaguchi, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, A. Yamazaki, K. Watanabe, K. Kamada, A. Yoshikawa
    “Study of Ce and Eu doped LiSrAlF6 scintillators for neutron detectors.”
    16th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry, 9/19-24, Sydney, Australia (2010)
  10. Y. Miyamoto, H. Nanto, Y. Takei, T. Yamamoto, T. Kurobori, A. Konnai, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, K. Hirao
    “Radiophotoluminescence From Silver-Doped Phosphate Glass.”
    16th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry, 9/19-24, Sydney, Australia (2010)
  11. Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, J. Pejchal, N. Kawaguti, K. Fukuda, D. Totsuka, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Scintillation Characteristics Of Tm3+ In Ca3(BO3)2 Crystals.”
    16th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry, 9/19-24, Sydney, Australia (2010)
  12. Y. Yokota, M. Sato, V. Chani, K. Tota, K. Onodera, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa
    “Growth and Characterization of Shape-Controlled Single Crystals by a Micro-pulling-down Method.”
    Materials Research Society 2010 Fall Meeting, Boston, MA [USA] (November 30, 2010)
  13. Y. Yokota, M. Sato, V. Chani, K. Tota, K. Onodera, A. Yamaji, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa
    “Growth and physical properties of shape-controlled Ca3NbGa3Si2O14 single crystal by micro-pulling-down method”
    The 3rd International Symposium on Innovations in Advanced Materials for Optics & Electronics (ISIAMOE-3), Toyama, Japan (October 19, 2010)
  14. Akira Yoshikawa, Takayuki Yanagida, Yuui Yokota, Yutaka Fujimoto, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Kentaro Fukuda, Sumito Ishizu, Toshihisa Suyama, Kenichi Watanabe, Atsushi Yamazaki, Martin Nikl
    “Development of Ce, Eu doped -LiCaAlF6 crystal for neutron scintillator”
    7th European-Israeli Workshop on “Materials for and by Optics” , 2010.12.8-12.9, UCBLyon1’s Library (Villeurbanne), France (2010)
  15. Yutaka Fujimoto, Takayuki Yanagida, Yuui Yokota, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Kentaro Fukuda, Daisuke Totsuka, Kenichi Watanabe, Atsushi Yamazaki, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Growth and Characterization of Strontium Metaborate Scintillators”
    7th European-Israeli Workshop on “Materials for and by Optics” , 2010.12.8-12.9, UCBLyon1’s Library (Villeurbanne), France (2010)
  16. Makoto Sugiyama Yutaka Fujimoto Takayuki Yanagida Daisuke Totsuka Yuui Yokota Akira Yoshikawa
    “Scintillation properties of Tm-doped Lu3Al5O12 single crystals”
    7th European-Israeli Workshop on “Materials for and by Optics” , 2010.12.8-12.9, UCBLyon1’s Library (Villeurbanne), France (2010)
  17. Akira Yoshikawa, Yuui Yokota, Yutaka Fujimoto, Takayuki Yanagida, Daisuke Totsuka, Valery I Chani
    “Single crystal growth of hygroscopic halide materials using the micro-pulling-down method with a removable chamber system”
    7th European-Israeli Workshop on “Materials for and by Optics” , 2010.12.8-12.9, UCBLyon1’s Library (Villeurbanne), France (2010)
  18. Akihiro Fukabori, Jan Pejchal, Takayasu Ikegami, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Fundamental optical constants of Nd doped Y2O3 ceramics”
    7th European-Israeli Workshop on “Materials for and by Optics” , 2010.12.8-12.9, UCBLyon1’s Library (Villeurbanne), France (2010)
  19. Yutaka Fujimoto, Takayuki Yanagida, Yuui Yokota, Akio Ikesue, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Evaluation of Characterization of Rare-earth doped Sesquioxide Ceramic Scintillators”
    7th European-Israeli Workshop on “Materials for and by Optics” , 2010.12.8-12.9, UCBLyon1’s Library (Villeurbanne), France (2010)
  20. Takayuki Yanagida, Yutaka Fujimoto, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Akira Yoshikawa, Akio Ikesue
    “Scintillation properties of transparent ceramic Ce:LuAG with different Ce concentrations”
    7th European-Israeli Workshop on “Materials for and by Optics” , 2010.12.8-12.9, UCBLyon1’s Library (Villeurbanne), France (2010)
  21. Takayuki Yanagida, Yutaka Fujimoto, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa,Satoshi kuretake, Yuji Kintaka, Nobuhiko Tanaka, and Keisuke Kageyama
    “Evaluations of pure and ytterbium doped transparent ceramic complex perovskite scintillators”
    7th European-Israeli Workshop on “Materials for and by Optics” , 2010.12.8-12.9, UCBLyon1’s Library (Villeurbanne), France (2010)
  22. T. Murata, S. Fujino, H. Yoshida, Y. Arikawa, T. Nakazato, T. Shimizu, N. Sarukura, M. Nakai, T. Norimatsu, H. Azechi, K. Kamada, Y. Usuki, T. Suyama, A. Yoshikawa, N. Sato, H. Kan
    ” Optical Properties and Structure of Pr3+-Doped LiF-Al(PO3)3 Glasses as Scattered Neutron Scintillator for Nuclear Fusion Diagnostics”
    3rd International Congress on Ceramics (ICC3) , 2010.11.14-11.18, Osaka International Convention Center (Osaka), Japan (2010)
  23. Valery CHANI, Akihiro FUKABORI, Jan PEJCHAL, Yuui YOKOTA, Takayuki YANAGIDA, and Akira YOSHIKAWA
    ” Segregation in Micro-Pulling-Down Crystal Growth”
    “2010 International Symposium on Crystal Growth” (the 20th ceremony of Korean Association of Crystal Growth) , 2010.11.7-11.11, Hanyang University (Seoul) and Sungkyunkwan University (Suwon), Korea (2010)
    (Invited Lecture)
  24. N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, T. Yanagida, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, K. Watanabe, A. Yamazaki, T. Suyama, A. Yoshikawa
    ” Neutron Response of Rare-Earth-Doped 6LiF/CaF2 Eutectic Composites with the Ordered Lamellar Structure”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, 2010.10.30-11.6, Tennessee, USA (2010)
  25. Y. Yokota, N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, D. Totsuka, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa
    ” Optical and Scintillation Properties of CeCl3 and Ce Doped LaBr3 Single Crystals Grown by Modified Micro-Pulling-down Method”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, 2010.10.30-11.6, Tennessee, USA (2010)
  26. T. Yanagida, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa, T. Ishikawa, H. Fujimura, H. Shimizu, H. Yagi, T. Yanagitani
    ” Scintillation Properties of LuAG (Ce) Ceramic and Single Crystalline Scintillator”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, 2010.10.30-11.6, Tennessee, USA (2010)
  27. D. Totsuka, T. Yanagida, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa
    ” Study on Scintillation Properties of Rare Earth (Pr, Nd, and Tm) Activated Lu2SiO5″
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, 2010.10.30-11.6, Tennessee, USA (2010)
  28. N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, T. Yanagida, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, K. Watanabe, A. Yamazaki, T. Suyama, A. Yoshikawa
    ” Thermal Neutron Imaging Tests with Rare-Earth-Ion-Doped LiCaAlF6 and Sealed 252Cf Source”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, 2010.10.30-11.6, Tennessee, USA (2010)
  29. N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, T. Yanagida, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, K. Watanabe, A. Yamazaki, T. Suyama, A. Yoshikawa
    ” Neutron Response of Rare-Earth-Doped 6LiF/CaF2 Eutectic Composites with the Ordered Lamellar Structure”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, 2010.10.30-11.6, Tennessee, USA (2010)
  30. K. Watanabe, A. Yamazaki, A. Uritani, T. Iguchi, N. Kawaguchi, T. Yanagida, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, K. Kamada, K. Fukuda, T. Suyama, A. Yoshikawa
    ” Gamma-ray Suppression in a Ce:LiCaAlF6 Neutron Scintillator Using Pulse Shape Discrimination Technique”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, 2010.10.30-11.6, Tennessee, USA (2010)
  31. A. Yoshikawa,, V. I. Chani, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, G. Boulon
    ” Dopant Segregation in Transparent Optical Ceramics”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, 2010.10.30-11.6, Tennessee, USA (2010)
  32. Y. Furuya, H. Tanaka, Y. Fujimoto, N. Kawaguchi,, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, A. Yamazaki, K. Watanabe, A. Yoshikawa
    ” Crystal Growth and Scintillation Properties of Ce Doped Lithium Potassium Yttrium Complex Fluoride”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, 2010.10.30-11.6, Tennessee, USA (2010)
  33. Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, A. Yoshikawa, M. Nikl
    ” Effects of Charge Compensation by Na+ Co-Doping for Ce3+ Doped LiCaAlF6 Single Crystals”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, 2010.10.30-11.6, Tennessee, USA (2010)
  34. H. Tanaka, Y. Furuya, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa, Y. Kawazoe
    ” Crystal Growth and Scintillation Properties of Ce Doped KLu2F7 Single Crystal”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, 2010.10.30-11.6, Tennessee, USA (2010)
  35. M. Sugiyama, Y. Fujimoto, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa
    ” Crystal Growth and Scintillation Properties of Nd-Doped Lu3Al5O12 Single Crystals”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, 2010.10.30-11.6, Tennessee, USA (2010)
  36. Y. Fujimto, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, V. V. Kochurikhin, A. Yoshikawa
    ” Optical and Scintillation Properties of Lutetium Vanadate single crystal”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, 2010.10.30-11.6, Tennessee, USA (2010)
  37. Y. Fujimto, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, N. Kawaguti, K. Fukuda, D. Totsuka, K. Watanabe, A. Yamazaki, A. Yoshikawa
    ” Scintillation Properties of Ce3+-doped, Pr3+-doped Calcium Orthoborate”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, 2010.10.30-11.6, Tennessee, USA (2010)
  38. T. Yanagida, N. Kawaguchi, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, M. Miyamoto, H. Sekiwa, J. Kobayashi, T. Tokutake, A. Yoshikawa
    ” Evaluations of ZnO Based Alpha-Ray Imager”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, 2010.10.30-11.6, Tennessee, USA (2010)
  39. T. Yanagida, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, N. Kawaguchi, K. Kamada, J. Pejchal,, V. Chani, K. Fukuda, D. Totsuka, K. Uchiyama, K. Mori, K. Kitano, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    ” Development of Pulsed X-Ray Tube Equipped Streak Camera System to Study Scintillation Phenomenon”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, 2010.10.30-11.6, Tennessee, USA (2010)
  40. T. Yanagida, N. Kawaguchi, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, A. Yamazaki, K. Watanabe, K. Kamada, A. Yoshikawa
    ” Evaluations of Scintillation Properties of LiSrAlF6 Scintillator for Thermal Neutron Detection”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, 2010.10.30-11.6, Tennessee, USA (2010)
  41. A. Yamaji, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, Y. Fujimoto, M. Sugiyama, A. Yoshikawa
    ” Comparative Study on Scintillation Properties of LuGG, YGG and GGG”
    IEEE NSS MIC 2010, 2010.10.30-11.6, Tennessee, USA (2010)
  42. V. Chani, G. Boulon, W. Zhao, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa
    “Similarity of Rare Earth Dopant Segregation in Oxide Melt Crystal Growth and Optical Ceramic Processing “
    The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth(ICCG-16), 8/8-13, Beijing, China (2010)
  43. A. Fukabori, K. Kamada, K. Aoki, T. Yanagida, V. Chani, Y. Yuui, M. Shuji, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Optical and scintillation properties of Sr7%:Ce15%:GdF3 single crystal”
    The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth(ICCG-16), 8/8-13, Beijing, China (2010)
  44. Y. Yokota, V. Chani, M. Sato, K. Tota, K. Onodera, T. Yanagida, S. Maeo, A. Yoshikawa
    “Growth and crystallinity of shaped and multiple sapphire crystals by a micro-pulling-down method”
    The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth(ICCG-16), 8/8-13, Beijing, China (2010)
  45. Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa, N. Kawaguchi, K. Fukuda, D. Totsuka, T. Yanagida, S. Maeo, M. Nikl
    “Development of modified micro-pulling-down method for bromide and chloride single crystals”
    The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth(ICCG-16), 8/8-13, Beijing, China (2010)
  46. Y. Furuya, H. Tanaka, K. Fukuda, N. Kawaguchi, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Crystal growth, dependence of Nd segregation on Na concentration and luminescence properties of Nd doped (Na0.425-xLu0.575+x)F2.15+2x single crystal”
    The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth(ICCG-16), 8/8-13, Beijing, China (2010)
  47. Y. Furuya, H. Tanaka, K. Fukuda, N. Kawaguchi, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Growth and luminescence properties of Nd doped (Na0.5-xLu0.5+x)F2+2x single crystal”
    The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth(ICCG-16), 8/8-13, Beijing, China (2010)
  48. Y. Furuya, H. Tanaka, K. Fukuda, N. Kawaguchi, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Growth and luminescence properties of Eu doped (Na0.425-xLu0.575+x)F2.15+2x single crystal”
    The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth(ICCG-16), 8/8-13, Beijing, China (2010)
  49. H. Tanaka, Y. Furuya, M. Sugiyama, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa
    “Growth of high temperature phase KLu2F7 single crystal by using quenching method”
    The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth(ICCG-16), 8/8-13, Beijing, China (2010)
  50. A. Yoshikawa, Y. Takayuki, Y. Yuui, S. Hideyuki, N. Martin, I. Kenji
    “Growth and scintillation properties of (Zn,Mg)O single crystalline film for alpha-ray detection”
    The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth(ICCG-16), 8/8-13, Beijing, China (2010)
  51. A. Yoshikawa, Y. Takayuki, Y. Yuui, K. Kei, F. Yutaka, Y. Akihiro, N. Martin, C. Valery
    “The correlation between defect density and scintillation properties of Pr: LuAG single crystals”
    The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth(ICCG-16), 8/8-13, Beijing, China (2010)
  52. Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa, M. Miyamoto, H. Sekiwa, M. Nikl
    “Crystal growth of Ga doped ZnO single crystalline films with various Ga concentrations by liquid-phase-epitaxy method and the scintillation properties”
    The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth(ICCG-16), 8/8-13, Beijing, China (2010)
  53. Y. Fujimoto, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, J. Pejchal, N. Kawaguti, K. Fukuda, D. Totsuka, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Growth and characterization of Ce-doped Ca3(BO3)2 crystals for neutron scintillator”
    The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth(ICCG-16), 8/8-13, Beijing, China (2010)
  54. A. Fukabori, V. Chani, K. Kamada, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, F. Moretti, A. Yoshikawa
    “Crytal of Y2O3, Sc2O3, and Lu2O3 crystals by the micro-pulling-down method and their optical and scintillation characteristics;
    The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth(ICCG-16), 8/8-13, Beijing, China (2010)
  55. J. Pejchal, F. Moretti, V. Chani, A. Vedda, M. Nikl, T. Yanagida, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa
    “Crystal growth and luminescence properties of Ti-doped LiAlO2 for neutron scintillator”
    The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth(ICCG-16), 8/8-13, Beijing, China (2010)
  56. J. Pejchal, M. Nikl,F. Moretti, A. Vedda, K. Fukuda, N. Kawaguchi, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa
    Europhysical Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (EURODIM 2010), 7/12-16, Pecs, Hungary (2010)
  57. J. Martincik, M. Nikl, S. Ishizu, K. Fukuda, A. Beitlerova, K. Polak, A. Yoshikawa
    Europhysical Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (EURODIM 2010), 7/12-16, Pecs, Hungary (2010)
  58. T. Yanagida, A. Fukabori, Y. Fujimoto, A. Ikesue, K. Kamada, J. Kataoka, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa
    “Scintillation properties of transparent ceramic Pr doped LuAG with Different Pr concentrations”
    The 9th International Conference on Excitonic and Photonic Processes in Condensed and Nano Materials, 7/11-16, Brisbane, Australia (2010)
  59. Yuki Furuya, Hidehiko Tanaka, Kentaro Fukuda, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Yuui Yokota, Takayuki Yanagida, Kei Kamada, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Scintillation properties of Nd:(Na0.5-x Lu0.5+x) F2+2x and its Comparison with Nd:CaF2 and NdF3”
    The 9th International Conference on Excitonic and Photonic Processes in Condensed and Nano Materials, 7/11-16, Brisbane, Australia (2010)
  60. Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, J. Pejchal, N. Kawaguti, K. Fukuda, D. Totsuka, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Optical and Scintillation properties of Pr3+-doped Ca3(BO3)2 single crystals”
    The 9th International Conference on Excitonic and Photonic Processes in Condensed and Nano Materials, 7/11-16, Brisbane, Australia (2010)
  61. Y. Fujimoto, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, J. Pejchal, N. Kawaguti, K. Fukuda, D. Totsuka, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Luminescence properties of Europium ion in Calcium Orthoborate crystals”
    The 9th International Conference on Excitonic and Photonic Processes in Condensed and Nano Materials, 7/11-16, Brisbane, Australia (2010)
  62. Akira Yoshikawa, Takayuki Yanagida, Yutaka Fujimoto, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Martin Nikl, Vladimir V. Kochurikhin
    “Crystal growth and luminescent properties of ZrO2 single crystal”
    The 9th International Conference on Excitonic and Photonic Processes in Condensed and Nano Materials, 7/11-16, Brisbane, Australia (2010)
  63. Akira Yoshikawa, Takayuki Yanagida, Yuui Yokota, Miyuki Miyamoto, Hideyuki Sekiwa, Martin Nikl
    “LPE Growth of (Zn,Mg)O Single Crystalline Film on ZnO Substrate and Their Properties”
    The 3rd International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic Materials and Related Nanotechnologies , 6/22-25, Toyama, Japan (2010)
  64. Yutaka Fujimoto, Takayuki Yanagida, Hideyuki Sekiwa, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Scintillation Characteristic of In, Ga doped ZnO Thin Films with Different Dopant Concentrations”
    The 3rd International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic Materials and Related Nanotechnologies , 6/22-25, Toyama, Japan (2010)
  65. Takayuki Yanagida, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Yutaka Fujimoto, Yuui Yokota, Miyuki Miyamoto, Hideyuki Sekiwa, Jun Kobayashi, Taichi Tokutake, and Akira Yoshikawa
    “Development of ZnO Based Radiation Monitor for Processing Facility”
    The 3rd International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic Materials and Related Nanotechnologies , 6/22-25, Toyama, Japan (2010)
  66. Akira Yoshikawa, Takayuki Yanagida, Yutaka Fujimoto, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Martin Nikl
    “Crystal growth and characterization of H3BO3 crystal”
    12th Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications, 5/24-30, Michigan University (2010)
  67. Takayuki Yanagida, Kei Kamada, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Yuui Yokota, Varely Chani, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Scintillation properties of Ce doped LuLiF4 and LuScBO3”
    12th Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications, 5/24-30, Michigan University (2010)
  68. Takayuki Yanagida, Yutaka Fujimoto, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Shun-ichiro Hatamoto, Daisuke Totsuka, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Basic study of single crystal fiber Pr:LuAG scintillator for gamma-ray imaging applications”
    12th Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications, 5/24-30, Michigan University (2010)
  69. Yutaka Fujimoto, Yuui Yokota, Takayuki Yanagida, Jan Pejchal, Noriaki Kawaguti, Kentaro Fukuda, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Development of Ce3+ activated Calcium Orthoborate single crystalline scintillators for thermal neutron detection”
    12th Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications, 5/24-30, Michigan University (2010)
  70. Joanna Iwanowska, Lukasz Swiderski, Marek Moszynski, Takayuki Yanagida, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa, Kentaro Fukuda, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Sumito Ishizu
    “Thermal neutron detection properties of Cerium doped LiCaAlF6 single crystals”
    12th Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications, 5/24-30, Michigan University (2010)
  71. Noriaki Kawaguchi, Kentaro Fukuda, Takayuki Yanagida, Yutaka Fujimoto, Yuui Yokota, Toshihisa Suyama, Kenichi Watanabe, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Fabrication and characterization of large size 6LiF/CaF2:Eu eutectic composites with the ordered lamellar structure”
    12th Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications, 5/24-30, Michigan University (2010)
  72. Atsushi Yamazaki, Kenichi Watanabe, Akira Uritani, Tetsuo Iguchi, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Takayuki Yanagida, Yutaka Fujimoto, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Kentaro Fukuda, Toshihisa Suyama, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Neutron-gamma Discrimination Based on Pulse Shape Discrimination in a Ce:LiCaAlF6 scintillator”
    12th Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications, 5/24-30, Michigan University (2010)
  73. Yutaka Fujimoto, Yuui Yokota, Takayuki Yanagida, Jan Pejchal, Noriaki Kawaguti, Kentaro Fukuda, Daisuke Totsuka, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Scintillation and optical properties of Pb-doped YCa4O(BO3)3 crystals”
    12th Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications, 5/24-30, Michigan University (2010)
  74. Noriaki Kawaguchi, Takayuki Yanagida, Yutaka Fujimoto, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Kentaro Fukuda, Toshihisa Suyama, Kenichi Watanabe, Atsushi Yamazaki, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Thermal neutron imaging with rare-earth-ion-doped LiCaAlF6 scintillators and a sealed 252Cf source”
    12th Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications, 5/24-30, Michigan University (2010)
  75. Noriaki Kawaguchi, Takayuki Yanagida, Yutaka Fujimoto, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Kentaro Fukuda, Toshihisa Suyama, Kenichi Watanabe, Atsushi Yamazaki, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Thermal neutron imaging with rare-earth-ion-doped LiCaAlF6 scintillators and a sealed 252Cf source”
    12th Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications, 5/24-30, Michigan University (2010)


  1. 高橋弘充、米谷光生、松岡正之、水野恒史、深沢泰司、柳田 健之、藤本裕、横田有為、吉川彰、河口範明、石津澄人、福田健太郎、須山敏尚、渡辺賢一
    日本天文学会2010年秋季年会 2010年9月22日(水)〜24日(金)@金沢大学 (2010)
  2. 坂野大翔,渡辺賢一,山崎淳,瓜谷章, 田中秀彦,柳田 健之,横田有為,吉川彰
    日本原子力学会中部支部 第42回研究発表会 2010年12月14-15日 @名古屋大学 (2010)
  3. 丸山秀典,渡辺賢一,山崎淳,瓜谷章、河口範明、福田健太郎、柳田 健之、吉川彰
    日本原子力学会中部支部 第42回研究発表会 2010年12月14-15日 @名古屋大学 (2010)
  4. 近藤良行,山崎淳,渡辺賢一,瓜谷章,井口哲夫、柳田 健之,河口範明,藤本裕,横田有為,鎌田圭,福田健太郎、須山敏尚、吉川彰
    日本原子力学会中部支部 第42回研究発表会 2010年12月14-15日 @名古屋大学 (2010)
  5. 有川安信,山ノ井航平,猿倉信彦,中井光男,乗松孝好,疇地宏,泉信彦,村田貴広,藤野茂,吉田英樹,鎌田圭,薄善行,須山敏尚,深堀明博,吉川彰,菅博文
    日本物理学会第65回年次大会, 3/20-23, 岡山, 岡山大学(2010)
  6. 谷上幸次郎、黒澤俊介、窪秀利、谷森達、関谷洋之、柳田健之、横田有為、吉川彰、福田健太郎、石津澄人、河口範明、須山敏尚
    日本物理学会第65回年次大会, 3/20-23, 岡山, 岡山大学(2010)
  7. 谷上幸次郎、黒澤俊介、窪秀利、谷森達、関谷洋之、柳田健之、横田有為、吉川彰、福田健太郎、石津澄人、河口範明、須山敏尚
    日本物理学会秋季大会, 9/11-14, 福岡, 九州工業大学(2010)
  8. 高橋弘充,米谷光生,松岡正之,水野恒史,深沢泰司,金井義和,河合誠之,片岡淳,釜江常好,田島宏康,G. Madejski,高橋忠幸,郡司修一,湯浅孝行,M. Pearce,M. Jackson,M. Kiss,P. Mallol,C. Marini Bettolo,S. Rydstro¨m,柳田健之,藤本裕,横田有為,吉川彰,河口範明,石津澄人,福田健太郎,須山敏,渡辺賢一,PoGOLite チーム
    ” PoGOLite 気球実験のパスファインダーフライト(1):大気中性子モニター”
    日本物理学会秋季大会, 9/11-14, 福岡, 九州工業大学(2010)
  9. 吉野将生,片岡淳,中森健之,松田英憲,三浦大陽,石川嘉隆,川端信行,松永祐輔,鎌田圭,薄善行,吉川彰,柳田健之
    日本物理学会秋季大会, 9/11-14, 福岡, 九州工業大学(2010)
  10. 深堀明博,柳田健之,鎌田圭,横田有為,吉川彰
    “Tm3+添加Y2O3, Sc2O3, Lu2O3単結晶育成と光学及びシンチレーション特性”
    第71回応用物理学会学術講演会, 9/14-17, 長崎, 長崎大学(2010)
  11. 河口範明,柳田健之,藤本裕,渡辺賢一,山崎淳,福田健太郎,須山敏尚,横田有為,吉川彰
    第71回応用物理学会学術講演会, 9/14-17, 長崎, 長崎大学(2010)
  12. 渡辺賢一,山崎淳,瓜谷章,柳田健之,河口範明,藤本裕,横田有為,鎌田圭,福田健太郎,須山敏久,吉川彰
    第71回応用物理学会学術講演会, 9/14-17, 長崎, 長崎大学(2010)
  13. 宮本由香,小林晴紀,竹井義法,南戸秀仁,黒堀利夫,柳田建之,吉川彰,坂倉政明,下間靖彦,三浦清貴,平尾一之,山本幸佳
    第71回応用物理学会学術講演会, 9/14-17, 長崎, 長崎大学(2010)
  14. 上坂浩司,益川陽平,ザムリ ユソプ,市川洋,種村眞幸,小野晋吾,河口範明,長見知史,石津澄人,福田健太郎,須山敏尚,横田有為,柳田健之,吉川彰
    第71回応用物理学会学術講演会, 9/14-17, 長崎, 長崎大学(2010)
  15. 田端一善,小野晋吾,市川洋,河口範明,福田健太郎,須山敏尚,横田有為,柳田健之,吉川彰
    第71回応用物理学会学術講演会, 9/14-17, 長崎, 長崎大学(2010)
  16. 古谷優貴,田中秀彦,河口範明,柳田健之,横田有為,杉山和正,吉川彰
    第71回応用物理学会学術講演会, 9/14-17, 長崎, 長崎大学(2010)
  17. 田中秀彦,古谷優貴,河口範明,横田有為,柳田健之,川添良幸,吉川彰
    第71回応用物理学会学術講演会, 9/14-17, 長崎, 長崎大学(2010)
  18. 杉山誠,藤本裕,柳田健之,横田有為,吉川彰
    第71回応用物理学会学術講演会, 9/14-17, 長崎, 長崎大学(2010)
  19. 山路晃広,柳田健之,古谷優貴,鎌田圭,吉川彰
    “Pr: LuAG単結晶の結晶性とシンチレーション特性の相関に関する研究”
    第71回応用物理学会学術講演会, 9/14-17, 長崎, 長崎大学(2010)
  20. 鎌田圭,柳田健之,藤本裕,深堀明博,薄善行,吉川彰
    “Ce: (Gd,Y)3Al5O12(GYAG)単結晶の作製とシンチレータ特性評価”
    第71回応用物理学会学術講演会, 9/14-17, 長崎, 長崎大学(2010)
  21. 横田有為,Valery Chani,佐藤真人,遠田一重,小野寺晃,柳田健之,吉川彰
    第71回応用物理学会学術講演会, 9/14-17, 長崎, 長崎大学(2010)
  22. 河口範明,柳田健之,福田健太郎,須山敏尚,鎌田圭,横田有為,渡辺賢一,吉川彰
    “Ce添加LiCaAlF6 2インチ単結晶のCz法による作製および特性評価”
    第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 3/17-20, 神奈川, 東海大学(2010)
  23. 前尾修司,柳田健之,横田有為,吉川彰
    第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 3/17-20, 神奈川, 東海大学(2010)
  24. 柳田健之,藤本裕,横田有為,前尾修司,古谷優貴,阿部直人,田中秀彦,深堀明博,Pejchal Jan,吉川 彰,河口範明,石津澄人,福田健太郎,須山敏尚,内山公朗,森邦芳,北野謙
    第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 3/17-20, 神奈川, 東海大学(2010)
  25. 猿倉信彦,河野雅弘,Marilou Raduban,Jacque Gabayno,Minh Pham,山ノ井航平,Elmer Estacio,中里智治,清水俊彦,須山敏尚,福田健太郎,Kyoung Jin Kim,吉川彰,斎藤文良,斎藤文良
    第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 3/17-20, 神奈川, 東海大学(2010)
  26. 鎌田圭,柳田健之,吉川彰,薄善行
    第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 3/17-20, 神奈川, 東海大学(invited)(2010)
  27. 古谷優貴,田中秀彦,福田健太郎,河口範明,阿部直人,柳田健之,横田有為,杉山和正,吉川彰
    第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 3/17-20, 神奈川, 東海大学(2010)
  28. Valery I. Chani,Georges Boulon,柳田健之,吉川彰
    “融液成長およびセラミックスにおける添加物の偏析現象: 相関関係”
    第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 3/17-20, 神奈川, 東海大学(2010)
  29. 藤本裕,横田有為,柳田健之,前尾修司,Jan Pejchal,Martin Nikl,吉川彰
    第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 3/17-20, 神奈川, 東海大学(2010)
  30. 藤本裕,横田有為,柳田健之,前尾修司,Jan Pejchal,Martin Nikl,吉川彰
    第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 3/17-20, 神奈川, 東海大学(2010)
  31. Jan Pejchal,Federico Moretti,Anna Vedda,Martin Nikl,Takayuki Yanagida,Yuui Yokota,Akira Yoshikawa
    “Luminescence properties of Ti-doped LiAlO2 scintillator”
    第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 3/17-20, 神奈川, 東海大学(2010)
  32. 横田有為,柳田健之,前尾修司,河口範明,福田健太郎,吉川彰
    第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 3/17-20, 神奈川, 東海大学(2010)
  33. 山路晃広, 柳田健之, 河口範明, 藤本裕, 横田有為, 吉川彰
    ” Ce Eu添加LiSrAlF6単結晶製作及びシンチレーション特性評価”
    第21回光物性研究会, 12/10-11, 大阪,大阪市立大学(2010)
  34. J. Pejchal, K. Fukuda, M.Nikl, Y. Yokota, T. Yanagida, N. Kawaguchi, A. Yoshikawa
    “Luminescence of modified BaYF:Nd VUV single crystal scintillator”
    第21回光物性研究会, 12/10-11, 大阪,大阪市立大学(2010)
  35. 横田有為, 吉川彰, 柳田健之, 山路晃広, 河口範明, 福田健太郎
    “改良型マイクロ引き下げ法によるCeCl3, Ce:LaBr3単結晶の結晶育成とその光物性 “
    第21回光物性研究会, 12/10-11, 大阪,大阪市立大学(2010)
  36. 田中秀彦, 古谷優貴, 杉山誠, 藤本裕, 河口範明, 横田有為, 柳田健之, 吉川彰, 川添良幸
    “Nd添加CaF2単結晶の結晶性とVUV領域におけるシンチレーション特性及び光学特性との相関 “
    第21回光物性研究会, 12/10-11, 大阪,大阪市立大学(2010)
  37. 古谷優貴, 田中秀彦, 河口範明, 福田健太郎, 横田有為, 柳田健之, 杉山和正, 吉川 彰
    “KLiYF5, KLiLuF5およびNd添加KLiLuF5の作製と真空紫外領域におけるシンチレーション特性評価 “
    第21回光物性研究会, 12/10-11, 大阪,大阪市立大学(2010)
  38. 深堀明博, 柳田健之, Jan Pejchal, Valery Chani, 前尾修司, 横田有為 吉川彰, 鎌田圭, Moretti Federico, 池上隆康
    日本セラミックス協会2010年年会, 3/22-24, 東京,東京農工大学 (2010)
  39. 宍戸統悦,工藤邦男,岡田 繁,森 孝雄,野村明子,菅原孝昌,湯葢邦夫,田中雅彦,澤田 豊,佐原亮二,ビジャイ クマール,林 好一,手嶋勝弥,天野忠昭,古曵重美,吉川 彰,大石修治,川添良幸
    “ペロブスカイト型ホウ化物RRh3B(R = 希土類元素)の硬さ”
    第5回日本フラックス成長研究発表会, 12/3,長野, 信州大学(2010)
  40. 宍戸統悦,工藤邦男,岡田 繁,森 孝雄,野村明子,菅原孝昌,湯葢邦夫,田中雅彦,澤田 豊,佐原亮二,ビジャイ クマール,林 好一,手嶋勝弥,天野忠昭,古曵重美,吉川 彰,大石修治,川添良幸
    “ペロブスカイト型ホウ化物RRh3B(R = 希土類元素)の熱化学的性質”
    第5回日本フラックス成長研究発表会, 12/3,長野, 信州大学(2010)
  41. 吉川 彰,ペジャール ヤン,ヴァレリ チャニ,横田有為,柳田健
    第5回日本フラックス成長研究発表会, 12/3,長野, 信州大学(2010)
  42. 吉川 彰,横田有為,柳田健之,福田健太郎,河口範明,石津澄人,須山敏尚
    第5回日本フラックス成長研究発表会, 12/3,長野, 信州大学(2010)
  43. J. Pejchal, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
    “Study on Photoluminescence delayed recombination decay to evaluate CB-5d1 thermal depth of Pr3+ center”
    International Symposium on Advanced Materials Processing, Part 2, 3/12,宮城, 仙台国際ホテル(2010)
  44. Jan Pejchal, Yutaka Fujimto, Valery Chani, Martin Nikl, Takayuki Yanagida, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa
    “Synthesis and characterization of Ti1-xSnxO2 nanoparticles and its nanotube for the application to dye-sensitized solar cell”
    第10回東北大学多元物質科学研究所研究発表会, 12/1,宮城, 東北大学多元物質科学研究所(2010)
  45. Valery I. CHANI, Akihiro FUKABORI, Yuui YOKOTA, Akira YOSHIKAWA
    “Growth of Nd-Doped Sc2O3 Crystals by Micro-Pulling-Down Technique”
    第10回東北大学多元物質科学研究所研究発表会, 12/1,宮城, 東北大学多元物質科学研究所(2010)
    “Segregation if Melt Crystal Growth and Ceramics Processing”
    第10回東北大学多元物質科学研究所研究発表会, 12/1,宮城, 東北大学多元物質科学研究所(2010)