What's Yoshikawa Lab.
Welcome to our web site ! We study crystalline scintillators and we apply these scintillators to various fields such as nuclear medicine, high energy physics, astro physics, searching natural resources, and homeland security.
- 2009/3/30-4/2
Dr. Nara and Ms. Saitou retired.
- 2009/3/30-4/2
Associate prof. Yoshikawa, Dr. Yanagida, Dr. Yokota, Dr. Jan, Mr. Fujimoto and Mr. Fukabori attended JSAP.
- 2009/3/23
Associate prof. Yoshikawa, Dr. Yanagida and Dr. Yokota attended retirement memorial lecture of Dr. Murayama(NIRS).
- 2009/3/18-19
Associate prof. Yoshikawa and Ms. Kimura attended the meeting of Laser lab in Osaka univ.
- 2009/3/17
Boream drunk alcohol to drive a car!!
- 2009/3/16-17
Associate prof. Yoshikawa, Dr. Yanagida, Dr. Yokota, Mr. Uemura, Ms. Kimura, Ms. Kamata attended the forth TDK idea exchange.
- 2009/3/13-15
Associate prof. Yoshikawa attended JSAP161 meeting.
- 2009/3/12
Dr.Yanagida attended the conferment ceremony of Yazaki Science & Engineering
- 2009/3/7-8
We went on the ski trip!
- 2009/3/6
Associate prof. Yoshikawa and Dr. Yanagida and Dr.Yokota got the German Innovation Award Gottfried Wagener prize 2009!!
- 2009/3/2
We had the meeting with Mitsubishi Corporation, Tokuyama, Furuya Metal Co., Ltd., KOIKE CO., LTD., and NIHON KESSHO KOGAKU CO., LTD.
- 2009/3/2
Dr.Nikl, the director Institute of Physics in Czech Republic and Dr.Kochurikhin, the director General Physics Institute in Russia are staying.
- 2009/3/2
Mr. Uemura joined to our group as counselor for Engineering Affairs!!
- 2009/2/26
Dr.Yanagida get a adoption of H21 Sasagawa Science and Technology Grant.
- 2009/2/25-26
CHIYODA TECHNOL CORPORATION. came to our group for collaborative experiment.
- 2009/2/24
Associate prof. Yoshikawa presented in accomplishment report of Grant-in-Aid for Science Research from Ministry of Health.
- 2009/2/23
We had the meeting with TDK.
- 2009/2/19
Associate prof. Yoshikawa and Dr. Yanagida and Mr. Kawaguchi had the meeting at Hitachi, Ltd.
- 2009/2/18
We had the meeting with CHIYODA TECHNOL CORPORATION.
- 2009/2/17
We had the meeting with Prof. Sarukura (Osaka Univ).
- 2009/2/10
Dr. Mariya departed for U.S.A.Best wishes from all of your friends at Yoshikawa G for continued success in new ground.
- 2009/2/9
Dr.Yanagida get a adoption of H21 Yazaki Science & Engineering Foundation!
- 2009/2/9
Introduction of our group was broadcasted in "New century of Touhoku univ. " (KHB)
- 2009/2/6
- 2009/2/6
The article about Pr:LuAG which was developed at our lboratory appear in The Chemical Daily Japan.
- 2009/2/5
Farewell party for Mariya at Kiraku-tei was helded.
- 2009/1/27
Mitsubishi corporation and Technology Alliance Investment, Ltd visited our laboratory.
- 2009/1/26
Associate prof. Yoshikawa and Dr. Yanagida had the meeting at Kyoto University.
- 2009/1/19
Associate prof. Yoshikawa and Dr. Yanagida had the meeting with Prof. Takahashi (Tokyo Univ.) and Prof. Sarukura (Osaka Univ).
- 2009/1/19
Associate prof. Yoshikawa, Dr. Yanagida, Dr. Yokota, Dr. Kamata, Mr. Fujimoto and Mr. Fukabori attended the PET research meeting.
- 2009/1/15
We had the meeting with TDK.
- 2009/1/15
We had the meeting with Tokuyama.
- 2009/1/13
We had the meeting with SUMITOMO METAL MINING CO., LTD.
- 2009/1/8
Associate prof. Yoshikawa had television coverage. This program will be broad on 9th Feb.
- 2009/1/6
Cannon visited our labratory.
- 2008/12/24
The postdctroal fellow wanted.
- 2008/12/22
Year-end party was helded.
- 2008/12/19
Associate prof. Yoshikawa attened the 161 meeting.
- 2008/12/18
Tokuyama meeting was helded.
- 2008/12/16-22
The new instrument "SEM-EDX" was set up.
- 2008/12/12
Photo luminescence spectrometer was repaired.
- 2008/12/11
Mr. Kawaguchi, Mr. Fujimoto, Mr. Abe(student) and Mr Fukabori(student) make presentations at the 8th sumposium at IMRAM.
- 2008/12/11
Dr.Yokota got the Hatano research prize !!
- 2008/12/5-12/13
Associate prof. Yoshikawa visited to Universite Claude Bernard Lyon1, French, and discuss about further research collaboration.
- 2008/12/1-12/4
Associate prof. Yoshikawa visited to French to attend the meeting.
- 2008/11/25
Associate prof. Yoshikawa visited to Nagoya University.
- 2008/11/20-24
Associate prof. Yoshikawa visited to Lyon, French.
- 2008/11/21
Dr. Yokota got the 69th JSAP award !! Congratulation !!!
- 2008/11/19
Associate prof. Yoshikawa, Dr. Yanagida and Dr. Fukuda attened to the hearing of PLAZA Miyagi.
- 2008/11/4-6
Associate prof. Yoshikawa, Dr. Yokota, Dr. Nara, Mr. Fujimoto and Mr. Kawaguchi attened to NCGC-38 at Sendai city.
- 2008/10/23-11/10
Prof. Georges Boulon (Chair of PCML, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon1) visited our Lab.
- 2008/10/18
Associate prof. Yoshikawa, Dr. Yanagida, Dr. Yokota, Mr. Kawaguchi and Dr. Sato visited to Delft Tecnological University.
- 2008/10/16-29
Mr. Abe (student) visted to Institute of Physics in Czech Republic
and carried out his experiment.
- 2008/10/16-29
Associate prof. Yoshikawa, and Dr. Yanagida, and Dr. Yokota and Mr. Fukuda, Mr. Kawaguchi, Dr. Zhuravleva and Dr. Sato (research fellow) attend IEEE2008 at Doresden.
- 2008/10/10
The repair of the optical transmittance spectrometer was completed !
- 2008/10/7
The new furnace for halid was equiped. The research of a chloride, a bromide, and an iodide fluorescent will be avairable soon !!!
- 2008/10/3
Autumn party "Imo-ni" was helded
- 2008/10/2
Mr. Fukabori entered to Tohoku Univresity and joined to our lab !!
- 2008/9/29
PEM meeting were helded at IMRAM.
- 2008/9/19-22
Associate prof. Yoshikawa and Dr.Yanagida attened the annal conference for the Physical Society of Japan.
- 2008/
Prof. Saito and Dr. Yanagida (Research assistant prof.) showed our potential at MEXT the hearing.
- 2008/9/12
The research works of Associate prof. Yoshikawa were elected as the best 30 works of NEDO project for young scientist !!!
- 2008/9/8-9
The 3rd joint meeting with TDK company were heled.
- 2008/9/1-5
Associate prof. Yoshikawa, Dr. Yanagida, Dr. Yokota, Dr. Kamata, Mr. Kawaguchi and Dr. Ogino attened to JSAP 2008.
- 2008/8/19-8/24
Dr. Ogino (research fellow) visited to our lab and have a experiments for Japanese conference the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP).
- 2008/8/14
Mr. Lombard back to French.
- 2008/8/5
Farewell party for Prof. Boulon and Mr Lombard, and welcome party for Mr Fujimoto were held at Japanese restaurant.
- 2008/8/2-3
Summer trip to Ginzan-hot spring.
- 2008/8/1
Mr. Fujimoto was welcomed to join for our lab as a new member !
- 2008/7/24
Associate prof. Yoshikawa, Dr. Yanagida, Dr. Nara, Mr. Fukuda (from Tokuyama co.) and Mr. Kawaguchi (from Tokuyama co.) visited to J-PARC.
- 2008/7/21-8/10
Prof. Georges Boulon (Chair of PCML, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon1) visited our Lab.
- 2008/7/17
Associate prof. Yoshikawa, Dr. Yanagida and Dr. Kamata attened the presentation ceremony for METI Minister Award.
- 2008/7/15
Ms. Zhuravleva succeeded to make her presentation on doctral examination of Tohoku University.
- 2008/7/6-7/12
Associate prof. Yoshikawa, Ms. Zhuravleva and Dr. Pechajl attened to ICL08.
- 2008/6/30-7/14
Associate prof. Yoshikawa are in business trip to French.
- 2008/6/23
Dr. Kim leaved our lab, and back to Korea to start new his job (LG).
- 2008/6/14
Iwate-Miyagi inland earthquake occurred.
- 2008/6/13-22
Prof Yoshikawa visited to French (Ecole Plutechnique), and disscuss about research collaboration.
- 2008/6/11
Associate prof. Yoshikawa, Dr. Yanagida and Dr. Kamada got METI (Ministry of Economiy, Trade and Industry) Minister Award. !!!
- 2008/5/26
Welcome party for Dr.Nara, Dr. Pejchal,Mr. Lombard and Mr. Konno (student from Sugiyama lab) was helded.
- 2008/5/26
Mr. Lombard (student from Ecole Polytechnique, Frencch ) got 161award at CCGT4.
- 2008/5/21-24
Dr. Kim, Pejchal (JSPS reseach fellow), Ms. Zhuravleva (student), Mr. Lombard (student from Ecole Polytechnique, French) presented in CCT4.
- 2008/5/5-8
Prof. Dorenbos (Delft University of Technology) visited to Yoshikawa group.
- 2008/4/25
The welcome party was held at Yoshikawa group.
- 2008/4/16
The cherry blossom party of our group was held in the courtyard of Katahira campus.
- 2008/4/14
The cherry blossom party joint with Saitou Lab. was held in the courtyard of Scientific Measurements Building.
- 2008/4/10-11
Associate prof. Yoshikawa, Dr. Yanagida, Dr. Yokota (Research assistant prof.), Mr. Fukuda and Mr. Kawaguchi (Researcher) visited cosmic ray research institute in the University of Tokyo at Kamioka for joint research.
- 2008/4/8
Grant-in-Aid for Science Research of Basic Study (PL: Associate prof. Yoshikawa) was adopted.
- 2008/4/8
Guidance of this fiscal year (H20) has been held.
- 2008/4/4
Adoption of Grant-in-Aid for Science Research from Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (200 million \ / three years, PL: Associate prof. Yoshikawa) was decided informally.
- 2008/4/1
Start of the new fiscal year. New members also joined. Office also increases.
Web Page administrator KUROSAWA, Shunsuke (kurosawa atmark imr.tohoku.ac.jp)