Refereed Papers

1Jan Pejchal, Kentaro Fukuda, Vladimir Babin, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa, Martin NiklLuminescence mechanism in doubly Gd, Nd-codoped fluoride crystals for VUV scintillatorsJ. of Lum.169682 – 68920160100
2Y. Guyot, M. Guzik, G. Alombert-Goget, J. Pejchal, A. Yoshikawa, A. Ito, T. Goto, G. BoulonAssignment of Yb3+ energy levels in the C2 and C3i centers of Lu2O3 sesquioxide either as ceramics or as crystalJ. of Lum.170513-51920160200
3A. Yoshikawa, K. Kamada, S. Kurosawa, Y. Shoji, Y. Yokota, V.I. Chani, M. NiklCrystal growth and scintillation properties of multi-component oxide single crystals: Ce:GGAG and Ce:La-GPSJ. of Lum.169387 – 39320160100
4Guido Toci, Angela Pirri, Alena Beitlerova, Yasuhiro Shoji, Akira Yoshikawa, Jiri Hybler, Martin Nikl, and Matteo VanniniCharacterization of the lasing properties of a 5%Yb doped Lu2SiO5 crystal along its three principal dielectric axesOptics Express2313210 – 1322120150000
5Kei Kamada, Martin Nikl, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yasuhiro Shoji, Jan Pejchal, Yuji Ohashi, Yuui Yokota, and Akira YoshikawaGrowth and scintillation properties of praseodymium doped (Lu,Gd)3(Ga,Al)5O12 single crystalsJ. of Lum.169811-81520160100
6T. Tanimori, H. Kubo, A. Takada, S. Iwaki, S. Komura, S. Kurosawa, Y. Matsuoka, K. Miuchi, S. Miyamoto, T. Mizumoto, Y. Mizumura, K. Nakamura, S. Nakamura, M. Oda, J. D. Parker, T. Sawano, S. Sonoda, T. Takemura, D. Tomono, K. UenoAn Electron-Tracking Compton Telescope for a Survey of the Deep Universe by MeV gamma-raysThe Astrophysical Journal8102820150901
7Jianyong Jiang, Kenji Shimazoe, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Yoshiaki Shikaze, Yukihisa Sanada, Tatsuo Torii, , Masao Yoshino, Shigeki Ito, Takanori Endo, Kosuke Tsutsumi, Sho Kato, Hiroki Sato, Yoshiyuki Usuki, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Kei Kamada, and Akira YoshikawaA Prototype of Aerial Radiation Monitoring System Using an Unmanned Helicopter Mounting a GAGG Scintillator Compton CameraJ. of Nucl. Sci. and Tech.531067-107520160702
8T. Mizumoto, Y. Matsuoka, Y. Mizumura, T. Tanimori, H. Kubo, A. Takada, S. Iwaki, T. Sawano, K. Nakamura, S. Komura, S. Nakamura, T. Kishimoto, M. Oda, S. Miyamoto, T. Takemura, J.D. Parker, D. Tomono, S. Sonoda, K. Miuchi, S. KurosawaNew readout and data-acquisition system in an Electron-Tracking Compton Camera for MeV Gamma-Ray Astronomy (SMILE-II)NIMA80040 – 5020151111
9Yuui Yokota, Tetsuo Kudo, Yuji Ohashi, Andrey Medvedev, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Kei Kamada and Akira YoshikawaCrystal Growth of Ca3Nb(Ga1-xAlx)3Si2O14 Piezoelectric Single Crystals with Various Al ConcentrationsMaterials8(9)5597 – 560520150826
10Kei Kamada, Kousuke Hishinuma, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yasuhiro Shoji, Jan Pejchal, Yuji Ohashi, Yuui Yokota, Akira YoshikawaDirectionally solidified Eu doped CaF2/Li3AlF6 eutectic scintillator for neutron detectionOpt, Mat5071 – 7520151200
11Yuui Yokota, Yuji Ohashi, Tetsuo Kudo, Vladimir V. Kochurikhin, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Kei Kamada, and Akira YoshikawaGrowth and piezoelectric properties of Ca3Nb(Ga1-xAlx)3Si2O14 (x = 0.25 and 0.50) single crystalsJJAP5410ND1320150928
12Rikito Murakami, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yasuhiro Shoji, Yuui Yokota, Jan Pejchal, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada and Akira YoshikawaScintillation Properties Of Mg Co-doped Ce:(Gd, La)2Si2O7 Grown By Czochralski MethodKEK 58 – 6520160218
13Zhong Zeng, Long Qiao, Yaping Liu, Yuui Yokota, Yoshi Kawazoe, Akira YoshikawaNumerical Study on the Radial Dopant Distribution in Micro-Pulling-Down Crystal GrowthJCG434110 – 11520160115
14Kei Kamada, Kosuke Hishinuma, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akihiro Yamaji, Yasuhiro Shoji, Jan Pejchal, Yuui Yokota, Yuji Ohashi, Akira YoshikawaGrowth and scintillation properties of Eu doped BaCl2/LiF eutectic scintillatorOpt. Mat.5076 – 8020151200
15T. Saito, T. Iwasaki, S. Kurosawa, A. Yoshikawa, T. DenBiI3 single crystal for room-temperature gamma ray detectorsNIMA806395 – 40020160111
16Nikl, M., Yoshikawa, A.Recent R&D Trends in Inorganic Single-Crystal Scintillator Materials for Radiation DetectionAdv. Opt. Mat.3(4)463 – 48120150401
17WarutChewpraditkul, PetrBrůža, DaliborPanek, NakarinPattanaboonmee, KriangkraiWantong, WeerapongChewpraditku, VladimirBabin, KarolBartosiewicz, KeiKamada, AkiraYoshikawa, MartinNiklOptical and scintillation properties of Ce3+-doped YGd2Al5-xGaxO12 (x=2, 3, 4) single crystal scintillatorsJ. of Lumi169(1)43 – 5020160101
18Yuui Yokota, Tomoki Ito, Shoji Yasuhiro, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, and Akira YoshikawaGrowth of 1.5 inch Eu:SrI2 single crystal and scintillation propertiesIEEE TNS63467-47020160400
19Y. Ohashi T. Kudo, Y. Yokota, Y. Shoji, S. Kurosawa,
K. Kamada and A. Yoshikawa
Acoustical physical constants around room temperature for Ca3TaGa1.5Al1.5Si2O14 single crystalElectronics Letters51(24)1957 – 195820151119
20J.A. Mares, A. Beitlerova, P. Prusa, K. Blazek, P. Horodysky, K. Kamada, A. Yoshikawa, C. D’Ambrosio, M. NiklEnergy resolution studies of Ce- and Pr-doped aluminum and multicomponent garnets: The escape and photo-peaksOpt. Mat.41701 – 70520160100
21M. Nikl, V. Babin, J.A. Mares, K. Kamada, S. Kurosawa, A. Yoshikawa, J. Tous, J. Houzvicka, K. BlazekThe role of cerium variable charge state in the luminescence and scintillation mechanism in complex oxide scintillators: The effect of air annealingJ. of Lumi.169539 – 54320160100
22K. Bartosiewicz, V. Babin, K. Kamada, A. Yoshikawa, M. NiklEnergy migration processes in undoped and Ce-doped multicomponent garnet single crystal scintillatorsJ. of Lumi.166117 – 12220151000
23Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akira Suzuki, Akihiro Yamaji, Kei Kamada, Jan Pejchal, Yuji Ohashi, Yuui Yokota, Valery Ivanovich Chani, Akira YoshikawaLuminescent Properties of Cr-Doped Gallium Garnet Crystals Grown by the Micro-Pulling-Down MethodJCG45295-10020160207
24Ren Arita, Yuki Minami, Marilou Cadatal-Raduban, Minh Hong Pham, Melvin John Fernandez Empizo, Mui Viet Luong, Tatsuhiro Hori, Masahiro Takabatake, Kazuhito Fukuda, Kazuyuki Mori, Kohei Yamanoi, Toshihiko Shimizu, Nobuhiko Sarukura, Kentaro Fukuda, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Yuui Yokota, Akira YoshikawaSignificant blue-shift in photoluminescence excitation spectra of Nd3+:LaF3 potential laser medium at low-temperatureOpt. Mat.47462-46420150900
25Kei Kamada, Kosuke Hishinuma, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akihiro Yamaji, Yasuhiro Shoji, Jan Pejchal, Yuui Yokota, Yuji Ohashi, Akira YoshikawaGrowth and scintillation properties of Eu doped BaCl2/LiF eutectic scintillatorOpt, Mat50 (A)76-8020151200
26Jan Pejchal, Kentaro Fukuda, Vladimir Babin, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa, Martin NiklLuminescence mechanism in doubly Gd, Nd-codoped fluoride crystals for VUV scintillatorsJ. of Lumi.169 (B)682-68920160100
27Ongsa Sakthong, Weerapong Chewpraditkul, Kei Kamada, Akira Yoshikawa, Tomasz Szczesniak, Martyna Grodzicka, Pawel Sibczynski, Marek MoszynskiTiming characteristics of the scintillation response of Gd3Al2Ga3O12:Ce and Gd3Al2.6Ga2.4O12:Ce single crystal scintillatorsRad. Mes.8724-2820160401
28Rikito Murakami, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yasuhiro Shoji, Vitezslav Jary, Yuji Ohashi, Jan Pejchal, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Martin Nikl, Akira YoshikawaScintillation properties of Zr co-doped Ce:(Gd, La)2Si2O7 grown by the Czochralski processRad. Mes.90162-16520160218
29Jan Pejchal, Vladimir Babin, Alena Beitlerova, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa, Martin NiklImprovement of the growth of Li4SiO4 single crystals for neutron detection and their scintillation and luminescence propertiesJCG457143-15020170101
30Hiroyuki Chiba, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Koichi Harata, Rikito Murakami, Akihiro Yamaji, Yuji Ohashi, Jan Pejchal, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Akira YoshikawaLuminescence Properties of the Mg co-doped Ce:SrHfO3 Ceramics Prepared by the Spark Plasma Sintering MethodRad. Mes.90287-29120160218
31Chieko Tanaka, Yuui Yokota, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akihiro Yamaji, Vitezslav Jary, Vladimir Babin, Jan Pejchal, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Martin Nikl, Akira YoshikawaGrowth and radioluminescence of metal elements doped LiCaAlF6 single crystals for neutron scintillatorRad. Mes.90170-17320160210
32Warut Chewpraditkul, Nakarin Pattanaboonmee, Weerapong Chewpraditkul, Kei Kamada, Akira Yoshikawa, Martin NiklLuminescence and scintillation response of YGd2Al2Ga3O12:Ce and LuGd2Al2Ga3O12:Ce scintillatorsRad. Mes.90153-15620151230
33Akira Yoshikawa, Yasuhiro Shoji, Yuji Ohashi, Yuui Yokota, Valery I. Chani, Masanori Kitahara, Tetsuo Kudo, Kei Kamada, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Andrey Medvedev, Vladimir KochurikhinCzochralski Growth of 2 Inch Ca3Ta(Ga,Al)3Si2O14 Single Crystals for Piezoelectric ApplicationsJCG452135-14020160204
34Tomoki Ito, Yuui Yokota, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Robert Kral, Jan Pejchal, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Martin Nikl, Akira YoshikawaEffects of Na and K co-doping on growth and scintillation properties of Eu:SrI2 crystalsRad. Mes.90157-16120160700
35Yuui Yokota, Tomoki Ito, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Akira YoshikawaOptical and scintillation properties of Sr3BGa3Si2O14 (B = Nb, Ta) single crystalsRad. Mes.90334-33720160700
36Kei Kamada, Yasuhiro Shoji , Vladimir V. Kochurikhin, Aya Nagura, Satoshi, Okumura, Seiichi. Yamamoto, Jung Yeol Yeom, Shunsuke Kurosawa,Jan Pejchal, Yuui Yokota,Yuji Ohashi, Martin Nikl, Akira YoshikawaLarge size Czochralski growth and scintillation properties of Mg2+ co-doped Ce:Gd3Ga3Al2O12IEEE TNS63443-44720160400
37Kei Kamada, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuui Yokota, Jan Pejchal, Yuji Ohashi, and Akira YoshikawaSingle crystal growth of cerium and praseodymium doped YCa4O(BO3)3 scintillator by micro-pulling down methodIEEE TNS63486-48920160400
38I. Iparraguirre, J. Azkargorta, K. Kamada, A. Yoshikawa, U. R. Rodriguez-Mendoza, V. Lavin, M. Barredo-Zuriarrain, R. Balda, and J. FernandezRandom laser action in stoichiometric Nd3Ga5O12 garnet crystal powderLaser Physics
13 20160215
39Aya Nagura, Kei Kamada, Martin Nikl, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Jan Pejchal, Yuui Yokota, Yuji Ohashi and Akira YoshikawaImprovement of scintillation properties on Ce doped Y3Al5O12 scintillator by divalent cations co-dopingJJAP5404DH120150000
40Martin Nikl, Vladimir Babin, Jan Pejchal, Valentin V. Laguta, Maksym Buryi, Jiri A. Mares, Kei Kamada, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akira Yoshikawa, Dalibor Panek, Tomas Parkman, Petr Bruza, Klaus Mann, and Matthias MullerThe Stable Ce4+ Center: A New Tool to Optimize Ce-Doped Oxide ScintillatorsIEEE TNS63433-43820160400
41Robert Kral, Vitezslav Jary, Jan Pejchal, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Karel Nitsch, Yuui Yokota, Martin Nikl, and
Akira Yoshikawa
Growth and Luminescence Properties of Eu:SrI2 Single Crystals Prepared by Modified Micro-Pulling-Down MethodIEEE TNS63453-45820160400
42Yuki Minami, Ren Arita, Marilou Cadatal-Raduban, Minh Hong Pham, Melvin John Fernandez Empizo, Mui Viet Luong a, Tatsuhiro Hori, Masahiro Takabatake, Kazuhito Fukuda a, Kazuyuki Mori, Kohei Yamanoi, Toshihiko Shimizu, Nobuhiko Sarukura, Kentaro Fukuda, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Yuui Yokota, Akira YoshikawaTemperature-dependent evaluation of Nd:LiCAF optical properties as potential vacuum ultraviolet laser materialOpt. Mat.585-820160513
  • J. of Lumi.: Journal of Luminescence
  • IEEE TNS: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
  • NIMA: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics A
  • JCG: Journal of Crystal Growth
  • pss(c): Physica Status Solidi (c)
  • EPJB: The European Physical Journal B
  • IEEE UFFC: IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control
  • PCGCM: Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials
  • Ferroele.: Ferroelectrics
  • KEK:Radiation Detectors And Their Uses Proceedings of The 29th Workshop on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses in KEK
  • Ferroele.: Ferroelectrics
  • JECS:Journal of the European Ceramic Society
  • JINST: Journal of Instrumentation

Non-Refereed Papers


Review and books





1Akira Yoshikawa, Yasuhiro Shoji, Yuji Ohashi, Yuui Yokota, Tetsuo Kudo, Kei Kamada, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Andrey MedvedevBulk Single Crystal Growth of Ca3Ta(Ga,Al)3Si2O14 Single Crystals2015 IEEE
2015/05/24-27Biopolis, Matrix Building, Singapore20150525-27poster
2Yuui Yokota, Tetsuo Kudo, Yuji Ohashi, Andrey Medvedev, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Kei Kamada, Akira YoshikawaEffects of Al Doping on Crystal Growth and Piezoelectric Properties of Ca3NbGa3Si2O14 Single Crystals2015 IEEE
2015/05/24-27Biopolis, Matrix Building, Singapore20150526oral
3Yuji Ohashi, Tetsuo Kudo, Yuui Yokota, Yasuhiro Shoji, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Kei Kamada, Akira YoshikawaHomogeneity Evaluation of Ca3Ta(Ga0.5Al0.5)3Si2O14 Single Crystal by the Line-Focus-Beam Ultrasonic Material Characterization System2015 IEEE
2015/05/24-27Biopolis, Matrix Building, Singapore20150526oral
4Tetsuo Kudo, Yuui Yokota, Yuji Ohashi, Yasuhiro Shoji, Kei Kamada, Andrey Medvedev, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akira YoshikawaGrowth of Ca3Ta(Ga1-xAlx)3Si2O14 Single Crystals and Their Piezoelectric Properties2015 IEEE
2015/05/24-27Biopolis, Matrix Building, Singapore20150526oral
5R. Inaba, M. Kitaura, K. Kamada, S. Kurosawa, A. Ohnishi, K. HaraOrigin of UV-Induced Infrared Absorption Band in Ce:GAGG13th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications (SCINT2015)2015/06/7-12Berkeley, CA, USA20150608poster
mini oral
6S. Kurosawa, R. Murakami, A. Yamaji, Y. Shoji, J. Pejchal, Y. Ohashi, Y. Yokota, K. Kamada, A. YoshikawaRadiation Hardness of Gd-Based Oxide Scintillators13th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications (SCINT2015)2015/06/07-12Berkeley, CA, USA20150608poster
mini oral
7K. Kamada, S. Kurosawa, Y. Yokota, J. Pejchal, Y. Ohashi, A. YoshikawaGrowth of Gadolinium Pyrosilicate Based Eutectics and Their Scintillation Properties13th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications (SCINT2015)2015/06/07-12Berkeley, CA, USA20150609poster
mini oral
8K. Kamada, S. Kurosawa, Y. Yokota, J. Pejchal, Y. Ohashi, A. YoshikawaSingle Crystal Growth of Cerium and Praseodymium Doped YCa4O(BO3)3
Scintillator by Micro-Pulling down Method
13th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications (SCINT2015)2015/06/07-12Berkeley, CA, USA20150609poster
mini oral
9S. Kurosawa, H. Koichi, P. Jan, Y. Yokota, Y. Ohashi, K. Kamada, A. YoshikawaLuminescent Study on Ce-Doped Hafnate Ceramics Samples Prepared by the SPS Method13th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications (SCINT2015)2015/06/07-12Berkeley, CA, USA20150609poster
mini oral
10J. Pejchal, V. Babin, A. Beitlerova, S. Kurosawa, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa, M. NiklLuminescence and Scintillation Properties of Li4SiO4 Single Crystals for Neutron Scintillators13th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications (SCINT2015)2015/06/07-12Berkeley, CA, USA20150609oral
11P. Bruza, D. Panek, T. Parkman, K. Kamada, S. Kurosawa, A. Yoshikawa, J. Tous, J. Houzvicka, K. Blazek, M. Kucera, M. Mueller, K. Mann, M. NiklHigh Dynamic Range Monitoring of Slow Decay Components in Garnet-Based Scintillators13th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications (SCINT2015)2015/06/07-12Berkeley, CA, USA20150610poster
mini oral
12K. Bartosiewicz, V. Babin, K. Kamada, A. Yoshikawa, J. Mares, A. Beitlerova, M. NiklLuminescence Quenching and Scintillation Characteristics in (Y,Gd)3Al5O12 Single Crystals Doped with Ce3+13th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications (SCINT2015)2015/06/07-12Berkeley, CA, USA20150610poster
mini oral
13R. Kral, J. Pejchal, K. Nitsch, V. Jary, S. Kurosawa, Y. Yokota, M. Nikl, A. YoshikawaGrowth and Luminescence Properties of Eu:SrI2 Single Crystals Prepared by Modified Micro-Pulling-down Method13th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications (SCINT2015)2015/06/07-12Berkeley, CA, USA20150611poster
mini oral
14Y. Yokota, S. Kurosawa, R. Kral, Y. Shoji, J. Pejchal, Y. Ohashi, K. Kamada, A. YoshikawaCrystal Growth and Scintillation Properties of 1.5 Inch Eu:SrI2 Bulk Single Crystal13th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications (SCINT2015)2015/06/07-12Berkeley, CA, USA20150611poster
mini oral
15K. Kamada, Y. Shoji, V. V. Kochurikhin, A. Nagura, S. Okumura, S. Yamamoto, J. Y. Yeom, S. Kurosawa, J. Pejchal, Y. Yokota, Y. Ohashi, M. Nikl, A. YoshikawaLarge Size Czochralski Growth and Scintillation Properties of Mg2+ Co-Doped Ce:Gd3Ga3Al2O1213th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications (SCINT2015)2015/06/07-12Berkeley, CA, USA20150611oral
16S. Kurosawa, Y. Shoji, R. Murakami, M. Kitaura, V. Jary, J. Pejchal, Y. Ohashi, Y. Yokota, K. Kamada, A. Onishi, M. Nikl, A. YoshikawaScintillation Properties of Large Size Ce:La-GPS Crystals Grown by the
Czochralski Process
13th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications (SCINT2015)2015/06/07-12Berkeley, CA, USA20150611oral
17Hiroyuki Sekiya, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akira YoshikawaZnWO4CYGNUS2015 Workshop2015/06/02-04Occidental College in Los Angeles, CA, USA20150602oral
18Yasuhiro Shoji, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, V.V.Kochurikhin, Akira YoshikawaCzochralski growth and properties of Ce:Gd3(Ga,Al)5O12 and Gd2-xLax-yCeySi2O7 scintillator crystals11th International Conference on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications (11th CMCEE)2015/06/14-19Vancouver, B.C., Canada20150617oral
19A. Takada, T. Tanimori, H. Kubo, T. Mizumoto, Y. Mizumura, T. Sawano1, K. Nakamura, Y. Matsuoka, S. Komura, S. Nakamura, T. Kishimoto, M. Oda, T. Takemura, S. Miyamoto, Y. Nakamasu, K. Yoshikawa, J. D. Parker, K. Miuchi, S. KurosawaSMILE : Sub-MeV/MeV Gamma-ray Survey
using Electron-Tracking Compton Camera loaded on Balloon
AAS High Energy Decadal Meeting29 June – 1 July 2015Chicago poster
20Shunsuke Kurosawa, Toetsu Shishido, Takamasa Sugawara, Akiko Nomura, Kunio Yubuta,  Yasuhiro Shoji, Rikito Murakami, Yuui Yokota, Jan Pejchal, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Akira YoshikawaLuminescent Properties Of Ce-Doped Gadolinium Pyrosilicate Crystals Grown By The Floating Zone Method2015 ACCGE-202015/08/02-07Big Sky, Montana, USA20150803poster
21Akira Yoshikawa, Yasuhiro Shoji, Yuji Ohashi, Yuui Yokota, Valery I. Chani, Masanori Kitahara, Tetsuo Kudo, Kei Kamada, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Andrey Medvedev, Vladimir KochurikhinCzochralski Growth of 2 Inch Ca3Ta(Ga,Al)3Si2O14 Single Crystals For Piezoelectric Application2015 ACCGE-202015/08/02-07Big Sky, Montana, USA20150804poster
22Tomoki Ito, Yuui Yokota, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Kei Kamada, Jan Pejchal, Yuji Ohashi, Akira YoshikawaCrystal Growth And Scintillation Properties Of Lu Substituted CeBr3 Single Crystals2015 ACCGE-202015/08/02-07Big Sky, Montana, USA20150803poster
23Akira Yoshikawa, Yasuhiro Shoji, Yuui Yokota, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Shoki Hayasaka, Valery I. Chani, Tomoki Ito, Kei Kamada, Yuji Ohashi, Vladimir V. KochurikhinCrystal Growth Of 2inch Eu-Doped SrI2 Single Crystals For Scintillator Application2015 ACCGE-202015/08/02-07Big Sky, Montana, USA20150803invited
24Akira Yoshikawa, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yasuhiro Shoji, Valery I. Chani, Rikito Murakami, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Yuji Ohashi, Vladimir KochurikhinCzochralski Growth Of 2inch Ce-Doped (La,Gd)2Si2O7 Single Crystals For Scintillator Application2015 ACCGE-202015/08/02-07Big Sky, Montana, USA20150804Oral
25Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akira Suzuki, Akihiro Yamaji, Kei Kamada, Jan Pejchal, Yuji Ohashi, Yuui Yokota, Akira YoshikawaLuminescent Properties Of Cr-Doped Gallium Garnet Crystals Grown By The Micro Pulling Down Method2015 ACCGE-202015/08/02-07Big Sky, Montana, USA20150803Poster
26Masanori Kitahara, Yuui Yokota, Yuji Ohashi, Andrey Medvedev, Syunsuke Kurosawa, Kei Kamada, Osamu Eguchi, Akira YoshikawaCa3NbGa3Si2O14 Piezoelectric Fiver Crystal For Electrical Generation From Oscillation Grown By Micro-Pulling-Down Mathod2015 ACCGE-202015/08/02-07Big Sky, Montana, USA20150806Oral
27Kei Kamada, Yasuhiro Shoji, Vladimir V. Kochurikhin, Aya Nagura, Satoshi Okumura, Seiichi Yamamoto, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Jan Pejchal, Yuui Yokota, Yuji Ohashi, Akira YoshikawaGrowth Of 3 Inch Diameter Ce Doped Gd3Ga3Al2O12 Single Crystal Scintillator2015 ACCGE-202015/08/02-07Big Sky, Montana, USA20150806Oral
28Yuji Ohashi, Tetsuo Kudo, Yuui Yokota, Yasuhiro Shoji, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Kei Kamada, Akira YoshikawaChemical Composition Characterization Of Ca3Ta(Ga0.5Al0.5)3Si2O14 Single Crystal By The Line-Focus-Beam Ultrasonic Material Characterization System2015 ACCGE-202015/08/02-07Big Sky, Montana, USA20150804Poster
29Kei Kamada, Aya Nagura, Martin Nikl, Satoshi Okumura, Seiichi Yamamoto, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuui Yokota, Jan Pejchal, Yuji Ohashi, Akira YoshikawaScintillation Properties Of Ce:Gd3(Ga,Al)5O12 Single Crystals Grown By Czochralski Method With Different Mg Co-Doping Concentrations.2015 ACCGE-202015/08/02-07Big Sky, Montana, USA20150803Poster
30Kei Kamada, Vladimir V. Kochurikhin, Martin Nikl, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Jan Pejchal, Yuui Yokota, Yuji Ohashi, Akira YoshikawaGrowth And Scintillation Properties Of Alkali Metal And Ce Co-Doped Lu3Al5O12 Scintillator2015 ACCGE-202015/08/02-07Big Sky, Montana, USA20150804Oral
31Yuui Yokota, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Akira YoshikawaGrowth And Scintillation Properties Of Ce Doped Yag Single Crystal2015 ACCGE-202015/08/02-07Big Sky, Montana, USA20150803Poster
32Yuui Yokota, Yuji Ohashi, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Kei Kamada, Akira YoshikawaGrowth Of Ca3NbGa3Si2O14 Piezoelectric Crystals Grown From Congruent Composition2015 ACCGE-202015/08/02-07Big Sky, Montana, USA20150804Poster
33Kei Kamada, Yuma Takida, Hiroaki Minamide, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuui Yokota, Yuji Ohashi, Akira YoshikawaGrowth Of N-Benzyl-2-Methyl-4-Nitroaniline (BNA) Single Crystal Fiber For Terahertz Generation.2015 ACCGE-202015/08/02-07Big Sky, Montana, USA20150805Oral
34Akira Yoshikawa, Yasuhiro Shoji, Yuui Yokota, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Valery I. Chani, Tomoki Ito, Kei
Kamada, Yuji Ohashia, Vladimir Kochurikhin
Crystal Growth, Optical And Scintillation Properties of Bulk Eu-doped SrI2 Single CrystalsThe 4TH International Conference on the Physics of Optical Materials and Devices (ICOM2015)2015/8/30-9/4Budva, Montenegro20150901invited
35Hiroaki Yamaguchi, Kei Kamada, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Jan Pejchal, Yasuhiro Shoji, Yuui Yokota, Yuji
Ohashi, Akira Yoshikawa
Co-doping Effects on Luminescence and Scintillation Properties of Ce doped (Lu,Gd)3(Ga,Al)5O12 ScintillatorThe 4TH International Conference on the Physics of Optical Materials and Devices (ICOM2015)2015/8/30-9/4Budva, Montenegro20150831Oral
36Kei Kamada, Kosuke Hishinuma, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akihiro Yamaji, Yasuhiro Shoji, Jan Pejchalb, Yuji Ohashi, Yuui Yokota, and Akira YoshikawaGrowth and Luminescence Properties Of Ce doped LaCl3/CaCl2 Eutectic ScintillatorThe 4TH International Conference on the Physics of Optical Materials and Devices (ICOM2015)2015/8/30-9/4Budva, Montenegro20150901Poster
37Kei Kamada, Kosuke Hishinuma, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akihiro Yamaji, Yasuhiro Shoji, Jan Pejchal, Yuji Ohashi, Yuui Yokota, and Akira YoshikawaGrowth and Scintillation Properties of Eu and Tb Doped LiGdF4/LiF Eutectic Scintillator for Neutron DetectionThe 4TH International Conference on the Physics of Optical Materials and Devices (ICOM2015)2015/8/30-9/4Budva, Montenegro20150902Poster
38Shunsuke Kurosawa, Mafuyu Seki, Kei Kamada, Jan Pejchal, Yasuhiro Shoji, Yuji Ohashi, Yuui Yokota, Akira YoshikawaTemperature Dependence of Y-Admix GAGG Scintillator Grown by the Czochralski ProcessThe 4TH International Conference on the Physics of Optical Materials and Devices (ICOM2015)2015/8/30-9/4Budva, Montenegro20150903Poster
39Georges Boulon, Guillaume Alombert-Goget, Yannick Guyot, Malgorzata Guzik,Jan Pejchal, Akira Yoshikawa, Akihiko Ito, Takashi GotoASSIGNMENT OF Nd3+/Yb3+ ENERGY LEVELS IN THE C2 AND C3i CENTERS OF Lu2O3 SESQUIOXIDE CERAMICS/CRYSTALThe 4TH International Conference on the Physics of Optical Materials and Devices (ICOM2015)2015/8/30-9/4Budva, Montenegro20150831Oral
40M. Nikl, K. Kamada, S. Kurosawa, J. Pejchal, V. Jary, A. YoshikawaBand gap and defect engineering strategies in the Ce and Pr-doped complex oxide scintillators optimization9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2015)2015/09/20-25Tartu, Estonia20150922Oral
41K. Kamada, V. V. Kochurikhin, M. Nikl, S. Okumura, S. Yamamoto, J. Y. Yeom, Y Shouji, S. Kurosawa, J. Pejchal, Yuui Yokota, Y. Ohashi, ○A. YoshikawaGrowth and scintillation properties of alkali metal ions co-doped Ce:Gd3Ga3Al2O129th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2015)2015/09/20-25Tartu, Estonia20150922Oral
42A. Yoshikawa, M. Nikl, K. Kamada, S. Kurosawa, Y. Yokota, R. Murakami, T. Ito, Y. Ohashi, J. Pejchal, R. KralMaterial design, crystal chemistry and crystal growth of high performance scintillators; GAGG, La-GPS, Eu:SrI29th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2015)2015/09/20-25Tartu, Estonia20150922Oral
43S. Kurosawa, T. Shishido, A. Yamaji, R. Murakami, T. Horiai, T. Sugawara, A. Nomura, K. Yubuta, Y. Shoji, Y. Yokota, J. Pejchal, Y. Ohashi, K. Kamada, A. YoshikawaDevelopment of Cr-doped oxide crystals for red and near infra-red emission scintillators by the Floating Zone method9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2015)2015/09/20-25Tartu, Estonia20150923Oral
44H. Chiba, S. Kurosawa, R. Murakami, A.Yamaji, Y. Ohashi, J. Pejchal, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, A. YoshikawaLuminescent properties of co-doping to SrHfO3 prepared by the spark plasma sintering method9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2015)2015/09/20-25Tartu, Estonia20150923Oral
45T. Ito, Y. Yokota, S. Kurosawa, R. Kral, K. Kamada, J. Pejchal, Y. Ohashi, A. YoshikawaEffects of Pr doping on scintillation properties for CeBr3 crystals9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2015)2015/09/20-25Tartu, Estonia20150923Oral
46W. R. Chewpraditkul, N. Pattanaboonmee, W. Chewpraditkul, K. Kamada, A. Yoshikawa, M. NiklComparison of Gd2YAl2Ga3O12:Ce and Lu2YAl2Ga3O12:Ce single crystals for
gamma-ray detection
9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2015)2015/09/20-25Tartu, Estonia20150922Poster
47T. Horiai, S. Kurosawa, R. Murakami, A. Yamaji, Y. Shoji, Y. Ohashi, J. Pejchal, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, A. YoshikawaLuminescent properties of Ce-doped lutetium pyrosilicate scintillators9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2015)2015/09/20-25Tartu, Estonia20150922Poster
48T. Ito, Y. Yokota, S. Kurosawa, R. Kral, K. Kamada, J. Pejchal, Y. Ohashi, A. YoshikawaThe effects on the non-proportionality response by co-doping alkali metal ions for
Eu:SrI2 crystals grown by micro-pulling-down method
9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2015)2015/09/20-25Tartu, Estonia20150922Poster
49K. Kamada, V. V. Kochurikhin, A. Nagura, S. Kurosawa, J. Pejchal, Y. Yokota, Y. Ohashi, A. YoshikawaSingle crystal growth of Ce doped Ce:Gd3(Sc, Al)5O12 by Czochralski method and their scintillation properties9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2015)2015/09/20-25Tartu, Estonia20150922Poster
50S. Kurosawa, T. Shishido, R. Murakami, T. Horiai, T. Sugawara, A. Nomura, K. Yubuta, Y. Shoji, Y. Yokota, J. Pejchal, Y. Ohashi, K. Kamada, A. YoshikawaLuminescent properties of Ce and Sc-admix GPS Scintillator9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2015)2015/09/20-25Tartu, Estonia20150922Poster
51R. Murakami, S. Kurosawa, Y. Shoji, V. Jary, Y. Ohashi, J. Pejchal, Y. Yokota, K. Kamada,
M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
Scintillation Properties of Co-doped (La, Gd)2Si2O7 Crystal Grown by the Czochralski Method9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2015)2015/09/20-25Tartu, Estonia20150922Poster
52O. Sakthong,W. Chewpraditkul, T. Szczesniak, M. Moszynski, A. Yoshikawa, K. Kamada, M. NiklComparative studies of Gd3Al2.6Ga2.4O12:Ce and Gd3Al2Ga3O12:Ce single crystal scintillators for gamma-ray detection9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2015)2015/09/20-25Tartu, Estonia20150922Poster
53C. Tanaka, Y. Yokota, S. Kurosawa, A. Yamaji, V. Jary, V. Babin, J. Pejchal, Y. Ohashi, K. Kamada, M. Nikl, A. YoshikawaGrowth and scintillation properties of Sn-doped LiF and LiCaAlF6 neutron scintillation
9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2015)2015/09/20-25Tartu, Estonia20150922Poster
54S. Kurosawa, Y. Shoji, R. Murakami, T. Horiai, K. Kamada, J. Pejchal, Y. Ohashi,
A. Yoshikawa
Ce-concentration dependence of scintillation characteristics for Ce-doped (Gd,
La)2Si2O7 doped grown by the Czochralski process
9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2015)2015/09/20-25Tartu, Estonia20150923Poster
55S. Kurosawa, K. Harata, H. Chiba, K. Kamada, J. Pejchal, Y. Ohashi, A. YoshikawaOptical properties of large-size ceramic scintillators including hafnium prepared
by the spark plasma sintering process
9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2015)2015/09/20-25Tartu, Estonia20150923Poster
56Kei Kamada, Kosuke Hishinuma, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akihiro Yamaji, Yasuhiro Shoji, Jan Pejchal, Yuui Yokota, Yuji Ohashi, and Akira YoshikawaGrowth and scintillation properties of Europoium doped eutectic scintillator4th International Conference on RARE EARTH MATERIALS (REMAT)2015/10/26-28Wroclaw, Poland.20151027Poster
57Shunsuke Kurosawa, Kei Kamada, Yasuhiro Shoji, Akihiro Yamaji, Rikito Murakami, Takahiko Horiai, Hiroyuki Chiba, Yuji Ohashi, Yuui Yokota, Akira YoshikawaTemperature depdence of opitcal propetirs of rare earth doped LaF34th International Conference on RARE EARTH MATERIALS (REMAT)2015/10/26-28Wroclaw, Poland.20151027Poster
58Yuji Ohashi, Yuui Yokota, Tetsuo Kudo, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Kei Kamada, Akira YoshikawaMeasurements of Acoustical Physical Constants for Ca3Nb(Ga0.75Al0.253Si2O14 Single Crystal Using the Ultrasonic Microspectroscopy System2015 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS)2015/10/21-24Taipei, Taiwan20151222poster
59Ryosuke Kaneko, Michio Kadota, Yuji Ohashi, Jun-ichi Kushibiki, Shinsuke Ikeuchi, Shuji TanakaEvaluation of Acoustic Properties of CaTiO3-(K,Na)NbO3 Film Using Microfabricated Structure2015 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS)2015/10/21-24Taipei, Taiwan20151023oral
60Y. Shoji, S. Kurosawa, K. Kamda, R. Murakami, H. Yamaguchi, J. Pejchal, Y. Ohashi, Y. Yokota, A. YoshikawaLuminescence Properties of M/Ce Co-Doped GAGG Scintillator Grown by the Micro-Pulling-Down Method (M=Hf,Zr)2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015)2015/11/1-11/7SanDiego,CA,USA20151103poster
61Y. shoji, S. Kurosawa, T. Shishido, T. Sugawara, A. Nomura, K. Yubuta, R. Murakami, T. Horiai, J. Pejcal, Y, Ohashi, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, A. YoshikawaLuminescent Properties of Rare Earth Doped La-GPS Crystals Grown by the Floating Zone Method2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015)2015/11/1-11/7SanDiego,CA,USA20151103poster
62S. Kurosawa, K. Harata, H. Chiba, J. Pejachal, Y. Ohashi, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, A. YoshikawaLuminscent Properties of Hafnate Transparent Ceramics Prepared by the SPS Method2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015)2015/11/1-11/7SanDiego,CA,USA20151103poster
63S. Kurosawa, R. Murakami, A. Yamaji, T. Horiai, H. Chiba, H. Yamaguchi, Y. Shoji, J. Pejchal, Y. Ohashi, Y. Yokota, K. Kamada, A. YoshikawaRadiation Hardness of Ce:GAGG and Ce:La-GPS Irradiated with Proton Beam2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015)2015/11/1-11/7SanDiego,CA,USA20151103poster
64S. Kurosawa, Y. Shoji, R. Murakami, T. Horiai, Y. Ohashi, J. Pejchal, Y. Yokota, K. Kamada, A. YoshikawaScintillation Properties of 2-inch Ce:(La,Gd)2Si2O7 Crystals Grown by the Czochralski Process2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015)2015/11/1-11/7SanDiego,CA,USA20151103poster
65A. Yoshikawa, S. Kurosawa, A. Yamaji, A. Suzuki, Y. Yokota, K. KamadaDevelopment of Yb-Doped Oxide Scintillators for Infla-Red Application2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015)2015/11/1-11/7SanDiego,CA,USA20151103poster
66A. Yoshikawa, T. Ito, T. Tokota, S. Kurosawa, Y. Ohashi, K. KamadaScintillation Properties of Pr Doped CeBr3 Crystals2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015)2015/11/1-11/7SanDiego,CA,USA20151103poster
67Y. Shoji, Y. Yokota, S. Kurosawa, S. Hayasaka, I. Chiba, V. I. Chani, V. Kochurikhin, T. Ito, J. Pejchal, Y. Ohashi, K. Kamada, A. YoshikawaScintillation Properties of Large-Size Eu-Doped SrI2 Single Crystals and Its Application2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015)2015/11/1-11/7SanDiego,CA,USA20151103poster
68S. Kurosawa, A. Yamaji, T. Shishido, A. Suzuki, T. Sugawara, A. Nomura, K. Yubuta, J. Pejchal, Y. Yokota, K. Kamada, V. Kochurikhin, A. YoshikawaScintillation Properties of Cr-Doped Oxide Crystal in the Infra-Red Region2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015)2015/11/1-11/7SanDiego,CA,USA20151103poster
69R. Murakami, S.  Kurosawa, Y. Shoji, M. Kitaura, Y. Ohashi, J. Pejchal, K. Kamada, A. Ohnishi, A. YoshikawaScintillation Properties of Ce:(La,Gd)2Si2O7 Single Crystals Co-Doped by Divalent-Ions and Grown by the Czochralski Process2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015)2015/11/1-11/7SanDiego,CA,USA20151103poster
70Y. Yokota, S. Kurosawa, Y. Ohashi, K. Kamada, A. YoshikawaGrowth and Scintillation Proerties of Sr3NbGa3Si2O14 and Sr3TaGa3Si2O14 Single Crystals2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015)2015/11/1-11/7SanDiego,CA,USA20151103poster
71K. Kamada, Y. Shoji, V. Kochurikhin, A. Nagura, S. Okumura, S. Yamamoto, J. Y. Yeom, S. Kurosawa, J. Pejchal, Y. Yokota, Y. Ohashi, M. Nikl, A. YoshikawaCzochralski Growth and Scintillation Properties of 3 Inch Size Mg2+ Co-Doped Ce:Gd3Ga3Al2O12 Single Crystal2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015)2015/11/1-11/7SanDiego,CA,USA20151103poster
72K. Kamada, K. Hishinuma, S. Kurosawa, A. Yamaji, Y. Yokota, Y. Ohashi, A. YoshikawaGrowth and Scintillation Properties of Phase-Separated Scintillator Fibers Using Ternary Fluoride Eutectic Phase2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015)2015/11/1-11/7SanDiego,CA,USA20151103poster
73K. Kamada, V. Kochurikhin, A. Nagura, S. Kurosawa, Y. Yokota, A. YoshikawaGrowth and Scintillation Properties of Ce Doped Gd3(Sc,Al)5O12 Single Crystal2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015)2015/11/1-11/7SanDiego,CA,USA20151103poster
74Y. Yokota, T. Ito, S. Kurosawa, R. Kral, Y. Ohashi, K. Kamada, A. YoshikawaCrystal Growth and Scintillation Properties of Pr Doped SrI2 Single Crystals2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015)2015/11/1-11/7SanDiego,CA,USA20151103poster
75V. Sanchez-Tembleque, L. M. Fraile, V. Vedia, M. Carmona, K. Kamada, Y. Shoji, A. Yoshikawa, (*)J. M. UdiasEvaluation of New Inorganic Scintillators for High Performance ToF PET Applications2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015)2015/11/1-11/7SanDiego,CA,USA20151106oral
76Y. Qi, G.Bizzozero, P. Ihnat, M. Petasecca, M. Lerch, S. Meikle, K. Kamada, Y. Shoji, A. Yoshikawa, A. RosenfeldA Handheld Gamma Imaging Probe for Intraoperative Use in Radio-Guided Cancer Surgery2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015)2015/11/1-11/7SanDiego,CA,USA20151105oral
77A. Yoshikawa, K. Kamada, S. Kurosawa, Y. Yokota, Y. OhashiGrowth and Scintillation Properties of Ce Doped Gd2Si2O7/SiO2 Eutectic as Phase Separated Scintillators for High Resolution Imaging2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015)2015/11/1-11/7SanDiego,CA,USA20151102poster
78Y. Yokota, Z. Zeng, Y. Ohashi, S. Kurosawa, K. Kamada, Y. Kawazoe, A. YoshikawaImprovement of Dopant Distribution on the Ce:Y3Al5O12 Single Crystals Grown by Micro-Pulling down Methodthe 8th International Workshop on Modeling in Crystal Growth (IWMCG-8)2015/11/15-18Spa, Belgium20161116Poster
79Akira Yoshikawa, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuji Ohashi, Yasuhiro Shoji, Shoki Hayasaka, Hisakazu Nagato, Akihiro Yamaji, Tetsuo Kudo, Tomoki Ito, Rikito Murakami, Aya Nagura, Chieko Tanaka, Hiroyuki Chiba, Takahiko Horiai, Hiroaki YamaguchiOver view of novel scintillation materials and its applications -FY2015-The 10th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation. Monitoring (IWIRM10)2015/12/5-6Oarai, Japan20151205poster /
mini oral
80A. Yoshikawa, K. Kamada, S. Kurosawa, Y. Yokota, Y. OhashiGrowth and Scintillation Properties of Ce Doped Gd2Si2O7/SiO2 Eutectic as Phase Separated Scintillators for High Resolution ImagingIEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015)2015/11/1-11/7SanDiego,CA,USA20151103oral
81Shunsuke Kurosawa, Rikito Murakami, Akihiro Yamaji, Yasuhiro Shoji, Jan Pejchal, Yuji Ohashi, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Akira YoshikawaRadiation Hardness of Ce:(La, Gd)2Si2O7 Scintillatorthe First International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses (ISRD2016)2016/01/18-21Tsukuba, Japana20160120oral
82T. Horiai, S. Kurosawa, R. Murakami, A. Yamaji, Y. Shoji, Y. Ohashi, J. Pejchal, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota and A. YoshikawaTemperature dependence of luminescence properties for gadolinium-pyrosilicate scintillatorthe First International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses (ISRD2016)2016/01/18-21Tsukuba, Japana20160119poster
83Chieko Tanaka, Yuui Yokota, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Jan Pejchal, Rikito Murakami, Takahiko Horiai, Hiroyuki Chiba, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada and Akira YoshikawaCrystal growth and basic scintillation properties of Yb:LuF3 single crystalthe First International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses (ISRD2016)2016/01/18-21Tsukuba, Japana20160119poster
84Yuui Yokota, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Akira YoshikawaOptical and Scintillation Properties of Pr doped SrI2 Single Crystals Grown by Modified Micro-Pulling-Down MethodThe 10th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation. Monitoring (IWIRM10)2015/12/5-6Oarai, Japan20151205poster /
mini oral
85Kei Kamada, Kosuke Hishinuma, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akihiro Yamaji, Yasuhiro Shoji, Yuji Ohashi, Yuui Yokota, and Akira YoshikawaGrowth and Luminescence Properties of Ce Doped LaCl3/CaCl2
Eutectic Scintillator
The 10th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation. Monitoring (IWIRM10)2015/12/5-6Oarai, Japan20151205poster /
mini oral
86R. Murakami, S. Kurosawa, Y. Shoji, V. Jary, Y. Ohashi, J. Pejchal, Y. Yokota, K. Kamada, M. Nikl, A. YoshikawaLuminescent study on Zr Co-doped
(La, Gd)2Si2O7 Crystal Grown by the Czochralski Method
The 10th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation. Monitoring (IWIRM10)2015/12/5-6Oarai, Japan20151205poster /
mini oral
87H.Chiba, S.Kurosawa, R.Murakami, A.Yamaji, Y.Ohashi, Jan.Pejachal, K.Kamada, Y.Yokota, A. YoshikawaCo-doping Effect of Ce:SrHfO3 Transparent Ceramics on Optical and Luminescent PropertiesThe 10th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation. Monitoring (IWIRM10)2015/12/5-6Oarai, Japan20151205poster /
mini oral
88T. Horiai, S. Kurosawa, R. Murakami, A. Yamaji, Y. Shoji, Y. Ohashi, J. Pejchal, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota and A. YoshikawaLuminescence study on Ce-doped lutetium pyrosilicate crystalsThe 10th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation. Monitoring (IWIRM10)2015/12/5-6Oarai, Japan20151205poster /
mini oral
89Hiroaki Yamaguchi, Kei Kamada, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Jan Pejchal, Yasuhiro Shoji, Yuui Yokota, Yuji Ohashi, Akira YoshikawaCo-doping effects on luminescence and scintillation properties of Ce doped (Lu,Gd)3(Ga,Al)5O12 crystals grown by the micro-pulling-down methodThe 10th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation. Monitoring (IWIRM10)2015/12/5-6Oarai, Japan20151205poster /
mini oral
90C. Tanaka, Y. Yokota, S, Kurosawa, A. Yamaji, V. Jary, V. Babin, J. Pejchal, Y. Ohashi. K. Kamada, M. Nikl, A. YoshikawaGrowth and Scintillation properties of Sn or Pb doped LiCaAlF6 single crystals for neutron scintillatorThe 10th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation. Monitoring (IWIRM10)2015/12/5-6Oarai, Japan20151205poster /
mini oral
91S. Kurosawa, A. Yamaji, R. Murakami, Y. Shoji, Y. Ohashi,  Y. Yokota, K. Kamada, A. YoshikawaDevelopment of an Imaging Detector with Red/infrared ScintillatorThe 10th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation. Monitoring (IWIRM10)2015/12/5-6Oarai, Japan20151206poster /
mini oral
92T.Kudo, Y.Yokota, Y.Ohashi, Y.Shoji, K.Kamada, A.Medovedev, V.Kochurikhin, S.Kurosawa, A.YoshikawaCrystal Growth and piezoelectric properties of Ca3Ta(Ga1-xAlx)3Si2O14 single crystalsThe Collaborative Conference on Crystal Growth (3CG 2015)2015/12/14-17Hong Kong20151215Oral
93S. Kurosawa, Y. Shoji, R. Murakami, T. Horiai, A. Yamaji, H. Chiba,  Y. Ohashi, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, A. YoshikawaDevelopment of a Position-Sensitive Gamma-ray Camera Using Novel Scintillator and an MPPCThe 14th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation (VCI2016)2015/12/15-19Vienna, Austria20151205poster
94Akira Yoshikawa, Kei Kamada, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuui Yokota, Yuji Ohashi, Yasuhiro Shoji, Valery I. Chani, Vladimir V. Kochurikhin,
Martin Nikl,
Design of Novel Scintillator Crystals And Their Crystal Growth TechnologiesThe 7TH International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM7)2016/2/29-3/4Lyon, France20160229Oral (invited)
95Shingo Ono, Masaki Tanemura, Kentaro Fukuda, Suyama Toshihisa,
Takayuki Yanagida, Akira Yoshikawa
Vacuum Ultraviolet Light Source and Photodetector Based on FuloridesThe 7TH International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM7)2016/2/29-3/4Lyon, France20160229Oral (invited)
96Yuui Yokota, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada,
Akira Yoshikawa
Growth And Scintillation Properties of Halide Scintillator Single Crystals Growth by Modified Micro-Pulling-Down MethodThe 7TH International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM7)2016/2/29-3/4Lyon, France20160301Oral (invited)
97Hiroaki Yamaguchi, Kei Kamada, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Jan Pejchal, Yasuhiro Shoji, Yuui Yokota, Yuji Ohashi, Akira YoshikawaCo-Doping Effects on Luminescence And Scintillation Properties of Ce Doped Lu3(Ga,Al)5O12 ScintillatorThe 7TH International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM7)2016/2/29-3/4Lyon, France20160301Oral
98Kei Kamada, Yasuhiro Shoji , Vladimir V. Kochurikhin Aya Nagura, Satoshi Okumura, Seiichi. Yamamoto, Jung Yeol Yeom, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Jan Pejchal, Yuui Yokota,Yuji Ohashi, Martin Nikl, Akira YoshikawaLarge Size Czochralski Growth and Scintillation Properties of Li+ Co-Doped Ce:Gd3Ga3Al2O12 Single CrystalsThe 7TH International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM7)2016/2/29-3/4Lyon, France20160301Oral
99Kei Kamada, Yasuhiro Shoji ,  Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuui Yokota,Yuji Ohashi, Akira YoshikawaGrowth and Scintillation Properties of Eu Doped LiSrI3/LiI Eutectic ScintillatorThe 7TH International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM7)2016/2/29-3/4Lyon, France20160301Poster
100Rikito Murakami, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yasuhiro Shoji, Jan Pejchal, Yuji Ohashi,  Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Akira YoshikawaCrystal growth and luminescence properties of Tb,Ce co-doped (Gd,La)2Si2O7The 7TH International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM7)2016/2/29-3/4Lyon, France20160302Poster
101Takahiko Horiai, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Rikito Murakami, Akihiro Yamaji, Yasuhiro Shoji, Yuji Ohashi, Jan Pejchal, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Akira YoshikawaTemperature-dependence of Ce-doped (La0.4, Gd0.6)2Si2O7 scintillatorsThe 7TH International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM7)2016/2/29-3/4Lyon, France20160302Poster
102Chieko Tanaka, Yuui Yokota, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akihiro Yamaji, Vitezslav Jary, Vladimir Babin, Jan Pejchal,Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Martin Nikl, Akira YoshikawaCrystal Growth, Optical and Scintillation Properties of In Doped LiCaAlF6 Single Crystals For Neutron ScintillatorThe 7TH International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM7)2016/2/29-3/4Lyon, France20160302Poster
103Shunsuke Kurosawa, Rikito Murakami, Takahiko Horiai, Hiroyuki Chiba, Akihiro Yamaji, Yasuhiro Shoji, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Akira YoshikawaEvaluation of Electron Damage for Ce:La-GPS ScintillatorThe 7TH International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM7)2016/2/29-3/4Lyon, France20160302Poster
104Martin NiklBand Gap and Defect Engineering Strategies in the Complex Oxide Scintillators Optimization: The Differences For Ce and Pr-DopingThe 7TH International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM7)2016/2/29-3/4Lyon, France20160304Oral (invited)
105Shunsuke Kurosawa, Koichi Harata, Hiroaki Chiba, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Akira YoshikawaLuminescent Study on Rare Earth Doped Hafnium Based Transparent Ceramics Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering MethodThe 7TH International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM7)2016/2/29-3/4Lyon, France20160304Oral (invited)


1吉川 彰, Pejchal Jan,  ○黒澤 俊介,  山路 晃広真空紫外域に発光する新規発光結晶の開発 (2014)レーザー研シンポジウム2015-平成26年度共同研究成果報告会-2015/04/08-09大阪大学レーザー研20150409poster
2横田 有為、 ○黒澤 俊介、鎌田 圭、Pejchal Jan可視・紫外域での酸化物発光材料のエネルギー輸送に関する研究レーザー研シンポジウム2015-平成26年度共同研究成果報告会-2015/04/08-09大阪大学レーザー研20150409poster
3横田有為, 工藤哲男, 大橋雄二, Andrey Medvedev, 黒澤俊介, 鎌田圭, 吉川彰Ca3B(Ga1-xAlx)3Si2O14 [B = Nb,Ta]のバルク単結晶育成とその特性評価第32回 強誘電体応用会議(FMA32)2015/05/20-23コープイン京都20150520oral
4黒澤俊介Ce添加(Gd, La)2Si2O7 ガドリニウムベースのシンチレータ開発とその発光特性山形大学セミナー  20150731oral
6田中智恵子、横田有為、黒澤俊介、山路晃大、Vitezslav Jary、Vladimir Babin、Jan Pejchal、大橋雄二、鎌田圭、Martin Nikl、吉川彰Sn添加LiCaAlF6中性子シンチレータ単結晶の結晶育成とシンチレーション特性評価76th,応用物理学会秋季学術講演会2015/09/13-16名古屋国際会議場20150914oral
7伊藤友樹、横田有為、黒澤俊介、鎌田圭、Pejchal Jan、大橋雄二、吉川彰CeBr3シンチレータ単結晶におけるLu置換効果76th,応用物理学会秋季学術講演会2015/09/13-16名古屋国際会議場20150914oral
12鎌田圭、庄子育宏、奥村聡、山本誠一、Yeom Jung Yeol, Kochurikhin Vladimir V.、黒澤俊介、横田有為、大橋雄二、吉川彰アルカリ金属共添加Ce:Gd3Ga3Al2O12シンチレータの作製とシンチレーション特性評価76th,応用物理学会秋季学術講演会2015/09/13-16名古屋国際会議場20150915oral
14山口大聡、鎌田圭、黒澤俊介、庄子育宏、横田有為、Jan Pejchal、大橋雄二、吉川彰Ce添加(Lu,Gd)3(Ga,Al)5O12シンチレータにおける発光およびシンチレータ特性に及ぼす共添加効果76th,応用物理学会秋季学術講演会2015/09/13-16名古屋国際会議場20150915oral
17知場啓志、黒澤俊介、原田晃一、村上力輝斗、山路晃広、大橋雄二、横田有為、吉川彰、Jan Pejchal、鎌田圭SPS 法により作製した共添加Ce:SrHfO3 透光性セラミックスの光学特日本セラミックス協会 第28回秋季シンポジウム2015/09/16-18富山大学(五福キャンパス)20150916oral
18村上力輝斗、黒澤俊介、庄子育宏、大橋雄二、横田有為、鎌田圭、吉川彰、Jan Pejchal遷移金属添加(La,Gd)2Si2O7 焼結体の発光特性日本セラミックス協会 第28回秋季シンポジウム2015/09/16-18富山大学(五福キャンパス)20150916oral
19堀合毅彦、黒澤俊介、村上力輝斗、山路晃広、庄子育宏、大橋雄二、鎌田圭、横田有為、吉川彰、Jan PejchalCe 賦活パイロシリケート型結晶の発光特性日本セラミックス協会 第28回秋季シンポジウム2015/09/16-18富山大学(五福キャンパス)20150916oral
20黒澤俊介、原田晃一、知場啓志、村上力輝斗、堀合毅彦、山路晃広、Jan Pejchal、大橋雄二、鎌田圭、横田有為、吉川彰SPS 法によるシンチレータ材料の開発 IV(日本セラミックス協会 第28回秋季シンポジウム2015/09/16-18富山大学(五福キャンパス)20150916oral
21横田有為、大橋雄二、工藤哲男、Andrey Medvedev、黒澤俊介、鎌田圭、吉川彰、庄子育宏、井上憲司、小野寺晃ランガサイト型圧電結晶のこれまでの開発と今後の展開日本セラミックス協会 第28回秋季シンポジウム2015/09/16-18富山大学(五福キャンパス)20150916oral(招待講演)
22古村翔太郎, 谷森達, 窪秀利, 高田淳史, Parker Joseph, 水村好貴, 水本哲矢, 園田真也, 友野大, 中村輝石, 松岡佳大, 中村祥吾, 岸本哲朗, 小田真, 竹村泰斗, 宮本奨平, 身内賢太朗, 澤野達哉, 黒澤俊介SMILE24:電子飛跡検出型コンプトンカメラが持つ偏光撮像性能の評価試験日本物理学会 2015年秋季大会2015/09/25-28大阪市大20150925oral
23宮本奨平, 谷森達, 窪秀利, 高田淳史, Parker Joseph, 水村好貴, 水本哲矢, 園田真也, 友野大, 岩城智, 中村輝石, 松岡佳大, 古村翔太郎, 中村祥吾, 岸本哲郎, 小田真, 竹村泰斗, 身内賢太朗A, 澤野達哉, 黒澤俊介SMILE25:電子飛跡検出型コンプトンカメラ(ETCC)の電子飛跡解析方法改善によるイメージングの改善日本物理学会 2015年秋季大会2015/09/25-28大阪市大20150925oral
24高田淳史, 谷森達, 窪秀利, Parker Joseph, 水村好貴, 水本哲矢, 園田真也, 友野大, 岩城智, 中村輝石, 松岡佳大, 古村翔太郎, 中村祥吾, 岸本哲郎, 小田真, 竹村泰斗, 宮本奨平, 身内賢太朗, 澤野達哉, 黒澤俊介SMILE26:ETCCの散乱平面決定精度の効果と到達予想感度日本物理学会 2015年秋季大会2015/09/25-28大阪市大20150925oral
25黒澤俊介、関谷洋之、村上力輝斗、庄子育宏、大橋雄二、鎌田圭、横田有為、吉川彰方向感度をもつ暗黒物質検出器の開発をめざした異方性を有するシンチレータ開発の検討日本物理学会 2015年秋季大会2015/09/25-28大阪市大20150928oral
26鎌田圭、庄子育宏、名倉亜耶、奥村聡、山本誠一、Jung Yeol Yeom、Vladimir V. Kochurikhin、黒澤俊介、横田有為、大橋雄二、吉川彰Mg共添加Ce:Gd3(Al,Ga)5O12シンチレータの大型化とシンチレーション特性評価第45回結晶成長国内会議(NCCG-45)2015/10/19-21北海道大学学術交流会館20151020oral
31田中智恵子、横田有為、黒澤俊介、山路晃広、Vitezslav Jary、Vladimir Babin、Jan Pejchal、大橋雄二、鎌田圭、Martin Nikl
32北原 正典, 大橋 雄二, 横田 有為, 井上 憲司, 工藤 哲男, 鎌田 圭, 黒澤 俊介, 吉川 彰ランガサイト型圧電単結晶のマイクロ引き下げ法による育成および評価The 36th Symposium on UltraSonic Electronics (USE2015)2015/11/05-07Tsukuba, Japan20151106poster
33大橋 雄二, 工藤 哲男, 横田 有為, 庄子育宏, 黒澤 俊介, 鎌田 圭, 吉川 彰Ca3Ta(Ga1-xAlx)3Si2O14単結晶の音響特性におけるAl置換量依存性The 36th Symposium on UltraSonic Electronics (USE2015)2015/11/05-07Tsukuba, Japan20151106poster
34高田淳史, 谷森達, 窪秀利, 水本哲矢, 水村好貴, 古村翔太郎, 岸本哲朗, 竹村泰斗, 宮本奨平, 中増勇真, 吉川慶, 黒澤俊介, 澤野達哉長時間気球によるMeVガンマ線天文学の開拓大気球シンポジウム2015/11/05-06JAXA/ ISAS20151106oral
37横田 有為、 黒澤 俊介、鎌田 圭、伊藤 友樹、大橋 雄二、吉川 彰、庄子 育宏ハロゲン化物シンチレータ単結晶の作製技術開発第10回日本フラックス成長研究発表会2015/12/11信州大学20151211oral
38伊藤 友樹、横田 有為、黒澤 俊介、鎌田 圭、Pejchal Jan、Rober Kral、大橋 雄二、鎌田 圭、吉川 彰マイクロ引き下げ法を用いたCeBr3単結晶の作製とPr添加効果第10回日本フラックス成長研究発表会2015/12/11信州大学20151211poster
39堀合 毅彦、黒澤 俊介、村上 力輝斗、大橋 雄二、鎌田 圭、横田有為、吉川 彰無添加Yb2Si2O7シンチレータの近赤外発光特性第10回日本フラックス成長研究発表会2015/12/11信州大学20151211poster
40宍戸 統悦、湯蓋 邦夫、森 孝雄、田中 雅彦、岡田 繁、山崎 貴、野村 明子、菅原 孝昌、佐原 亮二、林 好一、澤田 豊、手嶋 勝弥、大石 修治、川添 良幸、吉川 彰ペロブスカイト型化合物RRh3B(R= 希土類元素)の合成、単結晶育成および評価第10回日本フラックス成長研究発表会2015/12/11信州大学20151211poster
41宍戸 統悦、湯蓋 邦夫、森 孝雄、田中 雅彦、岡田 繁、野村 明子、菅原 孝昌、吉川 彰ペロブスカイト型固溶体RRh3B1-xCx(R= 希土類元素, 0≦x≦1)の合成と評価第10回日本フラックス成長研究発表会2015/12/11信州大学20151211poster
42黒澤俊介高エネルギー物理学実験に向けた新規結晶の開発の四方山話  東北大学
43堀合毅彦、 黒澤俊介, 村上力輝斗, 山路晃広, 庄子育宏, 大橋雄二, Pejchal Jan, 鎌田 圭, 横田有為, 吉川 彰Lu2Si2O7シンチレータ結晶のYb置換効果とその発光特性第26回光物性研究会2015/12/11-12神戸大学20151212Poster/mini oral
44黒澤俊介, 横田有為, 庄子育宏, 長門久和, 早坂将輝, 大橋雄二, 鎌田 圭, 吉川彰ヨウ化ストロンチウムシンチレータ結晶の大型化と発光特性第26回光物性研究会2015/12/11-12神戸大学20151212Poster/mini oral
45村上力輝斗, 黒澤俊介, 庄子育宏, 横田有為, Jan Pejchal, 大橋雄二, 鎌田 圭, 吉川 彰2価陽イオン共添加Ce:(Gd, La)2Si2O7単結晶の シンチレーション特性第26回光物性研究会2015/12/11-12神戸大学20151212Poster/mini oral
46Kei Kamada, Kosuke Hishinuma, Yasuhiro Shoji, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akihiro Yamaji, Yuui Yokota,Yuji Ohashi, Akira YoshikawaGrowth and luminescence propertirs of Ce doped LaCl3/CaCl2 eutectic scintillator第26回光物性研究会2015/12/11-12神戸大学20151212Poster/mini oral
47黒澤俊介、原田晃一、知場啓志、村上力輝斗、堀合毅彦、山路晃宏、Pejchal Jan、大橋雄二、鎌田圭、横田有為、吉川彰SPS法によるシンチレータ材料の開発 V日本セラミックス協会 2016 年年会2016/03/14-16早稲田大学 西早稲田キャンパス20160315oral
48安居伸浩、大橋良太、鎌田 圭、吉川 彰、田透相分離構造を有する超高解像度シンチレータ第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会2015/03/19-22東工大 大岡山キャンパス20160319oral
49大橋良太、安居伸浩、鎌田圭、吉川彰、田透超高解像度相分離シンチレータを用いた位相格子の自己像直接撮像によるX線位相イメージング第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会2015/03/19-22東工大 大岡山キャンパス20160319oral
50横田有為、ZengZhong、大橋雄二、黒澤俊介、鎌田圭,、川添良幸、吉川彰マイクロ引き下げ法で作製したCe:Y3Al5O12単結晶における面内Ce偏析の改善第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会2015/03/19-22東工大 大岡山キャンパス20160319oral
51大橋雄二、横田 有為、工藤 哲男、庄子 育宏、鎌田 圭,、黒澤 俊介、吉川 彰直線集束ビーム超音波材料解析システムを用いたX-cutランガサイト型単結晶の方位決定の実験的検討第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会2015/03/19-22東工大 大岡山キャンパス20160319oral
52工藤哲男、○横田有為、大橋雄二、庄子育宏,、鎌田圭、黒澤俊介、吉川彰Ca3Ta(Ga1-xAlx)3Si2O14(x=0,0.25,0.5,0.75)圧電単結晶における音響特性のAl置換量依存性第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会2015/03/19-22東工大 大岡山キャンパス20160319oral
53都留由紀子、前畑京介、木佐優太、鎌田圭、庄子育宏、吉川彰77 KにおけるGAGG結晶のγ線に対するシンチレーション応答測定第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会2015/03/19-22東工大 大岡山キャンパス20160321oral
54山口大聡、鎌田圭、庄子育宏、黒澤俊介、横田有為、大橋雄二、吉川彰Mg共添加Ce:Lu3(Ga,Al)5O12シンチレータの作製とシンチレーション特性評価第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会2015/03/19-22東工大 大岡山キャンパス20160321oral
55田中智恵子、横田有為、黒澤俊介、山路晃広、大橋雄二、鎌田圭、吉川彰Na共添加Eu:LiCaAlF6中性子シンチレータ単結晶における蛍光およびシンチレーション特性のNa濃度依存性第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会2015/03/19-22東工大 大岡山キャンパス20160319oral
56伊藤友樹、横田有為、黒澤俊介、KralRobert、鎌田圭、JanPejchal、大橋雄二、吉川彰アルカリ金属元素を共添加したEu:SrI2結晶におけるシンチレーション特性第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会2015/03/19-22東工大 大岡山キャンパス20160321oral
57山路晃広、黒澤俊介、村上力輝斗、大橋雄二、鎌田圭、横田有為、吉川彰ガーネット型酸化物シンチレータ結晶の作製と近赤外発光特性評価第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会2015/03/19-22東工大 大岡山キャンパス20160319oral
58堀合毅彦、黒澤俊介、村上力輝斗、山路晃広、庄子育宏、大橋雄二、鎌田圭、横田有為、吉川彰Ce賦活(Gd, La)2Si2O7シンチレータの温度特性第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会2015/03/19-22東工大 大岡山キャンパス20160321oral
59黒澤俊介、庄子育宏、酒井昭宏、横田有為、早坂将輝、長門和久、太田朗生、柳田由香、大橋雄二、鎌田圭、竹内宣博、吉川彰2インチ径Eu添加SrI2単結晶のシンチレーション特性評価とその応用第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会2015/03/19-22東工大 大岡山キャンパス20160319oral
60庄子育宏、黒澤俊介、横田有為、早坂将輝、長門和久、鎌田圭、酒井昭宏、太田朗生、柳田由香、大橋雄二、竹内宣博、吉川彰2インチ径SrI2(Eu)単結晶の育成と特性評価第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会2015/03/19-22東工大 大岡山キャンパス20160319oral
61鎌田圭、山口大聡、安居伸浩、大橋良太、田透、黒澤俊介、庄子育宏、横田有為、大橋雄二、吉川彰dAlO3/Al2O3共晶体の大面積化第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会2015/03/19-22東工大 大岡山キャンパス20160319oral
62水村好貴, 谷森達, 高田淳史, 岸本哲朗, 古村翔太郎, 宮本奨平, 水本哲矢, 中増勇真, 園田真也, 竹村泰斗, 吉川慶, 窪秀利, 黒澤俊介, 身内賢太朗, 澤野達哉, 松岡佳大, 中村輝石, Parker Joseph, 友野大核ガンマ線全天撮像分光で探るIa型超新星の起源日本物理学会
2015/03/19-22東北学院大学 泉キャンパス20160319oral
63黒澤俊介, 関谷洋之, 村上力輝斗, 堀合毅彦, 庄子育宏, 大橋雄二, 鎌田圭, 横田有為, 吉川彰方向感度をもつ暗黒物質検出器の開発をめざした異方性を有するシンチレータ開発の検討II日本物理学会
2015/03/19-22東北学院大学 泉キャンパス20160321oral
64越川亜美, 川畑貴裕, 古野達也, 津村美保, 村田求基, 森本貴博, 黒澤俊介, 山路晃宏, 村上力輝斗, 堀合毅彦, 知場啓志GAGGを用いた荷電粒子検出器の性能評価日本物理学会
2015/03/19-22東北学院大学 泉キャンパス20160321oral
65岸本哲朗, 古村翔太郎, 高田淳史, 水村好貴, 窪秀利, 松岡佳大, 宮本奨平, 水本哲矢, 中増勇真, 中村輝石, Parker Joseph, 園田真也, 竹村泰斗, 谷森達, 友野大, 吉川慶, 黒澤俊介, 身内賢太朗, 澤野達哉SMILE27:電子飛跡検出型コンプトンカメラ(ETCC)の偏光観測性能の入射角依存性日本物理学会
2015/03/19-22東北学院大学 泉キャンパス20160321oral
66吉川慶, 高田淳史, 水本哲矢, 岸本哲朗, 古村翔太郎, 窪秀利, 松岡佳大, 宮本奨平, 水村好貴, 中増勇真, 中村輝石, Parker Joseph, 園田真也, 竹村泰斗, 谷森達, 友野大, 黒澤俊介, 身内賢太朗, 澤野達哉SMILE28:電子飛跡検出型コンプトンカメラにおけるデッドタイム削減ための新トリガー開発日本物理学会
2015/03/19-22東北学院大学 泉キャンパス20160321oral
67中増勇真, 高田淳史, 岸本哲朗, 古村翔太郎, 窪秀利, 松岡佳大, 宮本奨平, 水本哲矢, 水村好貴, 中村輝石, Parker Joseph, 園田真也, 竹村泰斗, 谷森達, 友野大, 吉川慶, 黒澤俊介, 身内賢太朗, 澤野達哉, 鎌田圭, 庄子育宏, 吉川彰SMILE29:電子飛跡検出型コンプトンカメラの角度分解能向上に向けたシンチレーションカメラの開発日本物理学会
2015/03/19-22東北学院大学 泉キャンパス20160321oral
68谷森達, 高田淳史, 岸本哲朗, 古村翔太郎, 窪秀利, 松岡佳大, 宮本奨平, 水本哲矢, 水村好貴, 中村輝石, 中増勇真, Parker Joseph, 園田真也, 竹村泰斗, 友野大, 吉川慶, 黒澤俊介, 身内賢太朗, 澤野達哉SMILE30:ETCCによる長時間気球観測によって可能になる宇宙イメージング核分光観測日本物理学会
2015/03/19-22東北学院大学 泉キャンパス20160321oral

