チームXの紹介(What's Team X?)




鴨長明の方丈記にある「ゆく河の流れは絶えずして...」、つまり 川の名前という概念が残り続けるが、常に代謝があり中身は流転しているように、科学という概念とその発展には、適切な「川の流れ」の存在が摂理だと思うのです(私見です^^)。




年度 教授 (Prof.) 准教授
(Associate Prof.)
(Research Associate)
研究員 (Researcher)
(Ph. D Student)
(Master Course)
M論、D論、卒論 題目
2011         黒澤
2012     黒澤(6月-)(I)
  山路晃広(I) 鈴木彬(I)、関真冬(I)    
2013     黒澤(I,N)       山路晃広
鈴木彬(I)、関真冬(I)   (M論)関 真冬: Ce添加Gd3(Al,Ga)5O12シンチレータ結晶のアニールおよび元素置換効果
(M論)鈴木 彬: Cr添加ガーネット型酸化物単結晶シンチレータの作製とその特性評価
2014     黒澤(I,N)       山路晃広
2015   黒澤(10月-)(N) 黒澤(I,N)       山路晃広(I) 村上力輝斗(I)
  (M論)村上力輝斗: 希土類賦活(Gd,La)2Si2O7シンチレータ単結晶の育成および発光特性
(D論)山路晃広:近赤外領域発光ガーネット型酸化物シンチレータ結晶の作製と光学特性評価 (Crystal growth and Optical Properties of Garnet-type Oxide Scintillation  Crystals with Infrared Emission)
2016   黒澤(N) 山路晃広(I)
  (M論)知場啓志:SrHfO3透光性セラミックスシンチレータの合成 -共添加効果および熱条件最適化-
2017   黒澤(N) 山路晃広(I)
塚原美紗(Y) (M論)小玉翔平:ハフニウムを母材とするハロゲン化物シンチレータの単結晶育成及び特性評価 (Growth and luminescent properties of Hf-based halide single-crystalline scintillators)
2018   黒澤(N) 山路晃広(I)
大和慎之介(I) 阿部まりな(Y) (卒論)阿部まりな:暗黒物質探索用タングステン酸塩結晶の発光の方向依存性研究
2019   黒澤(N) 山路晃広(I)     工藤真紀(N)
2020 上中サチ(ね)
黒澤(N,I) 山路晃広
倉嶋佑太朗(I)   (M論) 倉嶋佑太朗:高融点透明結晶合成のためのCore Heating法の開発と酸化物への応用
(Development of core heating method for synthesis of transparent crystals with high melting point and the application to oxide)
(D論)小玉翔平:Explore of fast-decay scintillators in the red-regionusing hexahalogeno-hafnate complex and development of remote dose monitoring system
2021 上中サチ(ね)
黒澤(N,I) 山路晃広
石澤 倫(I) 工藤真紀(N)
2022 上中サチ(ね) 黒澤(N,I,O) 山路晃広
  石澤 倫(I) 工藤真紀(N)
2023 上中サチ(ね)
黒澤(N,I) 山路晃広
浦野雄介(I) 松倉大佑(I)    
凡例: (I)東北大学金属材料研究所(IMR)所属、(N)東北大学未来科学技術共同研究センター(NICHe)所属、(Y)山形大学理学部所属、(C)C&A所属、(O)大阪大学レーザー科学研究所所属、(ね)東北大学 未来猫共同研究センター(NyaCHe)所属、東北大学生は工学研究科にも所属

上中サチ(=^・・^=)教授のお部屋へ 石川あずき(=^・・^=)教授のお部屋へ


氏名 代表/分担 助成母体 事業名 研究期間 課題名
2013 山路晃広 代表 独立行政法人
特別研究員(DC2) /特別研究員奨励費 2013年度
2015 村上力輝斗 代表 公益財団法人
研究者育成 2015年度
2016 山路晃広 代表 独立行政法人
科学研究費助成事業 研究活動スタート支援 2016年度
2017 山路晃広 分担 独立行政法人
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B) 2017年度
2017 堀合毅彦 代表 独立行政法人
特別研究員(DC1) /特別研究員奨励費 / 2017年度
2017 堀合毅彦 代表 公益財団法人
研究者育成 2017年度
2017 堀合毅彦 代表 独立行政法人
人材育成事業 若手研究者海外挑戦プログラム 2017年度 パイロシリケート型シンチレータ単結晶の温度特性改善メカニズムの解明
2017 堀合毅彦 代表 東北大学 金属材料研究所 ICC-IMR若手海外派遣 2017年度 Crystal growth and temperature dependence of light output of Ce-doped (Gd, La, Y)2Si2O7 single crystals
2017 堀合毅彦 代表 一般財団法人
海外派遣援助事業 2017年度  
2017 小玉翔平 代表 公益財団法人 中部電気利用基礎研究振興財団 平成28年度国際交流援助(海外渡航費援助) 2017年度  
2017 小玉翔平 代表 一般財団法人 丸文財団 国際交流助成 2017年度  
2017 小玉翔平 代表 公益財団法人 
研究者海外派遣援助 2017年度 Growth and luminescent properties of Cs2HfI6-based single crystal scintillator
2018 小玉翔平 代表 独立行政法人
特別研究員(DC1) /特別研究員奨励費 / 2018年度
2018 小玉翔平 代表 東北大学 金属材料研究所 東北大学金属材料研究所研究教育助成基金「はばたき」 2018年度 新規ハフニウム含有ハロゲン化物シンチレータの発光起源の解明
2018 山路晃広 代表 独立行政法人
科学研究費助成事業 若手研究 2018年度
2020 山路晃広 代表 独立行政法人
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B) 2020年度
2022 石澤倫 代表 独立行政法人
若手研究 2022年度
2022 石澤倫 代表 公益財団法人 中部電気利用基礎研究振興財団 令和4年度(前期)海外派遣援助 2022年度  
2022 石澤倫 代表 一般財団法人
海外派遣援助事業 2022年度  
2023 浦野雄介 代表 東北大学 東北大学高等大学院博士後期課程学生挑戦的研究支援プロジェクト/博士学生フェローシップ 2022年度 宇宙暗黒物質探索のための新規ハロゲン化物シンチレータの探索および宇宙暗黒物質方向感度検出器の開発


  著者名 受賞名 題目 日付(yyyymmdd)
1 堀合 毅彦, 黒澤 俊介, 庄子 育宏, 山路 晃広, 大橋 雄二, 鎌田 圭, 横田 有為, 吉川 彰 第11回日本フラックス成長研究会 日本フラックス成長研究会優秀発表賞 Ce賦活Lu2Si2O7シンチレータ結晶のGd置換効果およびその発光特性 20161209
2 小玉 翔平, 黒澤 俊介, 山路 晃広, 大橋 雄二, 横田 有為, 鎌田 圭, M. Nikl, 吉川 彰 第31回 研究会「放射線検出器とその応用」 研究会奨励賞 希土類元素添加Cs2HfCl6単結晶シンチレータの育成と発光特性評価 20170124
3 山路 晃広 第42回(2017年春季)応用物理学会講演奨励賞 近赤外領域発光シンチレータ結晶の作製と発光特性評価 20170905
4 塚原 美紗,黒澤 俊介,関谷 洋之,山路 晃広,北浦 守,大西 彰 SMART2017 優秀ポスター発表賞 暗黒物質探索を目指した ZnWO4結晶の光学的性質の研究 20171112
5 Shohei Kodama, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akihiro Yamaji, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa the 2nd International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses (ISRD2018) ?poster award Scintillation properties of Cs2HfCl6 and Gd:Cs2HfCl6 scintillators with an MPPC 20180125
6 小玉翔平、黒澤俊介、吉野将生、山路晃広、大橋雄二、鎌田圭、横田有為、Martin Nikl、吉川彰 第43回日本セラミックス協会 「クリスタルサイエンス」特定セッション 優秀発表賞 ハフニウム含有ハロゲン化物Cs2HfX6(X=Cl, Br, I)シンチレータの開発と特性評価 2018905
7 Shohei Kodama, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Maki Ohno, Ai Makabe, Yuki Morishita, Hiroshi Usami, Masateru Hayashi, Hiroki Tanaka, Vladimir Kochurikhin, Akihiro Yamaji, Masao Yoshino, Hiroki Sato, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa SCINT2019 Young Scientist awards, Silver Prize Development of the Fiber-reading Scintillation Detector under Ultra-high Dose Rate 20191007
8 倉嶋 佑太朗、黒澤俊介、村上力輝斗、山路晃広、鎌田圭、吉野将生、豊田智史、佐藤浩樹、横田有為、大橋雄二、吉川彰 SMART2019 ポスター賞 超高融点材料探索のための新たな結晶育成法 20191118
9 小玉翔平 新学術領域「複合アニオン化合物の創製と新機能」若手スクール 最優秀ポスター賞 Hfを母材とする新規複ハロゲン化物シンチレータの材料探索と特性評価 20200116
10 倉嶋佑太朗、黒澤俊介、村上力輝斗、山路晃広、鎌田圭、吉野将生、豊田智史、佐藤浩樹、横田有為、大橋雄二、吉川彰 研究会「放射線検出器とその応用」(第34回)研究会奨励賞 高融点シンチレータ材料探索のためのアーク炉を用いた新たな結晶育成法 20200117
11 堀合毅彦、黒澤俊介、庄子育宏、吉野将生、山路晃広、豊田智史、佐藤浩樹、大橋雄二、鎌田圭、横田有為、吉川彰 日本結晶成長学会新技術・新材料分科会第1回研究会 優秀ポスター賞 Ce添加複合希土類パイロシリケート単結晶の結晶構造と発光特性の関係 20200221
12 小玉 翔平、黒澤 俊介、森下 祐樹、宇佐美 博士、鳥居 建男、林 真照、東 哲史、笹野 理、牧田 泰介、田中 浩基、花田 貴、山路 晃広、吉野 将生、豊田 智史、佐藤 浩樹、大橋 雄二、鎌田 圭、横田 有為、吉川 彰 応用物理学会放射線分科会 2020年秋季 放射線分科会学生優秀講演賞 リモートガンマ線量モニタの実現を目指した新規赤色発光ヨウ化物シンチレータの開発と放射線応答特性 20210106
13 藤原千隼、黒澤俊介、山路晃広 次世代放射線シンポジウム2022 原発廃炉に向けたリモート・リアルタイム中性子・ガンマ線両モニタ用の赤色発光Li2Hf(I,Br)6シンチレータの特性 20220819
14 藤原 千隼、黒澤 俊介、山路 晃広、大橋 雄二、横田有為、佐藤 宏樹、豊田 智史、吉野 将生、村上 力輝斗、堀合 毅彦、花田 貴、鎌田 圭、吉川 彰 日本セラミックス協会. 第35回秋季シンポジウム 新規Li2Hf(Br, I)6中性子シンチレータの結晶構造と発光特性 20220915
15 松倉大佑、黒澤俊介、山路晃広、大橋雄二、横田有為、鎌田圭、佐藤浩樹、豊田智史、吉野将生、花田貴、村上力輝斗、堀合毅彦、吉川彰 第16回日本フラックス成長研究発表会 優秀発表賞 超高線量放射線モニタリングシステム用赤色発光ガーネット型単結晶の育成とその発光特性 20221215
16 松倉大佑、黒澤俊介、山路晃広、大橋雄二、横田有為、鎌田圭、佐藤浩樹、豊田智史、吉野将生、花田貴、村上力輝斗、堀合毅彦、吉川彰、 田中浩基 、高田卓志
Scintillator for Medical, Astroparticle and environmental Radiation Technologies (SMART2022) 優秀ポスター賞 廃炉作業用モニタに用いる赤色発光シンチレータの開発 20221219


作成中。しばらくお待ちください_ _)。。。

国際学会発表(International Conference Presentations)

  Author Title Conf. Period Place date Oral/
1 Akihiro Yamaji, Vladimir V Kochurikhin, Yutaka Fujimoto, Takayuki Yanagida, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa Optical Properties and Radiation Response of Ce3+-doped GdScO3 Crystals ICOOPMA12 20120603 - 20120607 Nara,
20120604 Poster
2 Akira Suzuki, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Jan Pejchal, Vladimir Babin, Akihiro Yamaji, Mafuyu Seki, Yoshisuke Futami, Yuui Yokota, Kunio Yubuta, Toetsu Shishido, Masae Kikuchi, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa Scintillation Properties of Ce-doped Gd3Al2Ga3O12 Crystal Grown by Floating Zone Method ICOOPMA12 20120603 - 20120607 Nara,
20120604 Poster
3 Mafuyu Seki, Vladimir V. Kochurikhin, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akira Suzuki, Akihiro Yamaji, Yutaka Fujimoto, Shingo Wakahara, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa Optical and Scintillation Properties of Y3Al5O12 Crystals Doped with Rare Earth ICOOPMA12 20120603 - 20120607 Nara,
20120604 Poster
4 Akihiro Yamaji, Yuui Yokota, Yutaka Fujimot, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akira Yoshikawa Crystal Growth and Scintillation Properties of Ce : Li(Ca,Sr)AlF6 ICOOPMA12 20120603 - 20120607 Nara,
20120606 Poster
5 A. Yamaji, H. Ogino, Y. Fujimoto, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, S. Kurosawa, A. Yoshikawa Scintillation Properties of Er-doped Y3Al5O12 single crystals LUMDETR 2012 20120910 - 20120915 Halle (Saale), Germany 20120911 Poster
6 M. Seki, S. Kurosawa, A. Suzuki, A. Yamaji, Y. Fujimoto, S. Wakahara, Y. Futami, Y. Yokota, K. Yubuta, T. Shishido, M. Kikuchi, A. Yoshikawa Temperature Dependence of Ce-Doped Gd3(Al,Ga)5O12 Scintillators on the Light Output IEEE/NSS 20121029 - 20121103 Anaheim, CA, USA 20121029 Poster
7 Mafuyu Seki, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Toetsu Shishido, Jan Pejchal, Yuui Yokota and Akira Yoshikawa Scintillation property of a Ce-doped Gd3Al3Ga2O12 Crystal Grown by the Floating Zone Method The 8th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation Monitoring (IWIRM8) 20121201 - 20121202 Oarai,
20121202 Poster
8 Akira Suzuki, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Toetsu Shishido, Jan Pejchal, Yuui Yokota, Yoshisuke Futami, Akira Yoshikawa Performance of Novel Oxide Scintillator Ce:(La,Gd)2Si2O7 with a high energy resolution The Vienna Conference on Instrumentation (VCI 2013) 20130211 - 20130215 Vienna,
20130213 Oral
9 Akihiro Yamaji, Vladimir V. Kochurikhin, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akira Suzuki, Yutaka Fujimoto, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa Luminescence properties of Cr:Gd3Ga5O12 single crystals SCINT2013 20130415 - 20130419 Galaxy Hotel, Shanghai, China 20130417 Poster
10 Akihiro ?Yamaji, Akira Suzuki, Yasuhiro Shoji, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa Crystal growth of CaYAlO4 single crystals grown by the micro-pulling down method and their luminescent properties ACCGE-19 20130721 - 20130726 Keystone, Colorado, USA 20130723 Poster
11 Akira Suzuki, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akihiro Yamaji, Yasuhiro Shoji, Jan Pejchal, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota and Akira Yoshikawa Luminescent Properties of Cr-doped (GdX, Y1-X)3Al5O12Infra-red Scintillators ISLNOM-6 20131020 - 20131023 Shanghai, China 20131022 Poster
12 Mafuyu Seki, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota and Akira Yoshikawa Optimization of the Anneal Condition for the Ce-doped Gd3(Al,Ga)5O12 Scintillators grown by the Czochralski method 2013 IEEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 20131027 - 20131102 Gangnam, Seoul, Republic of Korea 20131029 Poster
13 Akira Suzuki, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Shinji Nagata, Tomoo Yamamura, Jan Pejchal, Akihiro Yamaji, Yuui Yokota, Kenji Shirasaki, Yoshiya Homma, Dai Aoki, Tatsuo Shikama and Akira Yoshikawa Crystal Growth and Infra-red Scintillation Property of Yb:Gd3Al2Ga3O12 Material 2013 IEEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 20131027 - 20131102 Gangnam, Seoul, Republic of Korea 20131029 Poster
14 Akira Suzuki, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akihiro Yamaji, Yasuhiro Shoji, Jan Pejchal, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota and Akira Yoshikawa Optical and Scintillation Properties of Cr-doped Garnet Infra-red Scintillators The 9th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation Monitoring (IWIRM9) 20131120 - 20131201 Oarai, Japan 20131201 Poster
15 Akihiro Yamaji, Shunsuke Kurosawa,  Testuo Kudo, Jan Pejchal, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Akira Yoshikawa Crystal growth and luminescence properties of  Cr:Gd3Ga5-xAlxO12 crystals for IR scintillator
IWCGT-6 20140615 - 20140619 Berlin, Germany 20140618 Poster
16 Rikito Murakami, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Toetsu Shishido, Akira Suzuki, Yasuhiro Shoji, Yuji Ohashi, Jan Pejchal, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota and Akira Yoshikawa Luminescence Properties of Pr-doped La-GPS Grown by the Floating Zone Method 2014 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2014) 20140908 - 20140911 Tsukuba, Japana 20140911 Oral
17 Rikito Murakami, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yasuhiro Shoji, Yuji Ohashi Luminescence study on Mg Co-doped Ce:La-GPS Crystal Grown by the Czochralski Process The 10th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation Monitoring (IWIRM10) 20150228 - 20150301 Oarai, Japan 20150301 poseter
18 H. Chiba, S. Kurosawa, R. Murakami, A.Yamaji, Y. Ohashi, J. Pejchal, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa Luminescent properties of co-doping to SrHfO3 prepared by the spark plasma sintering method 9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2015) 20150920 - 20150925 Tartu, Estonia 20150923 Oral
19 T. Horiai, S. Kurosawa, R. Murakami, A. Yamaji, Y. Shoji, Y. Ohashi, J. Pejchal, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa Luminescent properties of Ce-doped lutetium pyrosilicate scintillators 9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2015) 20150920 - 20150925 Tartu, Estonia 20150922 Poster
20 R. Murakami, S. Kurosawa, Y. Shoji, V. Jary, Y. Ohashi, J. Pejchal, Y. Yokota, K. Kamada,
M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa
Scintillation Properties of Co-doped (La, Gd)2Si2O7 Crystal Grown by the Czochralski Method 9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2015) 20150920 - 20150925 Tartu, Estonia 20150922 Poster
21 R. Murakami, S.  Kurosawa, Y. Shoji, M. Kitaura, Y. Ohashi, J. Pejchal, K. Kamada, A. Ohnishi, A. Yoshikawa Scintillation Properties of Ce:(La,Gd)2Si2O7 Single Crystals Co-Doped by Divalent-Ions and Grown by the Czochralski Process 2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference together with the Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (IEE NSS/MIC/RTSD 2015) 20151101 - 20151107 SanDiego,CA,USA 20151103 Poster
22 T. Horiai, S. Kurosawa, R. Murakami, A. Yamaji, Y. Shoji, Y. Ohashi, J. Pejchal, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota and A. Yoshikawa Temperature dependence of luminescence properties for gadolinium-pyrosilicate scintillator the First International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses (ISRD2016) 20160118 - 20160121 Tsukuba, Japana 20160119 Poster
23 R. Murakami, S. Kurosawa, Y. Shoji, V. Jary, Y. Ohashi, J. Pejchal, Y. Yokota, K. Kamada, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa Luminescent study on Zr Co-doped
(La, Gd)2Si2O7 Crystal Grown by the Czochralski Method
The 10th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation. Monitoring (IWIRM10) 20151205 - 20151206 Oarai, Japan 20151205 Poster /
mini Oral
24 H.Chiba, S.Kurosawa, R.Murakami, A.Yamaji, Y.Ohashi, Jan.Pejachal, K.Kamada, Y.Yokota, A. Yoshikawa Co-doping Effect of Ce:SrHfO3 Transparent Ceramics on Optical and Luminescent Properties The 10th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation. Monitoring (IWIRM10) 20151205 - 20151206 Oarai, Japan 20151205 Poster /
mini Oral
25 T. Horiai, S. Kurosawa, R. Murakami, A. Yamaji, Y. Shoji, Y. Ohashi, J. Pejchal, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota and A. Yoshikawa Luminescence study on Ce-doped lutetium pyrosilicate crystals The 10th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation. Monitoring (IWIRM10) 20151205 - 20151206 Oarai, Japan 20151205 Poster /
mini Oral
26 Rikito Murakami, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yasuhiro Shoji, Jan Pejchal, Yuji Ohashi,  Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Akira Yoshikawa Crystal growth and luminescence properties of Tb,Ce co-doped (Gd,La)2Si2O7 The 7TH International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM7) 20160229 - 20160304 Lyon, France 20160302 Poster
27 Takahiko Horiai, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Rikito Murakami, Akihiro Yamaji, Yasuhiro Shoji, Yuji Ohashi, Jan Pejchal, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa Temperature-dependence of Ce-doped (La0.4, Gd0.6)2Si2O7 scintillators The 7TH International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM7) 20160229 - 20160304 Lyon, France 20160302 Poster
28 Takahiko Horiai, Rikito Murakami, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yasuhiro Shoji, Akihiro Yamaji, Jan Pejchal, Yuji Ohashi, Mototaka Arakawa, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa The Divalent Codoping Effect of Ce-Doped (Gd, La) 2Si2O7 Single Crystals The 6th International Workshop on Photoluminescence in RARE EARTHS (PRE16) 20160608 - 20160610 Greenville, USA 20160609 Oral
29 Shohei Kodama, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yasuhiro Shoji, Akihiro Yamaji, Yuji Ohashi, Jan Pejchal, Mototaka Arakawa, Kei Kodama, Yuui Yokota, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa Growth Luminescence Properties of Cs2HfCl6 Based Single-Crystals The 6th International Workshop on Photoluminescence in RARE EARTHS (PRE16) 20160608 - 20160610 Greenville, USA 20160610 Oral
30 R. Murakami, S. Kurosawa, Y. Ohashi, Y. Shoji, T. Horiai, Y. Yokota, K. Kamada, A. Yoshikawa
Study on the crystal growth and thermal properties of (Gd,La)2Si2O7 The 18th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-18) 20160807 - 20160812 Nagoya, Nagoya International Exhibition Hall, Japan 20160809 Oral
31 T. Horiai, S. Kurosawa, R. Murakami, A. Yamaji, Y. Shoji, Y. Ohashi, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa Crystal Growth and Optical Properties of Gd Admixed Ce-doepd Lu2Si2O7 Single Crystals The 18th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-18) 20160807 - 20160812 Nagoya, Nagoya International Exhibition Hall, Japan 20160811 Poster
32 Shohei Kodama, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akihiro Yamaji, Yuui Yokota, Jan. Pejchal, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Martin Nikl and Akira Yoshikawa Temperature dependence of luminescence properties for Cs2HfCl6 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2016 20160913 - 20160916 TOKI MESSE (Niigata), Japan 20160913 Oral
33 T. Horiai, S. Kurosawa, A. Yamaji, Y. Shoji, Y. Ohashi, J. Pejchal, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa Temperature dependence and luminescence study on alkali-earth metal codoped Ce-doped pyrosilicate crystals the 12th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation Monitoring (IWIRM12) 20161203 - 20161204 Oarai, Japan 20161203 Poster
34 S. Kodama, S. Kurosawa, A. Yamaji, R. Kral, Y. Ohashi, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa Growth and luminescent properties for Na+-doped Cs2HfCl6 scintillator the 12th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation Monitoring (IWIRM12) 20161203 - 20161204 Oarai, Japan 20161203 Poster
35 H. Chiba, S. Kurosawa, K. Harata, A. Yamaji, Y. Ohashi, Y. Yokota, K. Kamada, A. Yoshikawa Synthesis and scintillation property of Al/Ce Co-doped SrHfO3 Ceramics the 12th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation Monitoring (IWIRM) 20161203 - 20161204 Oarai, Japan 20161203 Poster
36 Shohei Kodama, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Takahiko Horiai, Akihiro Yamaji, Yuui Yokota, Jan Pejchal, Yuji Ohashi, Mototaka Arawaka, Kei Kamada, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa Na concentration dependence of luminescence properties of Na:Cs2HfCl6 scintillator The 10th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics (AMEC-10, 2016) 20161204 - 20161207 Taipei, Taiwan 20161206 Oral
37 Hiroyuki Chiba, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Koichi Harata, Akihiro Yamaji, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Akira Yoshikawa Scintillation and Optical Property of Alkali-Earth Metal Co-Doped SrHfO3 Ceramics The 10th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics (AMEC-10, 2016) 20161204 - 20161207 Taipei, Taiwan 20161206 Poster
38 T. Horiai, S. Kurosawa, R. Murakami, Y. Shoji, J. Pejchal, A. Yamaji, Y. Ohashi, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, T. Ishizu, Y. Ohishi, T. Nakaya and A. Yoshikawa Temperature Dependence of Y, La-Admix Gadolinium Pyrosilicate Scintillator The 10th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics (AMEC-10, 2016) 20161204 - 20161207 Taipei, Taiwan 20161206 Poster
39 Akihiro Yamaji, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuji Ohashi, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Akira Yoshikawa Crystal growth and optical properties of organic crystals for neutron scintillator Conference on Laser Energy Science/Laser and Accelerator Neutron Sources and Applications 2017 (CLES/LANSA'17) 20170418 - 20170421 Yokohama, Japan 20170420 Poster
40 Shohei Kodama, Shunsuke Kurosawa,  Akihiro Yamaji,  Jan Pejchal, Yuji Ohashi,
Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa
Growth and luminescent properties of Rare-Earth doped Cs2HfCl6 scintillators Phosphor Safari and the 6th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials  (PS-IWASOM) 20170709 - 20170714 Gdansk, Poland 20170711 Poster
41 Shinnosuke Yamato, Akihiro Yamaji, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuji Ohahshi, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Akira Yoshikawa Crystal Growth and Optical Properties of Trans-Stilbene-Based Crystals for Neutron Scintillators Phosphor Safari and the 6th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials  (PS-IWASOM) 20170709 - 20170714 Gdansk, Poland 20170711 Poster
42 Shohei Kodama, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akihiro Yamaji, Jan Pejchal, Robert Kral, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa Growth And Luminescenct Properties of Cs2HfI6-Based Single Crystal Scintillators 21st American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ACCGE-21) 20170731 - 20170804 Eldorado Hotel and Spa, Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States 20170731 Oral
43 Takahiko Horiai, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Rikito Murakami,  Yasuhiro Shoji, Jan Pejchal, Akihiro Yamaji, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota,Tomohiro Ishizu, Yasuo Ohishi, Taisuke Nakaya, Akira Yoshikawa Crystal Growth And Temperature Dependence Of Light Output of Ce-Doped (Gd, La, Y)2Si2O7 Single Crystals 21st American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ACCGE-21) 20170731 - 20170804 Eldorado Hotel and Spa, Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States 20170801 Oral
44 Shunsuke Kurosawa, Toetsu Shishido, ◯Takahiko Horiai, Shohei Kodama, Takamasa Sugawara, Kunio Yubuta, Akihiro Yamaji, Yuji Ohashi, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Akira Yoshikawa Crystal Growth and Scintillation Properties of Nd-Doped (Gd, La)2Si2O7 Crystal as Infra-Red Scintillator 21st American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ACCGE-21) 20170731 - 20170804 Eldorado Hotel and Spa, Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States 20170801 Oral (◯ : Proxy)
45 Shunsuke Kurosawa, Toetsu Shishido, Akihiro Yamaji, Takahiko Horiai, ◯Shohei Kodama, Takamasa Sugawara, Akiko Nomura, Kunio Yubuta, Yuji Ohashi, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Akira Yoshikawa, Akimasa Ohnishi, Mamoru Kitaura Growth and Optical Properties of Cr-Doped Beta-Ga2O3 Crystals as Red and Infrared Scintillator by The Floating Zone Method 21st American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ACCGE-21) 20170731 - 20170804 Eldorado Hotel and Spa, Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States 20170801 Oral (◯ : Proxy)
46 Shohei Kodama, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Jan Pejchal, Robert Kral, Akihiro Yamaji, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa Photo- and radio-luminescence properties of Cs2HfCl6 single crystalline scintillator 18th International Conference on Luminescence (ICL2017) 20170827 - 20170901 Joao Pessoa, Brazil 20170828 Poster
47 Takahiko Horiai, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Rikito Murakami, Yasuhiro Shoji, Jan Pejchal, Akihiro Yamaji, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa Luminescent and Scintillation Properties of Ti codoped Ce-doped (Gd,La)2Si2O7 Scintillator 18th International Conference on Luminescence (ICL2017) 20170827 - 20170901 Joao Pessoa, Brazil 20170829 Poster
48 Shohei Kodama, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuki Furuya, Jan Pejchal, Robert Kral, Akihiro Yamaji, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa Luminescent properties of Cesium Hafnium Chloride scintillators doped with alkaline earth metals 14th International conference on Scintillating Materials and their Applications 20170918 - 20170922 Chamonix, France 20170921 Poster
49 Shinnosuke Yamato, Akihiro Yamaji, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuji Ohashi,   
Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa
Crystal Growth and Luminescence of Benzoic acid-based Scintillators
for Neutron Detection
The7th Asian Conference On Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT-7) 20171015 - 20171018 Changchun, China 20171016 Poster
50 Akihiro Yamaji, Shouhei Kodama, Shinnosuke Yamato, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuji Ohashi, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Akira Yoshikawa Crystal Growth of p-terphenyl and its Luminescence Properties for Neutron Detection The7th Asian Conference On Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT-7) 20171015 - 20171018 Changchun, China 20171017 Oral
51 Shohei Kodama, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Akihiro Yamaji, Jan Pejchal, Robert Kral, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa Growth and Luminescent Properties of Na:Cs2hfCl6 Scintillators The7th Asian Conference On Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT-7) 20171015 - 20171018 Changchun, China 20171017 Oral
52 Takahiko Horiai, S. Kurosawa, R. Murakami, Y. Shoji, J. Pejchal, A. Yamaji, Y. Ohashi, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, T. Ishizu, Y. Ohishi, T. Nakaya and A. Yoshikawa Optical and scintillation properties of Ge-codoped Ce-doped (Gd,La)2Si2O7 scintillator 7th International Workshop on PHOTOLUMINESCENCE IN RARE EARTHS : PHOTONIC MATERIALS AND DEVICES (PRE'17) 20171130 - 20171202 Roma, Italy 20171201 Poster
53 Shohei Kodama, Shunsuke Kurosawa,  Akihiro Yamaji, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa Growth and luminescent properties for Pr3+ doped Cs2HfCl6 scintillator the 13th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation Monitoring (IWIRM) 20171202 - 20171203 Oarai, Japan 20171203 Poster
54 Shinnosuke Yamato, Akihiro Yamaji, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuji Ohahshi, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Akira Yoshikawa Scintillation Properties of Benzoic acid-based Crystal Scintillators for Neutron Detection the 13th International Workshop on Ionizing Radiation Monitoring (IWIRM) 20171202 - 20171203 Oarai, Japan 20171203 Poster
55 Akihiro Yamaji, Shinnosuke Yamato, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuji Ohahshi, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Akira Yoshikawa Growth of organic crystals for neutron detection  and their scintillation properties the 2nd International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses (ISRD2018) 20180123 - 20180126 KEK, Tsukuba, Japan 20170126 Oral
56 Shohei Kodama, Shunsuke Kurosawa,  Akihiro Yamaji, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Martin Nikl, Akira Yoshikawa Scintillation properties of Cs2HfCl6 and Gd:Cs2HfCl6 scintillators with an MPPC the 2nd International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses (ISRD2018) 20180123 - 20180126 KEK, Tsukuba, Japan 20170124 Poster
57 Shinnosuke Yamato, Akihiro Yamaji, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Yuji Ohahshi, Yuui Yokota, Kei Kamada, Akira Yoshikawa Characterization of Benzoic Acid-based Solid Scintillators  for a Neutron Detector the 2nd International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses (ISRD2018) 20180123 - 20180126 KEK, Tsukuba, Japan 20170124 Poster
58 Misa Tsukahara (Bachelor Student!), Shunsuke Kurosawa, Hiroyuki Sekiya, Akihiro Yamaji,  Mamoru Kitaura, Akimasa Ohnishi Scintillation Properties of ZnWO4 Crystals for Direct-Sensitive Dark Matter Search the 2nd International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses (ISRD2018) 20180123 - 20180126 KEK, Tsukuba, Japan 20170124 Poster
59 Shohei Kodama, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Jan Pejchal, Robert Kral, Masao Yoshino, Akihiro Yamaji, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Martin Nikl, and Akira Yoshikawa Development of red-orange-emitting halide scintillator for single photon counting 10th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LumDeTr '18) 20180909 - 20180914 Prague, Czech Republic 20180911 Oral
60 Takahiro Horiai, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Rikito Murakami, Yasuhiro Shoji, Jan Pejchal, Masao Yoshino, Akihiro Yamaji, Hiroki Sato, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa Crystal growth and optical properties of a Ce2Si2O7 single crystal 19th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy   (ICCGE-29) 20190728 - 20190802 Keystone Resort and Conference Center, Keysotne, Colorado, USA 20190730 Poster
61 S. Kodama, S. Kurosawa, M. Ohno, A. Yamaji, M. Yoshino, S. Toyoda, H. Sato, Y. Ohashi, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, R. Kral, J. Pejchal, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa Self-Trapped Exciton Luminescence of Anion-Substituted Cesium Hafnium Chloride International Conference on Excited States of Transitions Elements 20190908 - 20190913 Kudowa Zdroj, Poland 20190909 Oral
62 Akihiro Yamaji, Shinnosuke Yamato, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Masao Yoshino, Kei Kamada,, Yuui Yokota, Hiroki Sato,, Yuji Ohashi, Akira Yoshikawa Growth of heterocyclic compounds crystal and its scintillation property for neutron detection 15th International conference on Scintillating Materials and their Applications (SCINT2019) 20190930 - 20191004 Tohoku Univ. (Katahira Campus), Sendai, Japan 20191001 Poster
63 Shohei Kodama, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Maki Ohno, Ai Makabe, Yuki Morishita, Hiroshi Usami, Masateru Hayashi, Hiroki Tanaka, Vladimir Kochurikhin, Akihiro Yamaji, Masao Yoshino, Hiroki Sato, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa Development of the Fiber-reading Scintillation Detector under Ultra-high Dose Rate 15th International conference on Scintillating Materials and their Applications (SCINT2019) 20190930 - 20191004 Tohoku Univ. (Katahira Campus), Sendai, Japan 20191002 Poster
64 Shohei Kodama, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Maki Ohno, Akihiro Yamaji, Masao Yoshino, Hiroki Sato, Yuji Ohashi, Kei Kamada, Yuui Yokota, Akira Yoshikawa Synthesis and optical properties of red-emitting A2MI6 scintillators (A = K, Rb and Cs, M = Zr and Hf) The 13th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies (PACRIM13) 20191028 - 20191101 Okinawa Convention Center, Japan 20191028 Poster
65 Yutaro.Kurashima, Shunsuke Kurosawa, Rikito Murakami, Akihiro Yamaji, Kei Kamada, Masao Yoshino, Satoshi Toyoda, Hiroki Sato, Yuui Yokota, Yuji Ohashi, Akira Yoshikawa Novel material-search method for transparent optical materials with high melting point using electric arc The 13th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies (PACRIM13) 20191028 - 20191101 Okinawa Convention Center, Japan 20191030 Oral

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